WWW dev

CSS3 used for video effects

I just accidentally found my way to Super cool video hack: DIY Olympics virtual lane markers page that looked interesting. It says that a student, Xiaoyang Kao, recently figured out how to make his own Olympics-style lane markers. The virtual lane graphics for swimming with css3 page tells how this video effect was done. Instead

Web Framework Benchmarks

How much does your web framework choice affect performance? The answer at Framework Benchmarks page may surprise you. Netty, Vert.x, and Java servlets are fast, but the researchers were surprised how much faster they are than Ruby, Django, and friends. Here is one graph from Framework Benchmarks page that shows you the results. If you

Web as a Platform for Gaming

Mozilla is Unlocking the Power of the Web as a Platform for Gaming blog posting tells that Mozilla is advancing the Web as the platform for high-end game development. Mozilla was able to recently worked hard to prove that the Web is capable of being a compelling gaming platform. With Mozilla’s latest innovations in JavaScript,

How to Change Hidden Advanced Settings in Any Browser

Web browsers are packed with settings and options, many of which are usually hidden from users. Typically each web browser has a different options and they have place where to change those advanced settings at different location. How to Change Hidden Advanced Settings in Any Browser and Näin saat esiin selainten piilotetut lisäasetukset articles have


BlueGriffon is an interesting looking Web Editor based on the rendering engine of Firefox (compares to Nvu). BlueGriffon is a new WYSIWYG content editor for the World Wide Web. It is powered by Gecko, the rendering engine of Firefox, so document you edit will look exactly the same in Firefox. At first quick tests it

Web everywhere

Coming to an e-book or car near you: the Web article tells that World Wide Web Consortium now have groups adapting Web technology for the automotive and publishing industries (traditionally two pretty narrow domains). “The Web equals publishing,” Jaffe said. “There’s really no difference anymore.” Interactivity is part of the reason the automotive industry is

Crypt WebGL demo

Mozilla announced a new WebGL demo: Crypt Demo. This Crypt Demo is a great example for how far browsers have come and for the cross-platform experiences developers can now create without having to rely on plugins. The demo is written by ACTISKU‘s Anthony Liot. The demo should run in most modern browsers that support WebGL

Understanding Ajax vulnerabilities

Understanding Ajax vulnerabilities article is an introduction how to protect the web applications you create with Ajax. Because of its range of functions and ease of use, Ajax is one of the most widely used tools for building web applications today. All applications, including those built using Ajax technologies, are vulnerable to exploits that compromise

Google Drive hosted test websites

Google now allows web developers to share hosted websites via Google Drive. Google Drive now lets developers share hosted websites by storing HTML, JavaScript, and CSS files article gives you nice instructions how to do that. The basic idea is to upload site files to Google Drive folder and share it a as “Public on