Self driving cars failed 2020

I was had planned to do a long post on self-driving cars a quite long time. I was planning to do one this spring, but I might not do that, because it seems that predictions that self-driving cars would be here in 2020 were far too rosy. Five years ago, several companies including Nissan and Toyota promised self-driving cars in 2020. So it may be wise to take any new forecasts with a grain of salt. Hare is a worth to check out article of the current status of self-driving cars:

Surprise! 2020 Is Not the Year for Self-Driving Cars

In March, because of the coronavirus, self-driving car companies, including Argo, Aurora, Cruise, Pony, and Waymo, suspended vehicle testing and operations that involved a human driver. Around the same time, Waymo and Ford released open data sets of information collected during autonomous-vehicle tests and challenged developers to use them to come up with faster and smarter self-driving algorithms.

It seems that the self-driving car industry still hopes to make meaningful progress on autonomous vehicles (AVs) this year, but the industry is slowed by the pandemic and facing a set of very hard problems that have gotten no easier to solve over the years.



  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Sähköautoja testattiin hirmupakkasessa: Vain kaksi viidestä lähti normaalisti käyntiin
    Eurooppalaiset autot suoriutuivat testistä parhaiten ja Renault oli karvan verran baijerilaista parempi.

    Autot eivät tunnetusti järjettömistä pakkaslukemista tykkää, ja sähköautoille kylmyys tarkoittaa ainakin heikentynyttä toimintamatkaa. Mutta miten on niiden käynnistymisen laita, kun miinusta on neljäkymmentä?

    Norsk elbilforening eli Norjan sähköautoyhdistys päätti testata asian viidellä sähköautolla. Koska ulkona ei ollut riittävän kylmä, Renault Megane E-Tech, Kia Niro, BMW iX1, Nissan Ariya ja MG4 ajettiin testikeskukseen Suomen Lappiin ja laitettiin yöksi pakastimeen.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Auton nopea data voi pysähtyä liittimeen

    Autoissa uudet turvajärjestelmät, mutta myös viihde vaatii yhä nopeampia, gigabittiluokkaan yltäviä väyliä. Näissä järjestelmissä pitää huolehtia siitä, että liitännät toimivat ankarissakin olosuhteissa ja kaapelit ja kortit liittyvät luotettavasti toisiinsa.

    Rutronik on nyt tuonut valikoimaansa JAE:n eli Japan Aviation Electronics Industryn AX01- ja MA01-sarjan kelluvat korttiliittimet (board-to-board). Niissä yhdistyy korkea siirtonopeus (jopa yli 8 gigabittiä sekunnissa) kelluviin koskettimiin, jotka minimoivat liitännän keskitysvirheet.

    JAE:n AX01- ja MA01-liittimet tarjoavat erittäin luotettavia komponentteja ADAS-markkinoille, jotka kasvavat nopeasti uusien määräysten ja lainsäädännön vuoksi. Niitä voidaan käyttää häiriöherkissä sovelluksissa, jotka perustuvat reaaliaikaiseen tiedonsiirtoon. Näitä ovat esimerkiksi ajoneuvojen turvallisuustoiminnot (varoitusjärjestelmät, kamerat), navigointijärjestelmät, audio- ja radiomoduulit.

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    VW Opts for SiC to Power Future Electric Vehicles
    Feb. 3, 2023
    Volkswagen, the world’s largest automaker, is the latest with plans to use a new class of power electronics based on silicon carbide in its EVs.|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Deep-Learning-Based Perception Algorithms Tuned to L2 ADAS
    Jan. 25, 2023
    StradVision’s SVNet, the first neural network running deep-learning-based object detection software with full-featured video and vision acceleration, is available for those using TI’s TDA4 automotive processor in Level 2 ADAS designs.|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    VW oli viime vuoden myydyin sähköauto Euroopassa

    Euroopan suosituin sähköauto oli viime vuonna Teslan Y, jota myytiin 137 tuhatta kappaletta. Valmistajien ykkönen oli kuitenkin VW-konserni, jonka täyssähköisiä automalleja myytiin yhteensä 349 200 kappaletta.

    Volkswagen-konsernilla oli täyssähköautoissa 22,4 prosentin markkinaosuus, kertoo JATO Dynamic. Tutkimuslaitoksen mukaan tämä perustui konsernin sähköisten SUV-mallien ja Cupra Bornin vahvasta kysynnästä.

