
All about electronics and circuit design

VLC media player version 2.1

VLC is a free and open source cross-platform multimedia player. A new version of VLC media player has releases a short time ago. VLC is 2.1 (codenamed “Ricewind”) is a major upgrade because it includes a new audio core, hardware decoding and encoding, port to mobile platforms, preparation for 4K Ultra-HD video and support for

Video over UTP active adapters

I have written about passive methods on adapting 75 ohm video signals to 100 ohms UTP wiring at Differential video signals on UTP cable section of ePanorama.net and my postings Audio, Video and other signals over UTP, Video over UTP and Video over UTP – commercial balun circuit articles. Possibility to send composite video signals

Arduino running on x86

Dev boards based on microcontrollers and ARM System on Chips are everywhere, but smaller boards with x86 processor has been rare. I just saw The Intel-powered Arduino article that tells about Arduino-compatible Intel Galileo board. Galileo is a microcontroller board based on the Intel® Quark SoC X1000 Application Processor, a 32-bit Intel Pentium-class system on

ELKOM 2013

I visited today ELKOM. There were very many stands there, but what I notices in the morning there were not that much people on the halls. For example on the main hall there were several presentation events going on, and each of them had only very small number of people watching the presentations. I remember

Elkom electronics fair starts tomorrow

Elkom, the leading professional electronics event in Finland is held for the 20th time. Elkom trade show display: Electronics Components, Accessories, Raw materials and semi-finished products, electronics equipment, Tools and equipment, Measurement and test equipment, Contract manufacturing and design, Other products and services. During the trade fair Electronics Engineers EIS to organize a high level

Video over UTP

Traditionally analogue video transmission is done using 75 ohm coaxial cables. Those video signals are not directly compatible with nowadays more widely used twisted pair wiring (CAT5, CAT6 etc..), which means you just can’t wire the signals directly form video output to a twisted pair wire. The mains problems in connecting 75 ohms video source