Off topic fun

Friday Fun: Ricky Gervais tweets

The 10 smartest Ricky Gervais tweets about religion British comedian Ricky Gervais always has a lot to say. Sometimes he says it on Twitter and often it’s about the ludicrous nature of religion. Here are 10 of his finest philosophical moments in a 140 characters or less.

Friday Fun: 5G protection shield issues

Buying a 5G protection shield seems to be a zero sum game where you always loose: If you get product that works as advertised you will loose your connectivity and if you buy a non-working you loose your money to a scammer. Conspiracy Theorists Buy Faraday Cages To “Protect” Themselves Then Complain When They Work

Friday Fun: Popcorn lamp

PAR CAN stage light is a truly versatile lamp. It can be used to make snacks or keep pizza warm. Ha, modern kids and their LED lamps can’t do this! Safety first: recognize the fact that Big Clive has a par can fitted with a dubious container full of flammable oil, cooking popcorn…but took the

Friday Fun: Bar Code

Bar code 1. a method of representing data in a visual, machine-readable form 2. Computer code written or designed at bar under influence of alcohol (possibly during Ballmer Peak moment)