    Tästä huolimatta saksalaisvalmistaja ei kyennyt kasvattamaan markkinaosuuttaan ID.3:n heikon myynnin ja e-up:n lopettamisen vuoksi. Viime vuonna Volkswagen menetti lähes 3 prosenttiyksikköä markkinaosuudestaan Teslalle, Stellantisille, BMW Groupille, Geely Groupille ja useille kiinalaisille autonvalmistajille.

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    What’s Trending for Electric Vehicles in 2023?
    Jan. 31, 2023
    While continuing to work through technological challenges surrounding batteries and charging, the EV space will likely go into some new, perhaps offbeat, directions this year.|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Meet the MIT-PITT-RW Indy Autonomous Challenge Team
    Jan. 31, 2023
    The 2023 Indy Autonomous Challenge (IAC) showcased its AV-21 autonomous race car at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway, where MIT, the University of Pittsburgh, Rochester Institute of Technology, and University of Waterloo had a competing team.
    William G. Wong|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    With Tesla just recalling nearly 363K cars due to potentially dangerous flaws in the self driving technology (sucks to be you Elon) the debate about whether all ‘mobile robots’ should be required to obey Asimov’s Three Laws is hereby well and truly open. I am shocked that these vehicles were even allowed on the roads in the first place but it needs to be addressed by primary legislation.

    Tesla recalling nearly 363,000 vehicles equipped with ‘Full Self-Driving’

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Viimeinen niitti: EU kieltää uusien polttomoottoriautojen myynnin

    Euroopan parlamentti päätti odotetusti, että uusien autojen on oltava päästöttömiä vuoteen 2035 mennessä.

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    How to build better automotive applications with MIL testing

    It’s a busy day for the automotive team of a tier-1 company. Engineers are rushing to complete the modules assigned to them so that the unit testing can be performed. The engineers are worried about multiple testing iterations that would follow the module development. The deadline is fast approaching. It’s a moment of calm before the project manager goes into a tizzy and starts questioning the team about the delay. Oh, that’s a messy situation to be in.

    One good decision at the beginning of the project and all of this could have been avoided. If the automotive team had taken the model-based design approach, the situation would be much different.

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Aurinkokennoilla päällystettyä sähköautoa kehittävä Sono Motors kertoo lopettavansa Sion-nimisen aurinkosähköauton kehittämisen. Samalla Valmet Automotive menettänee jo toisen aurinkosähköautoa kehittävän asiakkaan. Tammikuussa hollantilaisyhtiö Lightyear ilmoitti keskeyttävänsä aurinkosähköauton valmistamisen Uudessakaupungissa.

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The Future of Automotive Connectivity
    Feb. 14, 2023
    Today’s cars are bursting with wireless connectivity solutions, but they’re distributed throughout the vehicle, creating implementation challenges and cybersecurity nightmares. Connectivity domain controllers may provide an answer.|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R

  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Why the EV Era Hinges on High-Power Charging
    Feb. 16, 2023
    Delta-Q Technologies’ Mourad Chergui discusses how the company is making the shift to high-voltage EV batteries.|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R

  14. Tomi Engdahl says:


    Bad news for Tesla stans: the Elon Musk-owned company is pausing all new installations of its controversial “Full Self-Driving” software after federal regulators deemed it a “crash risk.”

    As The Verge reports, anyone who has purchased the $15,000 FSD add-on and not yet installed it — even if they just did so — will not be able to use the advanced assisted driving option until the company issues a firmware update.

    In the meantime, people who have the FSD beta can still use it, but they won’t presumably see any new features until the company has made peace with regulators.

    Behind this huge setback is Tesla’s recall of more than 360,000 FSD-enabled cars after the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration found the feature to be a significant safety issue, though it’s unclear why the company waited nearly two weeks to put this pause on new installations in the interim between the day of the recall (February 16) and now.

    Tesla pauses new Full Self-Driving beta installations until recall is addressed / Tesla has temporarily halted installations of its controversial driver-assist system after federal safety regulators deemed it posed a ‘crash risk.’ The recall affects nearly 363,000 vehicles.

