Telecom and Networking

Most Dangerous Programming Errors

The 2010 CWE/SANS Top 25 Most Dangerous Programming Errors is a list of the most widespread and critical programming errors that can lead to serious software vulnerabilities. They are often easy to find, and easy to exploit. They are dangerous because they will frequently allow attackers to completely take over the software, steal data, or

MeeGo Linux

According to news around Internet Intel and Nokia are combining their respective Linux operating environments to power future smartphones and tablets. The Intel-Nokia collaboration began in earnest in June when the two companies announced the beginning of a “long-term relationship,” focusing on developing new chip architectures, software, and a new class of Intel-based mobile computing


This is a really neat trick I just read about. LackRack is the ultimate, low-cost, high shininess solution for your modular datacenter-in-the-living-room. Its low-cost and perfect fit are great for mounting up to 8 U of 19″ hardware, such as switches (see below), or perhaps other 19″ gear. Featuring the LACK (side table) from Ikea,

Universal identification is futile

Bruce Schneier blog post Anonymity and the Internet has interesting points on Internet security. I can agree many of them. Universal identification is portrayed by some as the holy grail of Internet security and that anonymity is bad. According to the blog this is not the case. The problem is that universal identification won’t work.

Open Source Symbian

When Nokia bought Symbian in 2008, nobody had any reason to believe their thoughts were anywhere near Open Source. Parts of the Symbian platform have been Open Source for quite some time and other portions have slowly been released. Symbian, maker of the the world’s most popular mobile operating system, has just completed the transition

Text message ripoff

Everyone knows that movie popcorn is one of the biggest ripoffs, right? It turns out that movie popcorn carries a 600 percent markup. The biggest ripoff: text message beats movie popcorn article tells that the text messaging has a much bigger markup. Text messages themselves, are just tiny blips of data being transferred to and

Augmented Reality for Maintenance and Repair

The days when you can fix your own car may be coming to an end. New vehicles have complex on-board computerized systems densely packed under the hood. Mechanics face an ever climbing learning curve to keep up with advancing automotive technology. We need some technology to solve this problem. Columbia University’s Computer Graphics and User

DIY fiber optic microscope

Fiber optic microscopes are used to inspect connectors to check the quality of the termination procedure and diagnose problems. A well made connector will have a clean, smooth, polished and scratch free finish. There is not be any signs ofcracks, chips or fiber not even with the ferrule front. The magnification for viewing connectors can

Fiber optic testing ideas

When working with fiber optics, you need some special tools to check fiber connections. Continuity checking makes certain the fibers are not broken and to trace a path of a fiber from one end to another through many connections. You can use a visible light “fiber optic tracer” or “pocket visual fault locator“. It looks

Progress on the Symbian

Symbian is the world’s most popular mobile operating system, accounting for 50% of smartphone sales according to Wikipedia. The Symbian Blog posting Progress on the Symbian^3 and Symbian^4 contribution plans tells the quantity and quality of features that the community is planning for Symbian^3 mobile phone operating system. Symbian^3 is nearing Functionally Complete (expected to