
Gigabit wireless begins to take hold | EDN At the beginning of last week, Ericsson and Qualcomm achieved a transmission rate just a bit faster than 1 Gbps on Verizon’s commercial 4G LTE network. Ericsson, Qualcomm, and Verizon claim to be the first to have achieved 1 Gbps using commercial silicon and commercial infrastructure. 

New posting category for 5G communications

I have created a new category for 5G telecommunications technology topics. New postings related to 5G technologies will be posted under this category. I have also tried to tag older postings related to 5G to this 5G category. 5th generation mobile networks or 5th generation wireless systems, abbreviated 5G, are the proposed next telecommunications standards

Secret chips in replacement parts can completely hijack your phone’s security | Ars Technica Booby-trapped touchscreens can log passwords, install malicious apps, and more. People with cracked touch screens or similar smartphone maladies have a new headache to consider: the possibility the replacement parts installed by repair shops contain secret hardware that completely hijacks the security of the device. The research, in a paper presented this week at the 2017 Usenix

Axell Wireless 3009 tear down Such a repeater has the following main features: Axell 3009D - 900 MHz Software Defined Repeater, 25 dBm composite output power, 82 dB Gain, 12 sub-bands, individual gain and ALC, bandwidth settable by software IP65 rated enclosure. Connectors Inside view

Installing Linux on an Android Phone – RHD Blog For Linux developer, being able to run a Linux distro alongside your pre-existing mobile OS on your android phone is a very enticing offer. Installing Linux on an Android device can help you to turn your simple phone into a highly useful tool for web development, troubleshooting, and various other procedures common in the IT industry. 

The Story of Firefox OS – Medium Interesting story: During this five year journey hundreds of members of the wider Mozilla community came together with a shared vision to disrupt the app ecosystem with the power of the open web.  This is the story of Firefox OS, from the birth of the Boot to Gecko open source software project in 2011, through

The four waves of augmented reality (that Apple owns) | TechCrunch Augmented/virtual reality is seen as the fourth wave of consumer technology. AR could become much bigger than VR.  AR itself is comsists of four waves: mobile AR software, mobile AR hardware, tethered smartglasses and standalone smartglasses. These four waves could drive AR from tens of millions of users and $1.2 billion last year, to more than a

Apple iPhone goes on sale, June 29, 2007 | EDN–June-29–2007?utm_content=buffer9cd6a&utm_medium=social& Ten years ago Apple iPhone went on sale in the United States. This disruptive device has been one of the electronics industry’s most successful lines to date. A new version of the iPhone has been released every year since the original.