Archive for July 2017

Probing Ethernet cable with an oscilloscope

This article talks about measuring 10 Mbit/s (10Base-T) and 100 Mbit/s (100Base-TX) twisted pair Ethernet signals. Those standards use two wire pairs for the communications and use differential signaling. Differential signaling is a method for electrically transmitting information using two complementary signals. The technique sends the same electrical signal as a differential pair of signals,

Reverse Engineering Hardware of Embedded Devices Nowadays, we are living in a world dominated by embedded systems. Everyone can be spied on through various channels. Routers, IP-cameras, phones, and other embedded devices are affected by security vulnerabilities and are therefore easily hack-able.  This article covers some basic hardware reverse engineering techniques on PCB-level, which are applicable to any electronic embedded

Intel Takes a Step Back In The Internet-of-things A few weeks ago,  Intel has quietly discontinued its three SBC boards, the Joule, Edison and Galileo. These pretty much represented the presence of x86 chips in the IoT market. SBCs are perfect for the IoT space. So, why would Intel kill off its SBC boards? It could be read as an admittance that its IoT strategy has not

How Google Turned Open Source Into A Key Differentiator For Its Cloud Platform Open source software has come of its age. Today it’s impossible to think of a platform company that doesn’t have an open source strategy. Even Microsoft – a company that once compared open source to cancer – has embraced it fully.  Of course, we have companies like CloudBees, Red Hat and Docker that built

How to install PHP 7.x as PHP-FPM & FastCGI for ISPConfig 3.1 with apt on Debian 8 and 9 available now. PHP 7.1 is the next generation of the PHP programming language, it is up to 2 times faster than PHP 5.6 and 14 times faster than PHP 5.0 according to the release notes. The new PHP version is not 100% compatible with PHP 5.x as some deprecated API’s have been removed.

These Four Lifestyle Changes Will Do More To Combat Climate Change Than Anything Else | IFLScience We’ve argued in the past that the most valuable thing you can do for climate advocacy is to vote for politicians that are pro-science and pro-environment. There are plenty of other things you can do too, but as highlighted in the journal Environmental Research Letters, the best courses of action are often rarely reported about. This may

Chip Hall of Fame: Acorn Computers ARM1 Processor – IEEE Spectrum Unsatified with the processors then available on the market, the Acorn engineers decided to make the leap to creating their own 32-bit microprocessor. ARM1 was released in 1985. They called it the Acorn RISC Machine, or ARM. In 1990, Acorn spun off its ARM division, and the ARM architecture went on to become the dominant