  15. Tomi Engdahl says:

    RISC-V voi ajaa jo autojen kriittisiä prosesseja

    Berkeleyn yliopistossa kehitetty avoin RISC-V-prosessoriarkkitehtuuri on saavuttanut nopeasti suosiota erityisesti sulautetuissa sovelluksissa. Arkkitehtuurin joustavuus ja avoimuus näkyvät siinä, että se taipuu yhä monipuolisimpiin sovelluksiin. Nyt vuorossa on jo autojen kriittiset turvallisuusprosessit.

    Saksalaisen Fraunhofer-instituutin mikroelektroniikan ryhmä on saanut RISC-V-pohjaiselle AIRISC-SAFETY -suunnittelulleen ajoneuvojen ASIL-D-sertifioinnin TÜV SGS:ltä. Tämä tarkoittaa, että prosessori tukee ISO 26262 -standardia ja asiakkaat saavat turvaelementin suoraan käyttöönsä manuaaleineen.

    Fraunhoferin ALBACOPTER-projektissa kehitetty AIRISC on suunniteltu varmistamaan tietoliikennerajapintojen valvonta ja yhteyden toiminta autonomisesta drone-lennokista väyläverkkoon. Lisäksi prosessoria täydennettiin lukuisilla toiminnoilla, jotka varmistavat toiminnallisen turvallisuuden ja siten kriittisen valvontajärjestelmän häiriöttömän toiminnan.

  16. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Sähköautoilla ajetaan enemmän kilometrejä

    Viime vuonna lähes 18 prosenttia uusista henkilöautoista kulki sähköllä, joten autokantamme sähköistyy, vaikkakin hitaasti. Muuttaako sähköauto tottumuksiamme, kun ajokilometreistä tulee selvästi halvempia. POP Vakuutuksen tilastojen mukaan muuttaa.

    Vakuutusyhtiön tilastojen mukaan sähköautoilla ajetaan kilometrimääräisesti polttomoottoriautoja enemmän, vaikka toimintasäteet ovat edelleen selvästi lyhyempiä. 17 prosentilla vakuutetuista sähköautoista ilmoitetaan ajettavan yli 20 000 kilometriä vuodessa.

    Polttomoottoriautoista vain 6,6 prosentilla ajetaan vuodessa yli 20 000 kilometriä. – Sähköautoilu on huomattavasti polttoaineautoilua halvempaa ja tämän lisäksi myös sähköautojen käyttöikä on tavanomaisten mekaanisten vikojen puuttumisen vuoksi polttomoottoriautoa pidempi, POP Vakuutuksen korvauspalveluiden operatiivinen päällikkö Tommi Lehmusvirta pohtii.

  17. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Robottiautot kuluttavat lopulta yhtä paljon sähköä kuin datakeskukset

    SAE-luokituksessa tason 4 ja 5 autonomiset ajoneuvot ovat jo sellaisia, joissa ei tarvita ihmiskuskia. Tämä automaatio edellyttää kuitenkin melkoisesti laskentakykyä. Massachusetts Institute of Technologyn tutkijat ovat arvioineet, että lopulta robottiautot kuluttavat yhtä paljon sähköä kuin maailman datakeskukset.

    Arvio on hätkähdyttävä. Vuonna 2018 datakeskusten yhteenlaskettu energiankulutus oli 205 terawattituntia eli yksi prosentti maailman energiankulutuksesta. Maailman kasvihuonepäästöistä datakeskusten syyksi luettiin 0,3 prosenttia.

    MIT:n artikkelissa esitetään erilaisia robottiautoskenaarioita. Jos robottiauto ajaa tunnin päivässä ja päättelee 60 kertaa sekunnissa 10 kameran signaalin perusteella, tämä tarkoittaisi 21,6 miljoonaa päättelyä päivässä. Jos robottiautoja on maailmassa miljardi kappaletta, tämä tarkoittaisi 21,6 kvadriljoonaa päättelyä globaalisti joka päivä (kvadriljoona on miljoona miljoonaa miljoonaa miljoonaa!).

    Kun robottiautojen prosessorijärjestelmät yltävät nyt noin 1-2 biljoonaan operaatioon sekunnissa wattia kohti, puhutaan noin kilowatin tehonkulutuksesta. Miljardi robottiautoa kuluttaisi saman verran sähköä kuin tämän hetken datakeskukset.

    Entäpä, jos robottiautoja onkin kaksi tai kolme miljardia? Onneksi autojen prosessorien laskentakyky kaksinkertaistuu 2,8 vuoden välein, mikä myös laskee niiden suhteellista tehonkulutusta. Ja robottiautoilun päästöjä.

