Evolution of Mobile Communication from 1(G) to 4G, 5G, 6G, 7G …


The cellular wireless Generation (G) generally refers to a change in the nature of the system, speed, technology and frequency. Each generation have some standards, capacities, techniques and new features which differentiate it from the previous one.

Now 5G is hot technology at the top of the hype cycle. But that’s not the end of story, because when we will see that 5G does not fullfill all the promises, we start looking for to implement next version after it: 6G.


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Quantum tunneling in graphene advances the age of terahertz wireless communications

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    6G – Explained!

    We’re just starting to see 5G rollout in 2020, but 6G is already in the works – here’s what you need to know!

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    6G, which is in the works, is expected to succeed today’s 5G networks around 2030. Even at this early stage, some myths are emerging about 6G. IDTechEx listed them here.

    6G Communication Myths, Explored by IDTechEx

    6G Communications will become one of the largest technology investments. It is currently in the healthy first stage of promising everything to widely deploy some in 2030. Meanwhile, 5G to “Beyond 5G” awaits.

    We upgrade telephony to be more useful every ten years. The new IDTechEx report, “6G Communications Market, Devices, Materials 2021-2041″, predicts 6G communications may be more thing-to-thing than human communication. Once again, frequency increases a magnitude. We may mimic 5G in starting at the easy bottom, then go up another magnitude to grab extra benefits. 5G went from GHz level to tens of GHz. 6G may start at a few hundred GHz, then employ 1THz.

    Only 6G can widely serve the exponential growth beyond 500 billion connected machines in 2030, real-time holographic communication, the future of virtual reality and empowerment of the poor in realistic timeframes. Expect cell-less communications and Wireless Information and Energy Transfer. WIET is 26 billion passive-RFID tags yearly (IDTechEx analysis). Some sense at the instant of being interrogated. 6G WIET promises that on steroids, even charging your smartphone.

    6G will serve airliners at 10 km using Free Space Optical FSO links and deep underwater with fiber-optic links. Internet of Things nodes real-time monitoring billions of trees and ocean oil spills in 3D, billions in concrete structures? Hold on. This sits awkwardly with the consensus that local 6G has to be at terahertz frequencies to get magnitude-or-more improvements in data-rate, capacity, and latency. Terahertz is the Wild West of physics and electronics: little understood, even less demonstrated. They call it the Terahertz Gap. However, this we know. Beam spreading and attenuation, combined with feeble transmission technologies, currently limits these sad pencil beams to a few meters on earth. They are stopped dead by almost anything. We may need electronic wallpaper to get them round the house and many electronic billboards boosting and redirecting them outside.

    Even at this early stage, some myths are emerging. They are:

    6G will be everywhere. No. It flies in the face of the megatrend of eliminating infrastructure. THz local investment will never be justified to put 6G local infrastructure “everywhere.”
    Widest-area 6G backhaul/ fronthaul is a done deal with thousands of Low Earth Orbit satellites recently flung up there and maybe 60,000 in prospect due to competition? No. They have a growing number of legal, safety, light-pollution, repair, latency and other issues. Solar fixed-wing and airship drones intended to be aloft at only 20km for a similar time of 5-7 years have huge advantages of holding position, far-lower latency and cost, easy repair and heavier payloads. Add them. Smaller numbers suffice.
    6G should benefit IoT in locations with long-distance optical links. Serving unpowered devices such as 30-year, multi-sensor IoT nodes with fit-and-forget supercapacitors will be excellent. For more, existing energy harvesting is too weak and intermittent to power 99% of envisioned IoT nodes but add 6G WIET. Nonetheless, affordable 6G IoT everywhere in tens of billions yearly? Unlikely.
    6G is essential for autonomous vehicles. No, not even desirable. The Tesla approach is to make a car you can put anywhere and it will navigate safely without being connected to any wireless system. Even the interim stage of LIDAR using ongoing mapping does not need connectivity. Relying on a new form of connectivity that requires exceptionally complex hardware everywhere would be downright dangerous. That is why the telecom operators went quiet about the 6G robot vehicle idea. Vehicles need connectivity and 6G may provide a better form but that is another matter.
    License 6G bands near 10THz for even greater 6G performance? Sadly, in air, there is a nasty jump in attenuation beyond 1THz and active components get really challenging. This is not desirable or achievable.
    Nevertheless, those arguing B5G means no need for 6G are wrong. Basic physics. IDTechEx report, “5G Technology, Market and Forecasts 2020-2030″ explains and the IDTechEx 6G report tracks even more-demanding requirements arriving, making this more of a myth. We need 6G.

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    A Secure 5G Ecosystem

    5G is opening a world of opportunities for digital business. But it is just the opening salvo. 6G is around the corner, and many of the ways this new functionality will impact organizations haven’t even been invented yet. But none of this will be possible if security is not an integral part of the solution. Organizations need to start transitioning now to a universal security platform that can scale as networks evolve and extend to the furthest reaches of the network. By blending security and networking functionality into a unified, expansive, and adaptable platform, businesses can prepare now to support the next generations of high-performance, hyperconnected networks and devices their users will demand and on which their future depends.


  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    5G has emerged. What’s next? NYU’s Tom Marzetta thinks 6G will be deeply transformative, including replacing Zoom meetings with AR hangs.

    Here’s What 6G Will Be, According to the Creator of Massive MIMO

    Massive MIMO is becoming an integral part of 5G, as is an independent development that came out of NYU Wireless by the center’s founding director Ted Rappaport: Millimeter waves. And now the professors and students at NYU Wireless are already looking ahead to 6G and beyond.

    Marzetta spoke with IEEE Spectrum about the work happening at NYU Wireless, as well as what we all might expect from 6G when it arrives in the next decade.

    I wanted to try to do research to do something ten times better than massive MIMO. So far, massive MIMO is the most spectrally efficient wireless scheme yet devised.

