Electrical power

Free energy busted

Free energy technologies is interested many people and there are web sites on free energy devices. But do those technologies really work as claimed? Most probably not. Here are two videos showing the bullshit on many free energy ideas. Mythbusters Free Energy “Busted” This episode busts the following ideas: the ring oscillator (referred to as

Impractical energy products flood

Crowdfunding campaigns or wide product announcements that do not make sense pops up every now and then. It seems that energy related “inventions” seems to be getting easily into the spotlight without proven merits: Hackaday article Crowdfunding Follies: Proof That Ohm’s Law Is Arcane Knowledge tells about a special cell phone case Kickstarter (Nikola Phone

Securing smarter grids

Electrical power distribution networks are getting smarter every way with increased automation within n networks and smart meters at the customer premises. Those new features have many benefits, but they also introduce new vulnerabilities to the system. As smart grids become more vulnerable to cyber-attacks every day, what developments are in place to ensure a