WWW dev

New web fonts

A font provides a resource containing the visual representation of characters. Web Typography has been traditionally been pretty limited. Until font downloading technology is perfected, Web designers must normally restrict themselves to fonts that are available on most users’ computer systems. Because of technical (and licensing) restrictions, dynamic fonts used on the web have been

Color guidelines

Color guidelines: It’s not black and white article tells that there are different meanings of color in various countries. Think about who your audience is, and what context the colors are in. The challenge is that web projects are on the internet, which has an international audience. Here is a table from the article: As

Responsive Web Design

Responsive Web Design is a really worth to read text on web design. The control which designers know in the print medium, and often desire in the web medium, is simply a function of the limitation of the printed page. We should embrace the fact that the web doesn’t have the same constraints, and design

HTML5 Pac-Man

Everyone knows and loves Pacman game. Programmer Dale Harvey has created a playable version of Pac-Man because writing a simple browser game seemed like a good idea. He is using only web standards: localStorage, HTML5 Audio, Canvas and @font-face. To play Harvey’s game, you’ll need to use a browser that supports the HTML5 elements he’s

Design Tips for Programmers

Design is pretty important. Steve Jobs said “Design is how it works” not just how it looks. If you don’t appreciate that design is a fundamentally important part of your software, then no tips in the world can help. Design Tips for Programmers article can give you some useful tips for designing software user interfaces

Website design for users

University Website picture at xkcd web site tells a story that quite often that many web sites put wrong things on their main page: Enjoy and learn from the picture. Avoid making the same mistakes yourself.

Designing for the Web

A Practical Guide to Designing for the Web aims to teach you techniques for designing your website using the principles of graphic design. It features five sections, each covering a core aspect of graphic design: Getting Started, Research, Typography, Colour, and Layout. Learn solid graphic design theory that you can simply apply to your designs,

Google HTML5 demos

Google is countering with its own HTML5 site called HTML5Rocks. HTML5Rocks features several tutorials on HTML5 feature. And there’s a code playground to let you mess around with your own code. Obviously, all of this works well in Chrome because according to Google presentation was originally meant to run in Google Chrome. Some experimental features

Mobile Web applications with HTML 5

IBM has published a pretty interesting Creating mobile Web applications with HTML 5 article series that tells how to use HTML5 to make mobile applications. HTML 5 is a very hyped technology, but with good reason. As promising as it is for traditional browsers, it has even more potential for mobile browsers. Even better, the