    How many competent engineers are there out in industry? I mean, Nokia, for instance, must have on the order of 30,000 very good engineers, and so does its competitors. So it would be a waste if we just added, we’ll say, a one percent increment to the very competent development that’s already going on in industry. Now that said, with 5G, there are lingering problems that need the attention of NYU Wireless.

    What sorts of lingering problems?

    One problem is the blockage problem with millimeter waves. Foliage, glass, the human body can all essentially completely attenuate a millimeter wave signal. If my hand or my body can block the signal, and I’m moving around, sometimes I’m going to block the signal. People aren’t going to want to use millimeter wave if that happens. One remedy is a larger number of base stations. And now that itself is a problem because there’s a handover problem. If you lose connection with one base station, it takes a while to connect with another one. That’s an unacceptable delay.

    So your next thought is, let’s connect to two or more base stations at once. In one sense, that’s a waste of resources. But on the other hand, we’re operating at 10 times the cellular frequencies, so there’s 10 times as much spectrum available. You can afford to be a little bit profligate with spectrum then.

    Well, we’re doing both experimental and theoretical 6G research. Let’s talk about the experimental first. Ted Rappaport and Sundeep Rangan are looking at the terahertz band now. Ted, of course, became world-famous for his advocacy of millimeter waves, which go roughly from 28 gigahertz to 98 gigahertz.

    They’re doing experiments up to, I believe, 280 gigahertz and getting positive results so far.

    Ted and Sundeep have in mind other potential applications beyond cellular communication. The wavelength is one-tenth what millimeter wave is, so, in principle, you can locate a cell phone with 10 times greater precision. You can also start to do very interesting things such as terahertz imaging, for example. These frequencies just bounce off of skin. For instance, you can actually detect heartbeats, so there are medical sensing applications as well.

    And what about the theoretical side of 6G?

    I want to invent something that’s 10 times better than massive MIMO. And my focus, where I think this is going to be applied is not at millimeter wave or terahertz bands, but in the sub-6 GHz bands. In my opinion, these bands will always be, hertz per hertz, the most valuable spectrum. That is where some of these advanced concepts—if they can be made to work—would pay off, economically. It’s worth noting the results of FCC spectrum auctions over the last year. They had a very large spectrum auction for millimeter wave spectrum. I don’t have the numbers at the moment, but millimeter wave spectrum sold at about US $2 or $3 per hertz. In January, the FCC sold some a block of spectrum in the 3.7 to 3.8 gigahertz band—prime stuff—and that sold for about $290 per hertz.

    Insomuch as anyone talks about what 6G “will be,” it oftentimes treated as synonymous with terahertz waves. But even just given your own work, it’s clear 6G is more than just making terahertz waves work. So what will 6G be?

    What we’re really after is, what is the next level of human-to-human communication going to be? In one sense, 5G didn’t deliver any new level of human-to-human communication, because 4G, and then the early parts of 5G, enabled ubiquitous streaming video. When I started to work at NYU, I started to commute from New Jersey into Brooklyn, every day. And everybody on the subway was streaming video. It’s now commonplace, and I happen to know that 15 or 20 years ago, this was absolutely rejected even at Bell Labs.

    But what have we had since then? In other words, 5G comes along, it says, “we’ll give you this sort of service faster and more reliably. And we’ll do things like Internet of Things, and this, that and the other.” But much of this has not, and will not, directly affect the average consumer.

    What will the next level of human-to-human communication look like?

    I, and many people, think the next level of human-to-human communication is going to be ubiquitous augmented reality. How could most of us have done our jobs over the last year without high-quality telecommunications and so on? But people are sick of the zoom experience. The next level is obviously augmented reality, and making it good enough so that the other person is effectively in the same room as you. That would be a transformative thing. From a wireless communications perspective, this imposes simply staggering requirements. People talk about sustained AR requiring throughputs per user of 2 gigabits per second, how are you going to do that? Suppose you have 50,000 people in Time Square all wanting AR at the same time? How are you going to give 2 Gbps each to 50,000 people crammed into a quarter square mile? We don’t know how to do that yet.

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    TeraHertz is hoped to revolutionze many fields but it could possibly be only evolutionize.
    If you look back development history from 3G to 5G, what was promised in hype and how they under-delivered compared to promises but still evolved wireless landscape a lot. For 99% of users every new generation was just faster Internet pipe (and voice calls) that was still slower and inferior compated to proper fixed home internet connection, but what you can take on the road with you.

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Oulu mukaan japanilaisten 6G-kehitykseen

    Oulun yliopiston koordinoima 6G Flagship -tutkimusohjelma ja Japanin sisä- ja viestintäministeriön Beyond 5G -konsortio ovat sopineet 6G-teknologiayhteistyöstä. Asiasta kerrottiin tänään Tokiossa järjestetyssä Global Digital Summit -tapahtumassa.

    Tutkimus- ja kehitysyhteistyön lisäksi tavoitteena on vaikuttaa myös keskeisesti 6G-teknologiaa koskevaan globaaliin standardointi- ja regulaatiokehitykseen.

    Oulun yliopiston akatemiaprofessori ja 6G Flagshipin johtaja Matti Latva-aho on tyytyväinen yhteistyön aloittamisesta. Sopimuksen merkittävyyttä korostaa Japanin aikaisemmin keväällä tekemä päätös investoida kaksi miljardia dollaria uusien 6G-teknologioiden kehittämiseen.

    Japanin Beyond 5G Promotion Consortiumin keskeisiä jäsenorganisaatioita ovat Tokion yliopiston ja Japanin kansallisen ICT-instituutin lisäksi useat japanilaiset tietoliikenneyhtiöt kuten SoftBank.

    ’’Japani on maailmanlaajuisesti merkittävä toimija langattomien mobiiliteknologioiden kehittämisessä ja on koko Suomen etu päästä laajentamaan yhteistyötä teemoihin, joissa on saavutettavissa molemminpuolista kilpailuetua 6G-kehitykseen’’, 6G Flagshipin johtaja Matti Latva-aho arvioi.

