Meet USBee, the malware that uses USB drives to covertly jump airgaps | Ars Technica

http://arstechnica.com/security/2016/08/meet-usbee-the-malware-that-uses-usb-drives-to-covertly-jump-airgaps/ This hack makes an USB drive to transmit your secrets in a way a nearby radio can receive it. Technique works on virtually all USB drives with no modifications necessary. “We introduce a software-only method for short-range data exfiltration using electromagnetic emissions from a USB dongle,” The software works on just about any storage

A New Wireless Hack Can Unlock 100 Million Volkswagens | WIRED

A New Wireless Hack Can Unlock 100 Million Volkswagens https://www.wired.com/2016/08/oh-good-new-hack-can-unlock-100-million-volkswagens/ In 2013, when University of Birmingham computer scientist Flavio Garcia and a team of researchers were preparing to reveal a vulnerability that allowed them to start the ignition of millions of Volkswagen cars without keys but were hit with lawsuit to delay publication. Now, a

Protecting GPS From Spoofers Is Critical to the Future of Navigation – IEEE Spectrum

http://spectrum.ieee.org/telecom/security/protecting-gps-from-spoofers-is-critical-to-the-future-of-navigation?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+IeeeSpectrum+%28IEEE+Spectrum%29&utm_content=FaceBook GPS is very widely used and vulnerable to spoofing. This article gives introduction to GPS and what could be done against spoofing attempts.