Archive for May 2017

EU security think tank ENISA looks for IoT security, can’t find any • The Register European network and infosec agency ENISA has taken a look at Internet of Things security, and doesn’t much like what it sees. So it’s mulling a vendor’s nightmare that the US and UK dared not approach: security regulation – at least the minimal regulation of testing and certification. IoT security needs bottom-to-top baseline requirements,

The Future of Ransomware – Schneier on Security Ransomware isn’t new, but it’s increasingly popular and profitable. The lessons for users are obvious: Keep your system patches up to date and regularly backup your data. This isn’t just good advice to defend against ransomware, but good advice in general.  But it’s becoming obsolete. Needed solutions aren’t easy and they’re not pretty. The

From Macro to Micro: A Visual Guide to the Brain – IEEE Spectrum This a short introduction to human brain: In the human brain, higher-level information processing occurs in the neocortex, neural tissue that forms the outer layer of the cerebral cortex. In its intricate folds, brain cells work together to interpret sensory information and to form thoughts and plans. 

Inside an isolated RS-485 transceiver | EDN Over the past decade, legislation has changed and now requires machinery and equipment operating in harsh environments to implement isolation for their data transmission systems. As a result, the trend away from legacy single-channel isolated systems to applications utilizing multi-channel isolation has led to the introduction of new isolation components. Many of these applications

It’s not just Windows anymore: Samba has a major SMB bug | ZDNet The other week, Microsoft got its security teeth kicked in when an old SMB security hole was exploited by the WannaCry ransomware attack. This week, it’s the turn of Samba, the popular open-source SMB server. Like the WannaCry security hole, the good news is the Samba file-sharing bug has already been fixed. The bad news is you

An introduction to Linux’s EXT4 filesystem | The EXT4 filesystem primarily improves performance, reliability, and capacity. To improve reliability, metadata and journal checksums were added. To meet various mission-critical requirements, the filesystem timestamps were improved with the addition of intervals down to nanoseconds. The addition of two high-order bits in the timestamp field defers the Year 2038 problem until 2446—for EXT4 filesystems, at least.

Thunderbolt 3 is coming  On Wednesday, Intel announced it will integrate Thunderbolt 3 into future CPUs. More importantly, the company said it would open up the long-secret protocol to the world, royalty-free. A world where one USB-C connector does it all—today, and for many years to come.

Digital Marketing Mistakes This article lists 5 mistakes. For this list I can add two common mistakes advertises do quite often: Buy advertisement on web site, get some users to click, but have incorrect URL on advertisement – users do not get forwarded to page you wanted them to go – money is spent on advertisement, no