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    6G/5G/Massive MIMO Channel

    This channel features 6G and 5G technologies such as massive MIMO, SDR, high orders of carrier aggregation, mmWaves, network slicing, network virtualization, etc.

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Suomi ja Singapore 6g-yhteistyöhön “Voimme saavuttaa molemminpuolista etua”
    Oulun yliopiston koordinoima 6g-teknologian tutkimus- ja kehitysohjelma 6g Flagship ja Singapore ovat sopineet tekevänsä yhteistyötä 6g:n kehityksessä. Kumppanuus julkaistiin tiistaina 13.
    heinäkuuta Asia Tech x Singapore -teknologiatapahtumassa Singaporessa.

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    From 1G to 5G: A Brief Evolution of Telephony and Wireless Networks

    It All Started in 1973…

    5G is made possible because of the world’s first, successful mobile phone call in 1973 made by Martin Cooper on the Motorola DynaTAC prototype. Although it would take another decade for the first 1G cellular network to launch in the United States, it quickly became apparent in the 1970s that a worldwide telecommunications revolution had begun.

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    LG Records 6G THz Band Milestone

    Successfully Transfers Data Over 100 Meters on 6G THz Band,
    Leads Development of 6G Communication Technology

    LG Electronics (LG) successfully demonstrated the transmission and reception of wireless 6G terahertz (THz) data over 100 meters in an outdoor setting. This milestone was achieved in collaboration with Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Europe’s largest applied research lab, on August 13 with the data traveling between Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute (HHI) and the Berlin Institute of Technology in Germany.

    As 6G THz has short range and experiences power loss during transmission and reception between antennas, one of the biggest challenges in the evolution of wireless 6G has been the need of power amplification to generate a stable signal across ultra-wideband frequencies. The power amplifier developed by LG, Fraunhofer HHI and Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid State Physics (IAF) was crucial to the success of this latest test.

    The power amplifier is capable of generating stable signal output up to 15 dBm in the frequency range between 155 to 175 GHz.

    With global standardization targeted for 2025 and commercialization within four years thereafter, 6G networks will be able to support faster wireless transmission and communication speeds with low-latency and high-reliability. 6G will be a key component of Ambient Internet of Everything, the emerging technology that aims to improve living and business environments by making them more sensitive, adaptive, autonomous and personalized to consumers’ needs by recognizing human presence and preferences.

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    6g-teknologiassa otettiin iso harppaus – data siirtyi 100 metriä hurjalla vauhdilla
    Eteläkorealainen LG on onnistunut hyödyntämään 6g-yhteyttä Berliinissä kahden tutkimusinstituutin välillä.

  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    6G vision: The industry is beginning to coalesce around some key themes, including terahertz frequencies, use of intelligent reconfigurable surfaces and metamaterials, open networking, and network of networks (terrestrial cellular, NTN, subsea, and Wi-Fi convergence).


  14. Tomi Engdahl says:

    On October 1, 1981, Telia and Ericsson launched Europe’s first 1G – NMT (Nordic Mobile Telephone) mobile network. More: https://www.teliacompany.com/sv/nyhetsrum/pressmeddelanden/2

  15. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Understanding the RF path

    Welcome to RF communications

    The goal of this book is to explore the many dimensions of RF communications—past, present and future. It will also examine the technologies, solutions and practices that power the ongoing evolution of RF’s role in the world, including many innovative technologies and practices that CommScope has brought to the industry. Some of this material is theoretical and technical, but every effort has been made to keep it as approachable as possible. Consider this RF Fundamentals 101

  16. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Suomen 6G-tutkimuksen johtaja mukaan Japanin tutkimushankkeisiin

    Oulun yliopiston 6G Flagship -tutkimuskokonaisuuden johtaja professori Matti Latva-aho on saanut kaksi merkittävää nimitystä Japaniin. Hänet on nimitetty Tokion yliopiston insinööritieteiden korkeakoulun ensimmäiseksi Global Research Fellow’ksi sekä Japanin sisä- ja viestintäministeriön hallinnoiman Beyond 5G -konsortion neuvoa-antavan toimikunnan jäseneksi. Latva-aho jatkaa edelleen työtään myös 6G Flagshipin johtajana.

    Global Research Fellow -nimitys tarjoaa professori Latva-aholle uudenlaisen mahdollisuuden päästä mukaan japanilaisiin tutkimushankkeisiin. Hänellä on mahdollisuus vaihtaa kansainvälisiä näkemyksiä laajemmin neuvoa-antavassa toimikunnassa, johon nimetään myös kolme muuta kansainvälistä jäsentä. Nimitykset vahvistavat 6G-teknologiaa koskevaa suomalais-japanilaista tutkimus- ja kehitysyhteistyötä.

    6G Flagship ja Beyond 5G -konsortio allekirjoittivat jo aiemmin kesällä keskinäistä yhteistyötä koskevan sopimuksen. Japanissa tehtiin keväällä päätös investoida kaksi miljardia dollaria 6G-teknologioiden kehittämiseen. T

  17. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Suomalainen 6G-teknologian osaaja Japaniin

    Oulun yliopiston 6G Flagship -tutkimuskokonaisuuden johtaja professori Matti Latva-aho on on nimitetty Tokion yliopiston insinööritieteiden korkeakoulun ensimmäiseksi Global Research Fellow’ksi sekä Japanin sisä- ja viestintäministeriön hallinnoiman Beyond 5G -konsortion neuvoa-antavan toimikunnan jäseneksi. Latva-aho jatkaa edelleen työtään myös Suomen 6G Flagshipin johtajana.

