Product tests

Qi wireless charging receiver

I started testing Qi wireless smart phone charging some time ago. I have already posted my comments on IKEA lamp with Qi charger and now here are comments on some other products I have tested. The smart phones I had did not have built-in Qui charger electronics, so I has to find a way to

Ikea lamp with Qi charger

Ikea is pushing heavily Here is IKEA LED desk lamp with built in Qi charging. There is LED bulb with button on top for on/off. There is also USB power connector in the front of the base. Here is Qi charger. Small white LED lights up when charger on. It works as promised. Power supply

Apple AC adapter callback

Remember the Apple AC adapters with the swappable prongs? The little plugin piece would slide so conveniently into the charging side? You might use such adapter with your iPhone, iPad or Mac computer. Your Apple AC Adapter Might Have Been Recalled. Apple said today that some of the AC adapters where you can swap the

Holiday gift ideas for engineers

As the shadow of Black Friday passes behind us, almost everybody looking forward to the upcoming holidays. Typical Christmas/Chanukah/Kwanza plans include putting a little hope under someone else’s tree. The shops try to benefit from this.There’s positive outlook for holiday sales this year and consumers are making their purchases across multiple channels. It seems that

NodeMcu robot kit

I like  Internet of Things and robotics, so DIY NodeMCU Lua 2WD Open Source ESP8266 WiFi Smart Car Kit was a good match for this to test. DIY NodeMCU Lua 2WD Open Source ESP8266 WiFi Smart Car Kit is a WiFi RC smart car that is designed and developed based on ESP-12E from ESP8266. It

CodeBug dev board

There are already a lot of low-cost, small-sized developing cards that are as well as the development of the educational use of embedded projects. Let’s start with Arduino, Raspberry Pi, ESP8266 NodeMCU, BBC Micro:bit, .. and many other Dev Boards. But it seems that world needs another new educational development board: CodeBug. CodeBug is designed

Interesting signal generators

Function generator in an important tool in electronics laboratory. It allows to generate different types of electrical waveforms over a wide range of frequencies. Traditionally function generators have been built using analogue electronics. There have been special ICs that have been widely used for this: Exar XR2206 and the Intersil ICL8038integrated circuits can generate sine,

Component tester M12864

New version of famous component tester I tested some time ago has arrived. M12864 Graphical RLC/ESR Transistor Tester With AVR-ISP Socket MOS/PNP/NPN M328 is an an updated version of famous M168 component tester.  This new model can test all the same components as the earlier version, plus it can do for example in-circuit capacitor ESR