DIY fiber optic microscope

Fiber optic microscopes are used to inspect connectors to check the quality of the termination procedure and diagnose problems. A well made connector will have a clean, smooth, polished and scratch free finish. There is not be any signs ofcracks, chips or fiber not even with the ferrule front. The magnification for viewing connectors can

Fiber optic testing ideas

When working with fiber optics, you need some special tools to check fiber connections. Continuity checking makes certain the fibers are not broken and to trace a path of a fiber from one end to another through many connections. You can use a visible light “fiber optic tracer” or “pocket visual fault locator“. It looks

Christmas-tree light testing

Simple tester checks Christmas-tree lights article gives you ideas how to test mains powered Christmas lights. The article presents a simple test circuit. Some more testing ideas can be found at Christmas Lights and How to Fix Them web page. LED lights are becoming more and more popular for common in Christmas lights for many

Computerized christmas lights

Do It Yourself Computerizing web page gives idea how to control christmas lights using PC. This web page presents several different technologies to use computer to control lights. If you are interested in the topic after this, it is a good idea to go to Home Automation forum and read the articles archive there.

Passive Ethernet Tap

Construction and Use of a Passive Ethernet Tap article provides straightforward instructions on how to construct and use a passive Ethernet tap. It allows you to monitor Ethernet traffic on with any hub or switch and any operating system. A passive Ethernet tap is useful when installing an intrusion detection system (IDS) sensor or when

Digital audio isolation

Isolator for digital audio is needed in cases where coaxial S/PDIF digital audio link forms a ground loop in your audio system. Typically in coaxial S/PDIF connections the coaxial cable shield is connected to equipment cases. This arrangement easily creates ground loops which can cause noise problems in various places in audio system. A suitable

Power Everything with USB

9 Kick-Ass DIY Projects to Get Your Hack On article on web site starts with instructions how to alter a non-USB gadget so that it can be run off of USB power from your computer. The article shows you how to use USB to power a desk fan and book-light lamp.

Build video isolator

Video isolation transformers are primarily used in CCTV application in fields of security, manufacturing, avionics and display. The video isolation transformer is an extremely broad bandpass 1:1 isolation transformer. Its hum isolation is very good and it can sustain very high noise voltages without degradation. Isolation decreases with increasing noise frequency. Video signals can transformer