    Tokion yliopiston Global Research Fellow -nimitys tarjoaa professori Latva-aholle uudenlaisen mahdollisuuden päästä mukaan japanilaisiin tutkimushankkeisiin. Hänellä on mahdollisuus vaihtaa kansainvälisiä näkemyksiä laajemmin neuvoa-antavassa toimikunnassa, johon nimetään myös kolme muuta kansainvälistä jäsentä.

  18. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Do We Need 6G?
    November 24, 2021 Nitin Dahad

    6G will mark the dawn of a machine-driven era, said Professor Mischa Dohler at Kings’ College London.

    The above headline was the title of the final talk at 5G World in London in September 2021, presented by Mischa Dohler, professor of wireless communications at King’s College London, in which he explained the circumstances demanding 6G and what 6G might entail.

    Dohler said the next “G” is inevitable. “It’s almost like the Moore’s Law of telecoms: always gaining some performance improvements. If you look at how data rate increases from generation to generation, something is always multiplied by an order of magnitude. If you start putting numbers together and you try to understand the data density being produced by the systems, you see that 5G is producing something like 10 terabits per second per square kilometer. If you do the math for 6G following these trends, you end up with 10 petabytes per second per square kilometer.”

    Dohler then questioned who is actually going to generate that data and who’s going to use it. He doesn’t have an answer, but he said, “My hunch is that machines will require quite a lot of data rate. And I think that the very discrete designing of services by humans for humans, or by humans for machines, will come to an end in 6G. Instead, machines will design services for themselves.

    “As a result, rather than having a very discrete spectrum of services, we will have a continuous spectrum of very volatile services,” he added.

    The emergence of 6G “will be like the dawn of a machine-driven era,” Dohler said. “The very discrete service spectrum we have in 5G could be augmented in 6G.”

    Those changes mean transforming the process of designing the network using artificial intelligence. “This means not humans doing [the design], but actually artificial intelligence starting to design its own network components,” said Dohler. “This is very different from zero-touch networks or self-organizing networking practicums, where humans design a network and then machines configure them. In this case, self-synthesizing networks are designing themselves.

    Dohler noted at the launch, “We will be developing novel architectures; incorporating federated exchange and self-synthesizing mechanisms; advancing the internet of skills; and embedding blockchain, quantum, and federated AI technologies. But it’s not just pure tech; we’ll be working on co-creation with verticals toward some truly exciting and societally impacting use cases while contributing to policy, alliances, and global standards.”

    At 5G World, Dohler also emphasized the need for global low latency. “5G provides low latency, but 6G needs to continue that trajectory to provide global, rather than just local, ultra-low latency.” This is necessary to enable the internet of skills, which enables virtualization of essential skills (for example, in remote robotic surgery).

    For example, in a connection between London and Buenos Aires, the latency could be on the order of 100 µs, opening the door to network congestion and application delay. Latency needs to come down significantly in 6G. Dohler said 6G will need to address AI-enabled mobile edge-cloud applications.

    In his talk, Dohler then pondered the next “G.” So we asked him specifically about his thoughts about what the future “G’s” might hold. He commented, “I have to admit, I made a prediction that 5G will be our last ‘G.’ Why? Because I’ve seen we have ‘software-ized’ the ecosystem. And I thought it would be straightforward then to innovate in features rather than in big blocks of whatever we do in the ‘G’ generations. However, I have underestimated the amount of work it takes to actually innovate, to get a research idea into something you can deploy in production so that it works with the consumers, so that’s why I came up with this idea of self-synthesizing networks.

    “Hence, I think it will probably take us to 7G to kind of consolidate that, and therefore, I think after 7G, 8G will probably be our last ‘G,’ but this time for real,” he concluded.

  19. Tomi Engdahl says:

    5G and its predecessors have been successful because they’ve been universally implemented. 6G still has time to congeal—or not.

    6G Is Years Away, but the Power Struggles Have Already Begun
    Equipment manufacturers and device makers are squaring

    When wireless researchers or telecom companies talk about future sixth-generation (6G) networks, they’re talking mostly about their best guesses and wish lists. There are as yet no widely agreed upon technical standards outlining 6G’s frequencies, signal modulations, and waveforms. And yet the economic and political forces that will define 6G are already in play.

    And here’s the biggest wrinkle: Because there are no major U.S. manufacturers of cellular infrastructure equipment, the United States may not have the superpowers it thinks it does in shaping the future course of wireless communications.

  20. Tomi Engdahl says:

    If 6G Becomes Just 5G+, We’ll Have Made a Big Mistake Iterating current tech is a bad idea; semantic communication could be the answer

    We are still in the early stages of 5G rollouts, with many years still ahead in its technological evolution. But following the traditional 10-year cycle for developing new wireless generations, research into 6G is already going ahead at full steam. Several 6G initiatives around the world, including the first, 6GENESIS, led by the University of Oulu in Finland, are paving the way for the standardization process that is expected to kick off in 2025 or 2026.

    When the wireless industry deploys 6G networks around 2030, they hope to usher in an era in which everything, not just our phones, is sensed, connected, and intelligent. 6G could include innovations like “digital twins” that function as replicas of people, cities, and factories, more immersive communications like holograms, an “internet of senses” that provides users with visual, spatial, tactile, and other sensory feedback, to list just a few.

    One of the driving forces behind early 6G research is that these types of applications will require extreme latency, reliability, and bandwidth requirements—even more so than can be met by 5G’s staggering improvements over 4G.

    The current consensus is that 6G will be just an incremental evolution of 5G. This singular focus means two other levels of communication have been ignored.

    That’s not to say that 6G will only include technologies already seen in 5G. Research into terahertz waves, for example, could open new bands of spectrum for use. Open RAN might make it more feasible to mix and match radio components from different vendors, allowing network operators to build highly specialized custom wireless networks. Integrated sensing and communication, as the name implies, would make it possible to recycle wireless signals by using them for both purposes (sensing and communication) at once. Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces are manipulable surfaces that can enhance the performance of transmitted signals by controlling how reflected signals impact the surface, to provide better sensing capabilities and reduce interference. Native artificial intelligence and machine learning would allow radios to adapt on the fly to changing environmental or transmission conditions. In addition, 6G will likely include new requirements for network privacy, trustworthiness, resiliency, sustainability, and more.

