Electronics Design

A better way to use datasheets?

A better way to use datasheets than old-fashioned paper and pdf documents lying around? Hack Your Datasheets Using Datasheet.net article tells about a new service to view, snip, annotate and share information from millions of datasheets with engineers around the world. Take a look the datasheet.net introduction video: The biggest feature the datasheet.net service brings

The Hidden Dangers of Chop-Shop Electronics

Counterfeit electronics components have caused problems for many companies. There are New Trends in Counterfeit Components. IEEE Spectrum magazine article The Hidden Dangers of Chop-Shop Electronics article tells now clever counterfeiters sell old components as new, threatening both military and commercial systems Usually, it’s good to recycle electronics products. The Hidden Dangers of Chop-Shop Electronics

Anti-shoplifting tags teardown

Thixotropy article tells about the technology of anti-shoplifting tags used on store merchandise. They are high-Q tank circuits which if carried between a transmitting and receiving panel at a store’s doorway, they enhance 9 MHz signal propagation between those two panels and the alarm goes off. When a purchase is made, the store clerk deactivates

VGA over UTP

I have written about sending video signals over UTP cable. I have covered single composite video signal and audio. Now it is time to discuss sending VGA over UTP cable. Some DIY people (including me) have built different kind of adapters from VGA connector to RJ-45 connector. In best cases simple passive connection between those

Video over UTP active adapters

I have written about passive methods on adapting 75 ohm video signals to 100 ohms UTP wiring at Differential video signals on UTP cable section of ePanorama.net and my postings Audio, Video and other signals over UTP, Video over UTP and Video over UTP – commercial balun circuit articles. Possibility to send composite video signals

Video over UTP

Traditionally analogue video transmission is done using 75 ohm coaxial cables. Those video signals are not directly compatible with nowadays more widely used twisted pair wiring (CAT5, CAT6 etc..), which means you just can’t wire the signals directly form video output to a twisted pair wire. The mains problems in connecting 75 ohms video source