Make simple fixtures from SMA connectors | EDN

https://www.edn.com/electronics-blogs/si-pi-masterclass/4461028/Make-simple-fixtures-from-SMA-connectors For testing SMD components you need some test fixture. A fixed-geometry fixture produces consistent and repeatable results. This article tells how you can easily make fixed-geometry fixtures out of PCB-mounted SMA connectors. You can build a fixture to measure bypass capacitors using SMA-female edge-mount connectors. The narrow-base connectors (5 mm grid) and are best

USB VGA adapter as RF transmitter

Hackaday article Spoofing Cell Networks with a USB to VGA Adapter tells that at OsmoDevCon [Steve Markgraf] released osmo-fl2k, a tool which allows transmit-only SDR through cheap USB 3.0 to VGA adapters based on the Fresco Logic FL2000 chip. Available through the usual overseas suppliers for as little has $5 USD. The claim is that these devices

Radar motion detector

I needed a motion detector for Arduino. I saw a cheap Microwave Radar Induction Switch Human Motion Sensor Module at DX (similar also available at Banggood at pack of 5). It advertises High Sensitivity for Arduino, Long Sensing Distance, Wide Sensing Angle for Detecting Moving Objects. Using this is a microwave sensor module that specifically

Start Emulating an Apple I on Your TV Wirelessly with a $3 ESP8266

https://blog.hackster.io/start-emulating-an-apple-i-on-your-tv-wirelessly-with-a-3-esp8266-80ba56a1e41f Apple’s first product, the Apple I, is now more than 40 years old. The processor was a MOS 6502 running at a mere 1MHz, and it only came with 4KB of memory.  Emulating the OS takes very little power. That last point is where the maker-favorite ESP8266 comes in. The ESP8266 can be purchased for as little

RF bridge for antenna measurements

I got a comment that recommended this RF BRIDGE 0.1 – 3000 MHz from http://www.transverters-store.com/rf_bridge/rf_bridge.html. It looked really interesting as I was planning to build something similar myself. The price was very reasonable ($10) so I had to test out it. Did the ordering, and quite quickly I received a letter from Ukraine that contained

Hard to build wide frequency range SDR kit

I have made many experiments with my DVB-T SDR stick. It can handle frequency range from around 30 MHz up to more than 1 GHz. There are cases, where there is need to receive lower frequencies. To make receiving those low frequencies with such cheap RTL-SDR receiving sticks, there are two approaches: using upconverter or

Five technologies for building 5G | EDN

http://www.edn.com/electronics-blogs/5g-waves/4458807/Five-technologies-for-building-5G?utm_content=buffer90279&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer 5G is widely considered a mobile technology that won’t be available until perhaps 2020 or 2021, and even then, not widely.  Cisco predicts that by 2021, a 5G connection will generate 4.7 times more traffic than the average 4G connection. 5G will be a quantum leap from today’s LTE-Advanced networks.