    While these are all interesting and exciting areas of research, these communication technologies

    To unlock a new generation of wireless, we need to move away from machines that learn from pattern matching and towards the ability to understand and reason over the data and how that data is being generated.

    If we better understand semantic representations, we could create devices and communication technologies that are able to “reason,” to an extent, about the information they are sending and receiving.

    If we genuinely seek to unlock a new generation of wireless that would be radically different than the ones before, we need to go back to the fundamentals instead of pursuing incremental advances. 6G may not be commercialized until 2030, but the heavy lifting is happening now.

  21. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Study: 6G’s Haptic, Holographic Future? Possibilities and challenges for future 6G communications networks

    Imagine a teleconference but with holograms instead of a checkerboard of faces. Or envision websites and media outlets across the Internet that allow you to make haptic connections (i.e. those involving touch as well as sight and sound). Researchers studying the future of sixth-generation (6G) wireless communications are now sketching out possibilities—though not certainties—for the kinds of technologies a 6G future could entail.

    Sixth-generation wireless technology—says Harsh Tataria, a communications engineering lecturer at Lund University, Sweden—will be characterized by low latencies and ultrahigh frequencies, with data transfer speeds potentially hitting 100 Gbps.

    “When we look at 6G, we’re really look[ing] at vastly connected societies,” he says, “even a step beyond what 5G is capable of doing, such as real-time holographic communications.”

    “Using holograms as the medium of communication, emotion-sensing wearable devices capable of monitoring our mental health… will become the building blocks of networks of the future”

    The study outlines what it calls a “high-fidelity holographic society,” one in which “Holographic presence will enable remote users [to be represented] as a rendered local presence. For instance, technicians performing remote troubleshooting and repairs, doctors performing remote surgeries, and improved remote education in classrooms could benefit from hologram renderings.” The authors note that 4G and expected 5G data rates may not enable such technologies—but that 6G might—owing to the fact that “holographic images will need transmission from multiple viewpoints to account for variation in tilts, angles, and observer positions relative to the hologram.”

    Another promising possibility the study teases involves what they call a haptic Internet. “We believe that a variety of sensory experiences may get integrated with holograms,” the authors write. “To this end, using holograms as the medium of communication, emotion-sensing wearable devices capable of monitoring our mental health, facilitating social interactions, and improving our experience as users will become the building blocks of networks of the future.”

    Mischa Dohler, another co-author, believes that 6G will consolidate the “Internet of skills” or the ability to transmit skills over the internet. “We can do it with audio and video, but we can’t touch [through] the Internet…[or] move objects.” The consolidation of edge computing, robotics, AI, augmented reality and 6G communications will make this possible, he says.

  22. Tomi Engdahl says:

    In 2030, 6G networks could be “filling in the blanks” with machine learning to compensate for bad connections and data lost in transmission.

    If 6G Becomes Just 5G+, We’ll Have Made a Big Mistake Iterating current tech is a bad idea; semantic communication could be the answer

  23. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Tällainen on 6g – scifi-elokuvan ennustus voi toteutua https://www.is.fi/digitoday/mobiili/art-2000007691923.html

  24. Tomi Engdahl says:

    5G has cemented its place in the cellular world, even as the industry looks towards 6G.

  25. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Maailmanennätys 6G-datassa: 206 gigabittiä sekunnissa

    Jos 5G-yhteys on erinomainen, pääsee nykyisissä suomalaisverkoissa parhaimmillaan useisiin satoihin megabitteihin sekunnissa. Tämä on etananvauhtia tuleviin 6g-yhteyksiin verrattuna, ainakin mikäli kiinalaisen laboratorion uutisista voi mitään päätellä.

    Valtion alaisen Purple Mountain Laboratoriesin testissä oli terahertsitaajuuksilla eli yli 300 gigahertsissä onnistuttu siirtämään dataa 206,25 gigabittiä sekunnissa. Tämä olisi jopa sata kertaa nopeammin kuin nykyisissä 5G-verkoissa.

    6G-tekniikkaa tutkitaan ahkeraan eri puolilla maailmaa, myös Suomessa. Markkinoille tekniikan on arvioitu tulevan vuoden 2030 tienoilla.

    Nykyisten 5G-verkkojen käyttöönotto alkoi vuonna 2019.

  26. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Oulussa kehitetään Nokian johdolla 6G-antenneja

    Nokian johtama ja Oulun yliopiston koordinoima suurten teollisten ja akateemisten sidosryhmien konsortio on aloittanut massiivisen projektin, jonka tavoitteena on nopeuttaa RF- ja antenniteknologioiden kehitystä ja vauhdittaa siirtymistä 5G:stä 6G:hen. Se myös vahvistaa Suomen kilpailukykyä radioteknologioissa.

    RF Sampo on Nokia Veturi -ohjelman Optimized Antenna Technology -teeman johtava ekosysteemiprojekti. Teollinen 5G on yksi nopeimmin kasvavista langattoman viestinnän markkinoista.

  27. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Working Toward Next-Gen Wireless Networks at 100 GHz and Beyond
    Jan. 27, 2022
    Next-generation mobile networks, including 6G, will likely move to frequencies above 100 GHz. Learn about imec’s work on an ADC and FEM that promises to make such a leap viable.

    What you’ll learn:

    A compact 8-bit, 8-GS/s, time-interleaved SAR-based ADC will serve as a basis for next-generation, high-speed, broadband radios.
    The development of a 140-GHz front-end module shows how silicon technology can be leveraged to build competitive phased arrays for short-range, beyond-5G applications.
    Further research will explore how III-V materials can be teamed with CMOS technology to create efficient and cost-effective mobile device technology at 100 GHz and beyond.

