Ideas to boost your WiFi signal

Antenna on the Cheap (er, Chip) article shows how to build a simple “classic” WLAN antenna from Pringles potato chip can. I have built antenna based on this plan (some improvising) and I can say that it worked. Besides WLAN I have used it for wireless video at 2.4 GHz. Cantenna article tells that in

How One Teacher Built a Computer Lab for Free article How One Teacher Built a Computer Lab for Free tells an interesting story. The problem? An underfunded school needed computers for the classroom. Budget? $0. How One Teacher Built a Computer Lab for Free article tells how just one sixth-grade teacher got those computers at that budget. In 2007, Robert acquired 18 donated

Cellphone accessories DIY

From cables to speakers to stands that prop up your phone, there are more cool accessories out there than you can shake a stick at—and they all seem grossly overpriced. Top 10 Cellphone Accessories You Don’t Need to Buy (Because You Can DIY Them for Cheap) article describes 10 cellphone accessories that are cheap and

War on DIY Electronics

Is electronics heading to be less and less hackable? DIY site iFixit has been keeping tabs on the tech world whilst providing handy self-repair guides for popular electronics. Now the site maintainers have seen trend that electronics products seem to become intentionally harder and harder to fix in recent years. The New MacBook Pro: Unfixable,

Arduino Motion-Sensing SMS Alarm Project

Surprisingly Simple Arduino Motion-Sensing Project Makes For Some Weekend Fun article tells that Matt Williamson built a tiny, Arduino-based motion sensor that will SMS you when something moves by your desk or into a room. It’s completely open source and the notifications system runs on your PC thanks to a simple Python script. Why is

3D-Printed Circuit Boards

Given the schematic for a simple circuit, make it a real circuit with the base components, some conductive thread, and a 3D printer. No solder, no etching chemicals, no sending away for anything. 3D-Printed Circuit Boards, for solder-free printable electronics Instructable is to serve as the how-to guide for a 3D-printed electronic circuit library implemented

Use sound card for science experiments

EFFICIENT SOUND CARD BASED EXPERIMENTION AT DIFFERENT LEVELS OF NATURAL SCIENCE EDUCATION paper tells that sound cards can be turned into measurement tools, making science experimentation very efficient and cheap. Sound-card experimentation becomes really viable only if we demonstrate how to connect different sensors to the sound card and provide suitable open-source software to support