Telecom and Networking

Acronym definitions

The fields of electronics, computers and telecommunications is filled with acronyms. To help in surviving on this world of acronyms I started to compile in the 1990′s my own list of acronyms, and you can find my collection of acronym definitions (over 19000 definitions) at acronym search. You should be able to find most seems to be on news today everywhere. Facebook Leads an Effort to Lower Barriers to Internet Access article tells that half a dozen of the world’s tech giants, including Samsung, Nokia, Qualcomm and Ericsson, have agreed to work with the company as partners on the initiative, which they call The plan is to

Arduino cellphone

Hackaday mentioned some time ago an interesting Arduino cellphone. The fact that you can build a cellphone around an Arduino is pretty neat: An Average Joe can build this thing with a minimum or background knowledge and without breaking the bank. Wow. The components include and Arduino Uno, GPRS shield from Seeed Studios, a TFT

Lightning protection

Every summer we get thunderstorms, with the accompanying lightning in Finland. It is expected that thunderstorms starts in few days. Varo! Torstaina salamoi article says that it is expected that next Thursday there will be (according to weather forecast) 5000-10000 lightning discharge events in Finland. Lightning is a massive electrostatic discharge between electrically charged regions

Software-Defined Data Centers

Software defined seems to be the hype buzzword nowadays for many technology areas: We have Software-defined radio, Software-defined networking, Software defined storage and software-defined data center. Some days ago AllThingsD ran a piece endorsing the idea of the software-defined data center titled What Is the Software Defined Data Center and Why Is It Important? Slashdot

Keeping Your Data Private From the NSA

For the last week news sources have been full of controversy over the NSA’s controversial PRISM surveillance program (check the latest comments on my Security trends for 2013 article) after top-secret slides detailing the massive electronic surveillance programme were leaked last week by ex-CIA techie Edward Snowden. If those newspaper reports are accurate, the NSA’s

Ethtool and iftop

Ethtool allows you to modify your Ethernet adapter settings inside of Linux. Fun with ethtool article tells you how you can use it for various tasks. You can easily get driver information and statistics with command: ethtool -i eth0 Ever had to trace what physical network card was recorded in linux as ethX? Follow the