    Successive generations of fixed and mobile network technologies have been developed and deployed to meet the demand for greater throughput. Mobile networks, specifically, focused on using higher radio frequencies, as higher frequencies equal more bandwidth. Case in point: 3G networks operate primarily in the 900-MHz and 2.1-GHz bands, while 4G networks are limited to frequencies of up to 2.5 GHz. 5G networks are pushing into the 28- and 39-GHz bands. Still, our hunger for bandwidth remains insatiable.

    Discussion is ongoing about the exact characteristics and performance specs of next-generation (beyond 5G) wireless networks. What’s clear, though, is that they will largely outsmart their predecessors. Projected features include a 100-Gb/s single-link throughput, microsecond latency, and a significantly higher energy efficiency of less than 1 nanojoule per bit.

    All of those features will be crucial to enable concepts such as federated learning between artificial-intelligence-enabled (AI) autonomous systems (such as self-driving cars), the deployment of very high-speed and ultra-reliable mobile hot spots in dense urban centers, or the support of immersive augmented-reality (AR) applications and holography.

    To do so, ensuing generations of mobile networks (including 6G) will most likely look to frequencies above 100 GHz. Yet, as frequencies increase, mobile networks’ underlying (chip) technologies realize their limits, lacking the required transmit power and energy efficiency to operate at those frequencies in a cost-effective manner. This article provides an update on how this issue can be solved, presenting two recent research outcomes that demonstrate the viability of high-frequency (>100 GHz) wideband wireless communication for next-generation mobile devices.

    Analog-to-Digital Converter Advances

    High-speed analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) with a 7- to 8-bit resolution are a key component of the radio equipment embedded in next-generation broadband communication devices. Unfortunately, ADC power consumption dramatically increases as we tap into higher frequencies. This will likely become a major issue for battery-powered (6G) smartphones.

    Using time-interleaved (TI), successive-approximation-register (SAR) ADCs has been an important first step to making ADCs more power-efficient. On the downside, though, they suffer from limited speed due to their underlying sequential conversion mechanism.

    Improvements to T/R Front-End Modules

    The first radio band identified to accommodate beyond-5G services is the D-band, which ranges between 110 and 170 GHz. However, using standard silicon (CMOS-based) technologies at those frequencies isn’t an obvious choice, given that CMOS yields limited transmit power and power efficiency.

    Yet, imec’s 140-GHz front-end module (FEM), fabricated in 22-nm FD-SOI CMOS, shows how silicon technology can still be leveraged to build competitive phased arrays for short-range beyond-5G applications. Thanks to its integrated switch functionality, the same antenna array can be used for the transmit and receive (T/R) modes in a time-division-duplex (TDD) communication system.

  28. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Terahertz Lasers Are About To Have a Moment Harvard researchers demo a widely tunable and compact terahertz laser that teases the possibility of near-term commercial applications

    Despite lurking between microwaves and infrared, terahertz radiation is notoriously difficult to tap into for applications because of its peculiar physics. Over the past few decades, frequency tunable sources across this 0.3- to 3-terahertz range of the electromagnetic spectrum have remained elusive to researchers.

    “Electronic sources [of radiation] tend to get weaker and weaker as you go up in frequency,” says Henry Everitt of the DEVCOM Army Research Lab, as their material properties limit the performance of devices as one approaches the terahertz region. “So, [while] the microwave region is very mature…when you get up above 100 gigahertz [0.1 THz], power just falls off like crazy.” From the other end, optical sources of radiation (for example, infrared lasers), get worse as one goes down in frequency, again because of material properties. “The terahertz just happens to be the region where both of these techniques struggle.”

  29. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Läpimurto: Tutkijat kutistivat terahertsiantennin

    Moskovalaisen Skoltechin tutkijat ovat yhdessä saksalaisten kollegojen kanssa onnistuneet kutistamaan terahertsitaajuuksien lähettämiseen tarkoitetun antennin. Antennin kutistaminen ja ohentaminen 20 kertaa ohuemmaksi avaa tietä terahertsilaitteiden käyttöön muuallakin kuin lentokenttien läpivalaisussa.

    Terahertseiksi kutsutaan aluetta 100 gigahertsin ja 10 terahertsin välillä. Näitä taajuuksia voidaan käyttää läpivalaisun lisäksi langattomassa viestinnässä, kuvantamisessa kuten syöpäseulonnassa ja elintarvikkeiden analyysissä. Tekniikan ongelmana on, että THz-laitteet vaativat merkittävän miniatyrisoinnin ennen kuin ne voidaan ottaa laajemmin kaupalliseen käyttöön.

    Skoltechin apulaisprofessori Shihab Al-Daffaien mukaan lähes 90 prosenttia THz-laitteista käyttää tilaa vieviä piilinssejä, joiden halkaisija on noin 10 millimetriä ja paksuus 6 millimetriä. Tällaisilla komponenteilla ei voida valmistaa sormenpään kokoista laitetta, Al-Daffaie jatkaa.

  30. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Tiny Antenna Capable of Transmitting and Receiving Terahertz Signals
    Skoltech researchers are on a mission to bring THz devices and systems to your fingertips.

  31. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Chinese Lab Announces 6G Speed Breakthrough, While the 5G Technology Hasn’t Completely Rolled Out Yet

    A Chinese government-backed institute called Purple Mountain Laboratories announced that it had made a 6G speed breakthrough! The project was achieved through collaboration along with the country’s telecom giants, including China Mobile and Fudan University.

    A certain government-backed institute known as Purple Mountain Laboratories noted that a research team that was led by You Xiaohu, its chief scientist professor, was able to achieve sixth generation 6G-level wireless transmission capable of going up to a speed of 206.25 GB per second for the very first time in a lab environment as per its website’s statement.

