WWW dev

Interim solution Firefox and Flash 11.3 problem

Some Firefox users on Windows Vista and Windows 7 are experiencing problems when viewing videos in Adobe Flash Player 11.3. This includes me. Flash 11.3 doesn’t load video in Firefox. Firefox and/or Flash Player may crash. Videos do not work correctly, I just get a black box. Adobe and Mozilla are working closely to diagnose

The Internet Map

The Internet Map is an interesting web page. It represents over 350,000 websites from 196 countries and he map displays over 2 million site links based on topical similarities. Each site is represented by a circle, with size depending on the amount of traffic, and the space between each is determined by frequency, or strength,

JavaScript tools for the HTML5 generation

17 JavaScript tools for the HTML5 generation article has an interesting list of useful tools. Look beyond jQuery and you’ll find a wealth of JavaScript libraries tuned for mobile devices, Canvas-based animation, HTML5 video, local databases, and more. I have also seen some other interesting looking tools that seem to be something that could be

Happy 25th Birthday, GIF

Happy 25th Birthday, GIF. 25 years ago (on last Friday) the Graphics Interchange Format was released, and the world has never been the same again. The GIF was originally released by CompuServe to replace RLE – a file format which was limited to black and white only. But the GIF evolved over the next 25

Google Blockly

I saw yesterday an interesting new web-based, graphical programming editor. Google Blockly — a Language With a Difference tells about a new Scratch-like graphical language, Blockly. You program with it by dragging and dropping code blocks onto a design surface. Blockly is written in JavaScript and runs inside web browser. All the code is free

Pricing Should Be Simple

Pricing Should Be Simple article mentions some interesting points on pricing products: One thing many companies — in any industry — can learn from Apple is the importance of simple pricing. If you make it easy for people to understand how much they’re paying, and what they’re paying for, it is more likely that they’ll

Try GPU computing with WebCL

GPU computing is a hot topic at the moment. GPU computing is the use of a GPU (graphics processing unit) as a co-processor to accelerate CPUs for general-purpose scientific and engineering computing. General-purpose computing on graphics processing units (GPGPU) is the means of using a graphics processing unit (GPU), which typically handles computation only for

Three Ways to Web Server Concurrency

A Web server needs to support concurrency. The server should service clients in a timely, fair manner to ensure that no client starves because some other client causes the server to hang. Three Ways to Web Server Concurrency article tells that multiprocessing and multithreading, and hybrids of these, are traditional ways to achieve concurrency. Node.js

Add a Link to Source to Copied Text

On many on-line news sited noticed that if you copy and paste any text from the site a reference link appears at the bottom, indicating the source. That functionality could be implemented pretty easily using JavaScript. Add a Copyright Notice to Copied Text article describes you how to do it. All that is needed is