
Arduino for commercial products?

Is Arduino used in comercial applications you might ask. It is true that you aren’t going to go to your local big-box electronics store and find many (if any) products that have an “Arduino Inside” sticker, because  Arduino is a prototyping platform. Arduino is a widely seen as targeed to hobbyists, but I would say

Arduino vs Arduino

There seems to be some storm on around the Arduino ecoystem. Arduino v. Arduino posting at Hackaday seems to indicate that there are two Arduno companies that are disagreement: Arduino LLC is suing Arduino Srl (the Italian version of an LLC). Arduino LLC is the company founded by Massimo Banzi, David Cuartielles, David Mellis, Tom

More AD9850 DDS testing

I have already written a few posts on AD9850 DDS testing. Here are some more testing. I had possibility to test my signal generator circuit with Rigol DSA 815 RF spectrum analyzer. I improved my test circuit from previous tests by putting it inside case. I also replaced Arduino UNO with Arduino model with FTDI

AD9850 based signal generator

Few days ago I tested AD9850 DDS module in home in hope to some day have a working signal generator using it. The initial tests went well, so I could plan the next step. I was already doing some information searching to make decision if I should do the controlling using web interface (with Ethernet

Testing an AD9850 DDS module

For some RF tests I sometimes need to generate different higher frequency signals than normally available from general purpose function generator. For this purpose I bought a cheap AD9850 module to generate different frequency RF signals. This AD9850 module can generate frequencies in 0-40 MHz frequency range (sine wave output). For initial testing I successfully

Teleduino IoT API for Arduino

I am interested in Arduino and IoT. Some time ago I visited Teleduino project page that looked really inteesting on this point of view. Teleduino converts en ethernet enabled Arduino into a tool for interacting with devices over the internet. It seemed that with this service I can easily turn an Arduino to an IoT device

Arduino vs. Phidgets – Dev Time Trials

Is Arduino easy enough? Or would some other platform be more suitable? Arduino vs. Phidgets – Dev Time Trials article looks at the situation. Is developing on an Arduino too slow? Are Phidgets too expensive? When might you use one or the other? Article breaks down what he learned from three experimental time trials.