Entertainment Technology

MIDI turned 30

I just noticed that MIDI turned 30 years ago just a short time ago. This 31.25kbd 10-bit, 16-channel network is still very much in use today, 30 years after its official 1.0 specification release in August 1983. I forgot to say “Happy Birthday MIDI” at the right day. The Register had an article series on

Dimming LED sources

I just happened to find an interesting presentation on light dimming technologies and who they work with LED lighting. Dimming LED sources: what’s working and what still needs fixing is a worth to take a look if you are into LED lighting or light controlling applications. It is a very good overview of the current

Event Safety Guides

Safety is important when arranging events. And there are a lot of things to consider to make the event safe for everybody (I know from experience from several event I have been working with). Control Geek blog writes about US Event Safety Alliance Document in Public Review. The Event Safety Alliance is a group of

Funny LED video

Show agency presents Funny Led video is a Funny LED video to start 2013. Two LED displays and two actors is all you need to be astonished. In the second half of the video actors do some rather cool things with LEDs—especially the piano, trumpets and x-ray.

Christmas lights with Arduino

I have some years posted links to different Christmas lights project on the net. This year is no different. Here is the first one on this topic. Christmas light controller is its own percussion section article tells that Jason and his father took advantage of a week off of work over Thanksgiving to design and

I/O Voltages for Entertainment Control

Low-Voltage I/O Voltages Used for Entertainment Control article tells results of the survey what low voltage I/O voltages are used in entertainment control industry. There are several different possible I/O voltages in use, in both AC and DC variations. According to the survey it seems that 12V and 24V DC are the most commonly used

Halloween hack ideas

It is time for scary hacks. Halloween is just around the corner. Hare are some hacking ideas for Halloween. Arduino voice changer turns you into [Vader] article tells that Phil Burgess over at Adafruit put together an Arduino-powered voice changer to give his voice the gravitas of [James Earl Jones] or the lightheartedness of a