Tech trends for 2024

Here is collection of technology trends news for year 2024. This is a collection of links to articles followed by a short quote.


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    China kicks off homegrown Bluetooth alternative — Star Flash is set to take over consumer electronics in the country
    By Kunal Khullar published December 17, 2024
    Manufacturers in China are already complying with the standard and shipping products with Star Flash connectivity.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    IBM tuo valonnopeuden datakeskuksiin

    IBM on esitellyt uuden läpimurron optisessa teknologiassa, joka voi mullistaa datakeskusten toiminnan ja tekoälymallien koulutuksen. Yhtiö on kehittänyt uuden sukupolven CPO-tekniikan (Co-Packaged Optics). Innovaatio tuo valokuitujen tehokkuuden perinteisten kuparijohtojen sijaan myös datakeskusten sisäiseen viestintään.

    IBM:n ratkaisu perustuu polymeerisiin optisiin aallonohjaimiin (PWG), jotka mahdollistavat tiedonsiirron nopeuden ja kapasiteetin valtavan kasvun. Uuden teknologian ansiosta datakeskusten GPU-prosessorikortit, jotka usein joutuvat odottamaan dataa muilta laitteilta, voivat toimia huomattavasti tehokkaammin. IBM:n mukaan CPO voivat tehdä esimerkiksi suurten kielimallien koulutuksesta jopa viisi kertaa nykyistä nopeampaa. Mallin koulutusaika voi lyhentyä kolmesta kuukaudesta kolmeen viikkoon.

    Optinen teknologia tuo merkittäviä säästöjä myös energiankulutuksessa. IBM arvioi, että CPO-teknologia voi vähentää energiankulutusta yli viisi kertaa verrattuna nykyisiin sähköisiin yhteyksiin. Tämä vastaa 5 000 yhdysvaltalaisen kotitalouden vuosittaista sähkönkulutusta per koulutettu tekoälymalli.

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Teens, Social Media and Technology 2024
    YouTube, TikTok, Instagram and Snapchat remain widely used among U.S. teens; some say they’re on these sites almost constantly

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    No Social Media For Anyone Under 16: What To Know About Australia’s New Ban

    A ban on social media for children under 16—which drew criticism from social media companies and leaders—passed the Australian senate on Thursday, poising it to become the world’s first law designed to keep young children off of social media.

    Key Facts
    The ban—which would allow Australia to fine companies for not preventing children younger than 16 from having accounts—passed 34 to 19 on Thursday after passing the House 102 to 13 on Wednesday, the Associated Press reported.

    It’s expected to quickly become law, when it will give social media companies one year to prevent those under the age limit from having accounts or otherwise risk being fined $33 million.

    Australia’s Prime Minister Anthony Albanese praised the law in an opinion piece Tuesday, positioning “Australia to lead the world” in the safety of young people.

    Critics of the bill in the government expressed concerns it was rushed, and one independent lawmaker said it was a “blunt instrument” that would not actually hold social media companies accountable.

    Crucial Quote
    “This Bill puts the onus on social media companies—not young people, not their parents,” Albanese wrote in his opinion piece. He added the bill is about “making it clear that social media companies have a social responsibility. And sending a message to all those Mums and Dads who are worried about the impact that social media is having on their children’s wellbeing, their mental health, their confidence and sense of self.”

    Though Australia’s law would be the strictest yet to limit social media use for teens, it’s not the only: a number of countries have tried to implement similar limits.

    Where Else Are There Limits On Children Using Social Media?
    The U.S. has the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule that requires children under 13 to provide parental consent in order for technology companies to collect data, and the European Union passed the Digital Services Act last year that attempted to give kids more protection online and prevented platforms from targeting minors with personalized ads.

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Steam released a record number of games in 2024 — over 18,000 new titles were added to the platform
    By Jowi Morales published yesterday
    That’s a lot of games to choose from.

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Chinese chipmaker’s new 7nm CPUs reportedly outperform Intel’s Raptor Lake — Loongson adopts “tock-tock-tick” strategy to close the gap with Intel

    Loongson is finally competing directly with the likes of Intel and AMD

    Chinese CPU manufacturer Loongson is purportedly closing the gap quickly to Western CPU manufacturers regarding raw performance. Fast Technology reports that Longsoon’s fourth generation is adopting a “tock-tock-tick” strategy to accelerate innovation.

    Over the past several years, Loongson has taken inspiration from Intel, using its widely known tick-tock strategy to innovate on its past three generations of CPUs. The tock refers to architectural innovation, designing a new chip architecture around an existing processing node. The tick represents porting that existing architecture to a new design node. Intel generally does not utilize this design strategy anymore, with its latest Arrow Lake chips functioning on a brand-new architecture and a completely new process node.

    However, Loongson has adopted the tick-tock strategy for the past three generations, bringing consistent performance improvements to its chips. That all changes with its fourth-generation chips, however. The Chinese manufacturer has purportedly decided to switch gears, utilizing a new strategy deemed tock-tock2-tick.

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    We learned just how small Valve really is this year, but also how good it is at raking in the cash: It’s making more money per employee than Apple

    Valve is actually smaller than Larian, but in terms of pure money-making efficiency there’s nobody bigger

    We in the PC gaming-o-sphere tend to view Valve as a behemoth. Its iron-fisted dominance of the space is unquestioned and unchallenged, and even the mightiest of videogame publishers sooner or later come to kiss the ring. But in terms of actual size, it’s not really so: One of the very interesting things we learned in 2024 is that Valve is, relatively speaking, actually pretty small.

