Archive for May 2015

TV in Finland 60 years

Finland’s first television broadcast was seen 60 years ago. In 1954 Finnish radio engineers were concerned about the situation that other Nordic countries was already TV test transmissions (England TV started in 1946 and USA 1947). In the autumn of 1954 in connection with the proposal for the  Radioinsinööriseura (North Fire Radio Engineering Society) was

Java at 20

With Java hitting its 20th anniversary this week, so IT media is actively writing on Celebrating 20 years of juicy Java. Oracle is celebrating 20 years of Java, which was officially announced at the SunWorld conference in San Francisco on May 23 1995. The origins of Java go back earlier, Sun’s secret “Green Project” where

Two thousand articles

I just found out today that the number of published blog articles just reaches 2000. I started this blog in March 2009, so the average posting rate has been approximately one posting per day. I try to keep it that way.