    300 GHz to 3 THz Achieved Through Collaboration with Fudan University and China Mobile

    The Initial Design of 5G and No Road Map for 6G Just Yet

    As of the moment, the world has yet to agree as to the technical standards that would support these 6G frequencies, signal modulations, and even the waveforms. A leading global communication standard-setting organization, 3GPP, has yet to announce an official road map for 6G.

    Huawei and Ericsson’s Take on 6G Technology
    Huawei Technologies Co, the Chinese telecoms equipment giant, is now leading when it comes to providing 5G network equipment. Huawei is expecting 6G tech to enter the market at around 2030.

    On the other side of the globe, Ericsson, another leading 5G equipment manufacturer, is anticipating that early standards for 6G could be released in 2027 as per reports from the Light Reading research group

    Chinese lab says it made a breakthrough in 6G mobile technology as global standards-setting race heats up

  32. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Machining Waveguides For 122 GHz Operation Is Delicate Work

    Millimeter-wave Radars used in modern cars for cruise control and collision avoidance are usually designed to work at ranges on the order of 100 meters or so. With some engineering nous, however, experimenters have gotten these devices sending signals over ranges of up to 60 km in some tests. [Machining and Microwaves] decided to see if he could push the boat out even further, and set out machining some waveguide combiner cavities so he could use the radar chips with some very high-performance antennas.

    Machining 53dBi antennas for 122 GHz mmWave Radar chips!

  33. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Throughput and capacity and energy consumption are all important details, says Roger Nichols, but you should be excited about 6G’s potential impact on the world.

    Roger Nichols: 6G Is About Impacts, Not Data Rates Keysight’s 6G program manager says the next generation is being defined through what it can do for us all

    While most of us have been adjusting to the arrival of 5G networks in the world around us, Roger Nichols has been thinking about 6G. Nichols is the 6G program manager at Keysight, a California-based test and measurement equipment manufacturer. In other words, Keysight is one of the companies that builds the tools the rest of the wireless industry needs to ensure their own cutting-edge tech performs as expected.

    IEEE Spectrum spoke to Nichols about how test and measurement companies fit into the developing 6G landscape, how much earlier than the rest of the industry they need to think about new wireless technologies, and what to expect from 6G.

  34. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Väitös etsii puhdasta 6G-signaalia

    Ensi viikolla diplomi-insinööri Nuutti Tervo puolustaa Oulun yliopistossa väitöstään, jossa on esitelty menetelmiä korkean taajuuden moniantennijärjestelmän epälineaarisen vääristymän tilatason käyttäytymisen ymmärtämiseksi ja hyödyntämiseksi. Tervon työ auttaa osaltaan tärkeässä tehtävässä eli tulevien 6G-verkkojen signaalin laadun parantamisessa.

    6G tulee edellyttämään nykyistä korkeampia taajuuksia ja suurempia siirtonopeuksia tietoliikenteen käyttöön. Kaiken täytyy tapahtua pienellä viiveellä ja luotettavasti. Tämä vaatii paljon uutta kehitystyötä signaalien lähettimien ja vastaanottimien ympärillä.

    Tervo käsittelee väitöksessään myös muita radiolaitteiden epäideaalisuuksia ja sitä, miten ne voisi ottaa paremmin huomioon monikeilajärjestelmän suunnittelussa. Myös vastaanottimen epälineaarisuutta käsitellään mutta pääpaino on lähettimessä. Valtaosa väitöstutkimuksesta keskittyy tarkastelemaan tehovahvistimista aiheutuvaa epälineaarista häiriötä vaiheistetuissa keilanmuodostusjärjestelmissä, sekä löytämään menetelmiä ryhmän lineaarisuuden parantamiseksi.

    Tervon mukaan radiolähettimissä käy musiikkisoittimien tapaan niin, että jos tehot halutaan repiä irti maksimaalisesti, signaali alkaa käyttäytyä epälineaarisesti eli se ikään kuin vääristyy eikä mene täysimääräisesti haluttuun vastaanottimeen. – Korkeilla taajuuksilla tämä korostuu, kun pienestä komponentista pitää saada mahdollisimman paljon lähtötehoa hyvällä hyötysuhteella, Tervo havainnollistaa.

    - Radiojärjestelmissä ongelmana on lisäksi se, että epälineaarisuus levittää signaalia viereisille taajuuksille, mikä ei lähtökohtaisesti ole sallittua koska eri taajuusalueet ovat eri tahojen omistuksessa. Lisäksi jo toisen vaiheen 5G-järjestelmissä sekä erityisesti 6G-järjestelmissä laitteet toimivat entistä korkeammilla taajuuksilla, jolloin tarvittavien antennien ja niitä ajavien tehovahvistimien lukumäärä kasvaa suureksi. Tällöin lineaarisuutta täytyy tarkastella yhden tehovahvistimen sijaan koko lähettimen ominaisuutena, joka säteilee antennien avulla ympäristöön.

    - Antenniryhmissä keskinäiset erot eri lähetinhaarojen epälineaarisessa käyttäytymisessä luovat eroja halutun lineaarisen signaalin keilan sekä häiriön keilan välille. Tämän johdosta häiriö voi antennien avulla säteillessään siis muodostaa erilaisen säteilykuvion kuin lähetetty signaali. Tämä havainto on erityisen tärkeä ymmärtää. Ilmiö korostuu erityisesti lähetinryhmän linearisoinnissa, johon työssäni esitetään useita lähestymistapoja, Tervo selventää.

  35. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Väitös etsii puhdasta 6G-signaalia

    Ensi viikolla diplomi-insinööri Nuutti Tervo puolustaa Oulun yliopistossa väitöstään, jossa on esitelty menetelmiä korkean taajuuden moniantennijärjestelmän epälineaarisen vääristymän tilatason käyttäytymisen ymmärtämiseksi ja hyödyntämiseksi. Tervon työ auttaa osaltaan tärkeässä tehtävässä eli tulevien 6G-verkkojen signaalin laadun parantamisessa.

