Telecom and Networking

Internet RFC Series Turn 50 have just passed the fiftieth anniversary for the Internet “Request for Comments” (RFC) series which started in April 1969 with the publication of RFC1 titled “Host Software” authored by Stephen D. Crocker. — “Today, more than 8500 RFCs have been published, ranging across best practice information, experimental protocols, informational material, and, of course, Internet

Does 5G pose health risks?| EDN—part-1- There has been some talk about 5G and health risks that range from hardly anything to frying your brain and controlling the population. This interesting article series is exploring the health risks posed by mmWave radiation onto humans. Millimeter wave (mmWave) frequencies extend from 30 GHz to 300 GHz. From the literature, there can

New Tech Secures Medical Devices By Using Your Body as a Conduit for Communication The article says: “Virtually all wearable devices today communicate wirelessly through either Bluetooth, WiFi, or simple RF (Radio Frequency) signals. While we could try to make those more secure, there is always the possibility that they could be intercepted or spoofed. This new technology avoids the problem altogether by allowing devices to communicate across

Open-source communities fight over telco market | TechCrunch The Linux Foundation (LF) had its own booth at MWC. The booth is shared by the three LF projects: the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), Hyperleger and Linux Foundation Networking, the home of many of the foundational projects like ONAP and the Open Platform for NFV(OPNFV) that power many a modern network. With the

Networking trends 2019

5G? IoT? Fiber Deep? 600G? We Are ready for networking at 2019! For years we have all been talking about the emergence of 5G services, the Internet of Things (IoT) and the new high-capacity, low-latency network architectures that will be needed to support the resulting onslaught of bandwidth. Higher-speed data rates are critical to electronic evolution