
All about electronics and circuit design

Aftermath: Telecom 2012

I wrote in the beginning of the year 2012 a blog article Telecom trends for 2012 that tried to predict trends for year 2012. Now when year 2013 has started here is my aftermath how well my article predicted last year. So here are my comments on how well the predictions went. I use symbol

Aftermath: Computer technologies 2012

This is aftermath how well the predictions in my Computer technologies for 2012 went. The following predictions were right: ARM processor becomes more and more popular during year 2012. The rivalry between ARM and Intel in this arena is predictably intense Windows 8 Release Expected in 2012 article says that Windows 8 will be with

Electronics in cold weather

Yesterday the temperatures were at -28 degrees Celsius in southern Finland. That’s really cold. This is so cold that is starts to cause problems in all sorts of devices. I had problems in starting my car. The battery felt weak. I planned to measure the voltage in it with a multimeter I have in my

Data center backbone design

Cells vs. packets: What’s best in the cloud computing data center? article from few years back tells that resource constrained data centers cannot waste anything on their way to efficiency. One important piece on this is right communications technology between different parts of data center. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, proprietary switch fabrics

Funny LED video

Show agency presents Funny Led video is a Funny LED video to start 2013. Two LED displays and two actors is all you need to be astonished. In the second half of the video actors do some rather cool things with LEDs—especially the piano, trumpets and x-ray.

ESR meters

One way to test electrolytic capacitors is to measure their capacitance. It does not tell the whole story of capacitor condition. Another usually more useful way to measure electrolytic capacitor condition is to use an ESR meter. EEVblog #365 – ESR Meter Bad Cap Monitor Repair video gives you tips how to use ESR meter

Adding output capability to a 10€ logic analyser

I write some time ago about USBEE AX clone. tubbutec blog writer got the remark about the bidirectional driver gave and investigated this a little bit further. It turned out you can modify this logic analyzer pretty easily to provide output capabilities. Adding output capability to a 10€ logic analyser article tells how you can

Security trends for 2013

Year 2013 will be year of cyber security. CNN expects more cyber wars this year. Cybercrime is on the rise, and last year we saw more and more computer virus attacks. Security company Kaspersky Lab warns of more new cyber-threats against enterprises and mobile devices. Cyber security also relates to mobile. Security becomes an increasingly