Off topic fun

Friday Fun: Beyond Broccoli

Introducing Beyond Broccoli, Made from 100% Real Pork Have a craving for a food with the taste and texture of broccoli but the nutritional value of bacon? “Consumers will no longer have to worry about getting enough pork in their diets,ä”

Friday Fun: Engineering Flowcharts

This is a classic: Engineering flowchart: Does it Move? Should it? #WD40 vs. Duct Tape (original artist unknown) This image puts WD-40 on a level playing field of importance in the Duct Tape dominant world we live in! Or maybe we need something more? Here is the proper one with jb weld? Here

Friday Fun: 15 Ugliest Cars Ever Made – TopCarsMag

Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. But there are some things that are objectively ugly. This is Top Car Magazine’s 15 ugliest cars ever created.

Friday Fun: How to Deliver Christmas Presents

Christmas is coming soon, so How to Deliver Christmas Presents? The traditional tale way to get the Christmas presents to house in USA through chimney is not relevant in new houses without chimneys. This XKCD comic shows ideas how this problem can be solved..

In comics: Linux celebrates 28th birthday On 26 August 1991, Linus Torvalds announced hobby project that was supposed to better than Minix operating systems. The original plan was that Linux is going a free operating system, but just a hobby and won’t be big or professional like GNU. Linux turns 28 years old and together with GNU it has become