    Unlike most major players in gaming, Valve is privately owned, so information on the company—headcount, revenues, that sort of thing—is generally not for public consumption.

    in 2021 showed that Valve had just 336 employees that year.

    That’s bigger than a typical tiny startup, yes, but also a very small fraction of companies like Ubisoft, which reported 18,666 employees at the end of September 2024, Electronic Arts, which had approximately 13,700 people as of March 31, 2024, or Activision Blizzard, which counted approximately 13,000 employees at the end of 2022, in its final year-end report prior to its acquisition by Microsoft. In terms of headcount, Valve is significantly smaller than even Baldur’s Gate 3 developer Larian Studios, which had 470 employees as of March 2024. (It will always be the quirky little outfit from Ghent to me, though.)

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Chrome, Edge, Safari, Firefox… vai sittenkin Zen? Kokeile tätä uutta selainta vaikka heti!

    Zen on Mozilla Firefox -selaimen koodipohjaan perustuva avoimen lähdekoodin verkkoselain.

    Nyt puhutaan nimenomaan Firefoxin muunnelmasta, tai alan termein ”forkista”.

    Niinpä selain on teknisesti samaa maata kuin vaikkapa Mullvad, LibreWolf, Pale Moon ja Waterfox sekä muut alan harrastajien tuntemat pienemmät nimet.

    Mutta miksi sitten Zenistä siis pitäisi olla yhtään kiinnostunut?

    Firefox eri versioineen on nykyisellään tärkeämpi projekti kuin moni luulee.

    Paitsi että alan jättiläisille eli Googlelle ja Microsoftille on yksinkertaisesti oltava teknistä vastavoimaa, sen lisäksi tarvitaan riittävä määrä käyttäjiä, jotta vastavoimalla olisi konkreettista merkitystä.

    Periaatteessa Zen voi aikanaan olla olennainen osa tätä kuviota, sillä Firefox tuntuu nykyisin hieman polkevan paikoillaan.

    Muutaman viikon kokeilujen perusteella on tullut selväksi, että Zen on lähtökohtaisesti toista maata kuin aiemmin mainitut Firefoxin muunnelmat, jotka keskittyvät ensisijaisesti emoselaimen suorituskyvyn ja yksityisyyden suojan parantamiseen.

    Projektin kantavana ideana on nimittäin modernisoida Firefox, säilyttäen emosovelluksen hyvä runko ja peruspätevä yksityisyyden suoja Chromeen ja Edgeen verrattuna.

    Zen toimii niin Windowsilla, Linuxilla kuin macOS:llä

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Verkkokauppa-alusta Temu tarkkaan syyniin EU:ssa – rikkeitä selvitetään kahdessa eri tutkinnassa

    EU on käynnistänyt kaksi laajaa tutkintaa kiinalaisen verkkokauppa-alusta Temun toimintatavoista. Suomesta kuluttaja-asiamies on mukana tutkinnassa, jossa Temun epäillään käyttävän lainvastaisia keinoja harhauttaakseen ja painostaakseen kuluttajia tekemään ostoksia puutteellisen tiedon varassa.

    Temu on lyhyessä ajassa noussut suomalaisten keskuudessa suosituimpien verkkokauppa-alustojen joukkoon. EU:ssa Temulla on yli 92 miljoonaa kuukausittaista käyttäjää.

    Euroopan kuluttajaviranomaisten verkosto (CPC-network) on 8.11.2024 huomauttanut Temua toimintatavoista, jotka rikkovat kuluttajan oikeuksia ja vaatinut Temulta näihin korjauksia. Viikkoa aiemmin komissio kertoi myös käynnistäneensä virallisen tutkinnan Temun mahdollisista rikkeistä EU:n tuoreen digipalveluasetuksen (DSA) nojalla. Käynnissä on siis kaksi EU-tutkintaa, jotka täydentävät toisiaan.

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Nikkei Asia:
    TSMC reports December revenue up 57.8% YoY to $8.4B, pushing the 2024 revenue to ~$88.02B, up 34% YoY, driven by AI chips demand from Nvidia and Broadcom

    TSMC revenue surges 34% to record in 2024 amid AI chip boom
    Sales of Foxconn and other key Nvidia suppliers also hit all-time highs last year

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Legendary video game developer imagines a future where GPUs don’t need PCs — John Carmack envisions a GPU with Linux onboard, so you would just add power and a display
    By Mark Tyson published December 7, 2024
    The GPU becomes the PC.

    Earlier today, legendary video games developer John Carmack, the leader programmer for iconic titles such as Doom, Quake, and Wolfenstein 3D, made the case for what one might casually describe as a standalone graphics card.

    Imagine connecting a graphics card to a display and a power source and running diagnostics before installing it or running it standalone later when troubleshooting. Perhaps the card could have a compact Linux distro onboard, mused the iconic Doom developer. It could even come with a handful of apps and utilities and connect to a keyboard via DisplayPort…

    Carmack was lamenting the passing of SLI graphics cards on Twitter/X when he went off on a tangent and shared his hopes that GPUs would one day be capable of operating without a host CPU.


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