Windows command prompt output tips

Do you need to copy data from Windows command prompt to other Windows programs easily? In some cases selecting and copying what is seen on the command window can work (right hand button on mouse and select all from menu), but there are also other alternatives. TIL: You can push Windows CMD prompt output to the clipboard posting gives a nice tip: You can send Windows CMD prompt output to the clipboard if you add the pipe (|) to your CMD prompt command followed by clip.This makes the output of the command goes to the Windows clipboard instead of the screen. Example:

ipconfig /all|clip

TIL: You can push Windows CMD prompt output to the clipboard posting comments also point out that there are also some other piping options borrowed straight out of Linux/UNIX world. You can use > to forward command output to a file. You can use 2> to specify stream 2 (stderr), so you can pipe error messages to file. So you can do:

command > output.txt 2>errors.txt

or to put it all in one file

command > output_and_errors.txt 2>&1


1 Comment

  1. sarika says:

    What a great things coms from here. That is a great thanks for that.


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