    6G tulee edellyttämään nykyistä korkeampia taajuuksia ja suurempia siirtonopeuksia tietoliikenteen käyttöön. Kaiken täytyy tapahtua pienellä viiveellä ja luotettavasti. Tämä vaatii paljon uutta kehitystyötä signaalien lähettimien ja vastaanottimien ympärillä.

  36. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Anritsu is offering innovative solutions to enable the eco-systems that are either developing or using the technologies. Among the things Anritsu will demonstrate to visitors include technologies and measurements for beyond 5G. 3GPP has started work on ‘5G-Advanced’ from Release 18, and industry and academia is already evaluating technologies for 6G. Anritsu is participating in multiple projects and consortia to help define and shape future telecoms technologies and related measurement requirements.


  37. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Discover how Japan is taking the lead to develop 6G, next-gen connectivity networks. Paid for and created by Japan – The Government of Japan

    Beyond 5G: Japan’s Collaborative Approach to Next-Gen Networks

    Though 5G is still in the process of being rolled out around the world, and true 4G has yet to be achieved in many places, researchers have already been working on the next generation of connectivity. What is being referred to as Beyond 5G or 6G is set to boast ultra-high speeds ultra-high capacity, ultra-low latency, ultra-multi-terminal connections and ultra-low power consumption. Combined with an expansion of connectivity into the sea, air and even space, this would have the power to transform society from an Internet of Things (IoT) to an Internet of Everything.

    “It is the convergence of the cyber and physical worlds that could be achieved with the very low latency and high data capacity of 6G networks and thus the creation of digital twins,” suggests NAKAMURA Takehiro, general manager of the 6G-IOWN Promotion Department at mobile carrier NTT DOCOMO. “We are looking at the augmentation of human capabilities. It’s like a world out of science fiction, where you could reach out and touch Hokkaido from Tokyo with your hand.”
    Expected to come online around 2030, the defining features of 6G are predicted to allow huge amounts of data to be quickly and stably transmitted, utilising the extremely high frequencies of the terahertz (THz) spectrum, as well as latency one tenth that of 5G and power consumption of around 1% of current levels.

    “6G should offer 10 or even 100 times current performance levels, in terms of data rate, latency, lower power consumption and across the board,” adds Nakamura. “As a business enterprise, it is vital to achieve a sustainable society in line with the SDGs, and therefore extremely important that power consumption is reduced for Beyond 5G networks as well.”

    “So far, network coverage has been provided to where people live, but our service area has to expand,” explains Nakamura. “With the growth of the Internet of Things, devices can be everywhere, in remote areas, in the sea, the sky and even space.”


    This growth in connectivity is multiplying the numbers of global stakeholders including carriers and equipment companies deeply involved in the new networks. The collaborative approach is extending to greater international cooperation.

    In December 2020, Japan established the Beyond 5G Promotion Consortium in collaboration with industry, academia, and government as a 6G-related initiative. The consortium is also engaged in activities to promote collaboration and cooperation with like-minded entities around the world, such as through hosting a Beyond 5G International Conference in November 2021.

    The April 2021 Japan-US Summit represented a key element in international cooperation, with an agreement that stressed the significance of promoting secure connectivity and a vibrant digital economy, the US-Japan Competitiveness and Resilience (CoRe) Partnership. This included a pledge to “advance secure and open 5G networks, including Open Radio Access Networks (“Open-RAN”)”, which fosters supply chain resilience, innovation and diversification of the market. The two nations also concluded the Global Digital Connectivity Partnership (GDCP), which promotes the adoption of open architecture such as Open-RAN, including in the Indo-Pacific region, and bilateral R&D investment in 5G and Beyond 5G development.

    “We cannot just jump into the world of 6G in one day. Open architecture by O-RAN is a key for the transition, and that begins with 5G, which we are heavily focused on,” WATANABE Nozomu, senior vice president at NEC.

    “It is important to move ahead with R&D by incorporating the voices of stakeholders from various fields, and this is a unique strength of Japan,” says NTT DOCOMO’s Nakamura.

  38. Tomi Engdahl says:

    You’ve probably never heard of terahertz waves, but they could change your life
    Welcome to the electromagnetic dark zone.

    There’s a gap on the electromagnetic spectrum where engineers can not tread.

    The spectrum covers everything from radio waves and microwaves, to the light that reaches our eyes, to X-rays and gamma rays. And humans have mastered the art of sending and receiving almost all of them.

    There is an exception, however. Between the beams of visible light and the blips of radio static, there lies a dead zone where our technology isn’t effective. It’s called the terahertz gap. For decades now, no one’s succeeded in building a consumer device that can transmit terahertz waves.

    “There’s a laundry list of potential applications,” says Qing Hu, an electrical engineer at MIT.

    But some researchers are slowly making progress. If they stick the landing, they might open up a whole new suite of technologies, like the successor to Wi-Fi or a smarter detection system for skin cancer.

    Look at the terahertz gap as a borderland. On the left side, there are microwaves and longer radio waves. On the right side lies the infrared spectrum. (Some scientists even call the terahertz gap “far infrared.”) Our eyes can’t see infrared, but as far as our technologies are concerned, it’s just like light.

    But both realms struggle to go far into the terahertz neutral zone. Standard electronic components, like silicon chips, can’t go about their business quickly enough to make terahertz waves. Light-producing technologies like lasers, which are right at home in infrared, don’t work with terahertz waves either. Even worse, terahertz waves don’t last long in the Earth’s atmosphere: Water vapor in the air tends to absorb them after only a few dozen feet.

    There are a few terahertz wavelengths that can squeeze through the water vapor. Astronomers have built telescopes that capture those bands, which are especially good for seeing interstellar dust. For best use, those telescopes need to be stationed in the planet’s highest and driest places, like Chile’s Atacama Desert, or outside the atmosphere altogether in space.


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