
The robotic vehicles will be tested on the road in Finland

Some news on the self driving cars in Finland. Taloussanomat writes in “Robottiautot saavat oman testimaantien Suomeen” article that autonomous robot vehicle testing will get a special location in Finland: Fell Lapland will get the world’s first intelligent transport test area in which the technologies can be tested under extreme conditions, as well as a closed open is a new Finnish language electronics and technology professionals magazine that I mentioned earlier has has now opened their official web pages. They are still under development but already well worth to check out of you understand Finnish language. They have also published my IoT security material I presented at Teknologia 2015.

Friday Fun: Half Black Sabbath, half Barney the dinosaur

Something for this Friday. Finland’s Heavisaurus: Half Black Sabbath, half Barney the dinosaur article tells that Finland’s biggest musical sensation is a kid-friendly mashup of Black Sabbath and Barney the dinosaur. Hevisaurus — which has so far remained under the radar outside of Scandinavia — features five interchangeable musicians shredding heavy metal tunes about homework, monsters and