WWW dev

A 10-step guide to creating an email client with Webix framework

https://opensource.com/article/17/5/10-step-guide-webix-framework?sc_cid=7016000000127ECAAY Free Webix framework is a JavaScript and HTML5 framework for developing cross-platform, data-rich web applications with responsive user interfaces. The library is fast, lightweight, and easy to learn. Integration with AngularJS, Vue.js, and jQuery may be pretty handy. Based on this article Webix looks interesting.

The GIF Turns 30: How an Ancient Format Changed the Internet | WIRED

https://www.wired.com/2017/05/gif-turns-30-ancient-format-changed-internet/?mbid=social_fb Wilhite finished the first version of the GIF specification on May, 1987.  Compuserve began using the format the next month. This was two years before Sir Tim Berners-Lee announced his World Wide Web project and six years before the Mosiac browser made the web widely accessible. It was the web that made the GIF what it is

Digital Marketing Mistakes

http://www.businessnewsdaily.com/6433-digital-marketing-mistakes-to-avoid.html This article lists 5 mistakes. For this list I can add two common mistakes advertises do quite often: Buy advertisement on web site, get some users to click, but have incorrect URL on advertisement – users do not get forwarded to page you wanted them to go – money is spent on advertisement, no

Web Developer Security Checklist – Simple Security

https://simplesecurity.sensedeep.com/web-developer-security-checklist-f2e4f43c9c56 Developing secure, robust web applications in the cloud is hard, very hard. If you think it is easy, you are either a higher form of life or you have a painful awakening ahead of you. Think twice before you launch your “proto-product”. Acknowledge that you are skipping many of critical security issues. At the very minimum, be honest with

The Many Benefits of HTTP/2 – The Media Temple Blog

http://mediatemple.net/blog/tips/many-benefits-http2/?utm_source=facebook&utm_campaign=blog&utm_medium=paidsocial&utm_term=linkpreview&utm_content=http2 Now there is a budding new alternative to the endless caching and performance supplements. HTTP/2 — a new protocol update for HTTP by IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force).  HTTP/2 is the spiritual successor to HTTP/1 and provides much needed changes in security, speed, and usability. Let’s explore some of the key features and main benefits of implementing

3 open source web design templates | Opensource.com

https://opensource.com/article/17/4/boilerplate-web-design-templates?sc_cid=7016000000127ECAAY Today, few people design their web pages from scratch. Most opt to use a pre-built template design, custom fit for their content management system of choice. Even developers building complex web applications came to rely on templating libraries to put together the majority of their application. But what if you want to build a