Archive for July 2017

Which license would you take with you? The copyright law defaults to author control of copying, modification, and distribution, so others need the author’s permission to copy, modify, or distribute. If you would like others to be free to copy your software and possibly build on it, then you should choose a license. Open source licenses give the permissions needed to

The four waves of augmented reality (that Apple owns) | TechCrunch Augmented/virtual reality is seen as the fourth wave of consumer technology. AR could become much bigger than VR.  AR itself is comsists of four waves: mobile AR software, mobile AR hardware, tethered smartglasses and standalone smartglasses. These four waves could drive AR from tens of millions of users and $1.2 billion last year, to more than a

Raspberry Pi founder Eben Upton talks sales numbers, proudest moments, community projects, and Raspberry Pi 4 [Q&A] | BetaNews “I grew up in a world of UK-designed, often UK-manufactured computers like the BBC Micro, ZX Spectrum and Amstrad CPC, and it’s fantastic to take our place alongside them.” The super-affordable ARM GNU/Linux computer has brought programming back into schools (and beyond) and enjoyed staggering success. It is becoming the most successful British computer

Interactive: The Top Programming Languages 2017 – IEEE Spectrum This web page app ranks the popularity of dozens of programming languages. You can filter them by listing only those most relevant to particular sectors, such as “Web” or “embedded programming.” Rankings are created by weighting and combining 12 metrics from 10 sources.  You can take control to create your own ranking by adjusting each

Turning electricity into food? – News – LUT Did you know that it is possible to transform carbon dioxide and electricity into cattle feed and food for humans? Because it is. Using renewable electricity and carbon dioxide extracted from air, microbes can be used to produce a single cell protein that is over 50% protein and 25% carbohydrates, with the remaining part

Why Hardware Is Hard, But Easier Than Ever – Hackster’s Blog Hardware is hard is so commonly said it has become a cliché. Yeah, you know it’s hard, but why exactly? This article discusses this in detail. Fortunately, there is good news too — developing and launching a new hardware product is easier now than it’s ever been.  Making hardware is hard because developing a hardware product encompasses multiple fields

Chip Hall of Fame: Texas Instruments Digital Micromirror Device – IEEE Spectrum Today movie projectors based on this digital light-processing technology—or DLP, as TI branded it—are used in thousands of theaters. It’s also integral to rear-projection TVs, office projectors, and tiny projectors for cellphones.

Why “Agile” and especially Scrum are terrible | Michael O. Church Agility is a good thing, no doubt, and the Agile Manifestoisn’t unreasonable. Compared to a straw-man practice called “Waterfall”, Agile is notably superior.  This article argues that much of Agile as-practiced is deeply harmful. The writer don’t really think that the Agile/Waterfall dichotomy is useful in the first place. Writer has seen a variety of Agile,