
All about electronics and circuit design

The Politics of Security

Well known security guru Bruce Schneier has an interesting blog posting titled The Politics of Security in a Democracy. It tells that terrorism causes fear, and we overreact to that fear. Our brains aren’t very good at probability and risk analysis: We think rare risks are more common than they are, and we fear them

SCADA security basics

Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems are used for remote monitoring and control in the delivery of essential services products such as electricity, natural gas, water, waste treatment and transportation. SCADA software runs on regular computers, but is used by owners of critical infrastructure and other various types of industrial facilities to monitor and


digsitesvalue.com site seems to have an interesting collection of tools for webmasters. You can find lots of information from any website (your own or other site) using the provided on-line tools. Check what they have to say about ePanorama.net.

Friday Fun: Fishing under ice

Summer is starting and weather is getting hot, so look at this cool Fishing under ice (ORIGINAL). It contains some beautiful views under ice views from a lake in Finland. To get the idea where the amazing visuals come from, watch the entire video to the very end: they are underwater and upside down. If

Lights and brain cells

Researchers have long been trying to discover the mysteries of the brain, as well as target areas within to control behaviors. Optogenetics might be a relatively unknown area of neuroscience. Researchers inject tiny LEDs into the brain to control behavior article tells that for almost 15 years, scientists have been experimenting with optogenetics, a new

Fiber-optic testing

Fiber-optic testing: Keeping it simple in the field article tells in the telecommunications industry today, testing is one of the most confusing and misunderstood phases of installing a fiber-optic system. While misunderstood, optical-fiber testing is one of the final and most important procedures in installing optical networks.


There seems to be a push for all kinds of ARM based development boards. pcDuino looks to be another interesting ARM platform that runs Linux. The name comes from Mini PC + Arduino. pcDuino is a mini PC platform that runs PC like OS such as Ubuntu and Android ICS. It outputs screen to HDMI.

Noise Reduction and Isolation in Measurement

Grounding, or connecting some part of an electrical circuit to ground ensures safety for personnel and it usually improves circuit operation. Unfortunately, a safe environment and a robust ground system often do not happen simultaneously. It takes planning based on systematically understanding how electricity behaves in various types of circuits. Preventing electrical shocks and electrical

Duemilanove 2009 Atmega 328P SCM Board

I needed one more Arduino board, so I planned to check out this cheap (US$14.30) Duemilanove 2009 Atmega 328P SCM Board with USB Cable board. This is a clone of the Arduino Duemilanove with several enhancements not available in the original Arduino. The most important that is on board 2.54 grid male pin headers an

Friday Fun: 14 Ways To Reward Your Motivation

Congratulations, you did it! The small things are exhausting, so kudos to you for getting through the day. 14 Ways To Reward Your Motivation article show you some ways to give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back. Relax. You deserve it. This article is full of funny GIF animations.