    Data Centers on Wheels: Emissions from Computing Onboard
    Autonomous Vehicles

  18. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Englantilaisen autoalan SMMT-järjestön (Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders) mukaan tekniikan kehityksen nykyinen nopeus ja robottiautoille asettuvat vaatimukset merkitsevät, ettei ensimmäisiä todellisia robottiautoja nähdä ennen vuotta 2035.

  19. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Filed by Ford, the patent describes a system whereby a bank or leasing company could remotely disable specific features—the air conditioning or the radio—or perhaps the car itself in cases where the person leasing the vehicle hasn’t kept up with payments.

    Ford files patent for system that could remotely repossess a car

    Ford says it has no plans to deploy such a system; it just files a lot of patents.

    A rather dystopian if somewhat expected use for connected cars started doing the rounds this week with the discovery of a patent, published last month, titled “Systems and methods to repossess a vehicle.”

    Filed by Ford, the patent describes a system whereby a bank or leasing company could remotely disable specific features—the air conditioning or the radio—or perhaps the car itself in cases where the person leasing the vehicle hasn’t kept up with payments.

  20. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Waymo robo taxis rack up a million miles without killing anyone
    It works! Now let’s cut staff by 8%

    Alphabet’s Waymo subsidiary says its driverless cars have driven more than one million miles on public roads with no human at the wheel.

    Waymo marked its achievement with a blog post and an accompanying paper [PDF] analyzing the safety performance of its cars when operated without a driver.

    Remarkably, no one was hurt in the making of this milestone and there were only two collisions serious enough to meet the National Highway Safety Transportation Administration’s reporting criteria, which include the need to file a police report and/or towing one and more vehicles away.

    “Overall, more than half of all contact events were the result of a human driver hitting a stationary Waymo vehicle,” the company said, adding that none of its cars were involved in the sort of collisions that account for 94 percent of fatalities.

    How do we stack up?
    As a point of comparison, the fatal crash rate for US drivers, age 25-29, over one million miles during the 2014-2015 period was about 0.02 percent, according to data from the American Automobile Association Foundation for Traffic Safety.

    Drivers in that group during that period experienced about 5.26 collisions and 1.5 injury crashes per million miles.

    • Tomi Engdahl says:

      The 2024 Ford Mustang is the next car to lose AM radio
      If you listen to a lot of AM radio, the next Ford Mustang is not the car for you.

      : Ford reached out to Ars with its explanation for dropping AM from the next Mustang. “A majority of U.S. AM stations, as well as a number of countries and automakers globally, are modernizing radio by offering internet streaming through mobile apps, FM, digital and satellite radio options. Ford will continue to offer these alternatives for customers to hear their favorite AM radio music, news and podcasts as we remove amplitude modulation—the definition of AM in this case—from most new and updated models we bring to market,” wrote a Ford spokesperson.

      In its December reply to Sen. Markey, Ford also noted that even without an AM receiver, “with FM, satellite radio, mobile data, and others, vehicles and their drivers have numerous alternative sources to receive [FEMA's Emergency Alert System] alerts.”

      Original story: You have to hand it to AM radio—it has outlasted the 8-track, the cassette, and the compact disc as a way to deliver audio content to a car. This first-generation radio broadcast technology dates back to the dawn of the last century before it was superseded by FM, which has better sound fidelity and is less likely to suffer from interference.

  21. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Yllätyskäänne: EU lykkää äänestystä polttomoottoriautojen kieltämisestä

    Euroopan unioni on lykännyt äänestystä merkittävästä päätöksestä, joka tarkoittaisi käytännössä uusien polttomoottoriautojen myynnin kieltämistä vuodesta 2035. Bloomberg kertoo taustalla olevan Saksan viime hetken epäröinti päätöksen suhteen.

  22. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Sähköautosota Yhdysvalloissa: Yksi osavaltio alkaa jo vaikeuttaa sähköautojen ostamista

    Autoalan vallankumousta ei olla ottamassa avosylin vastaan rapakon takana. Hiljattain Wyomingissa lainsäätäjät laativat, toki osin vitsillä lain, jonka nojalla sähköautot kiellettäisiin vuoteen 2035 mennessä.

    Nyt Mississippi on ihan oikeasti säätänyt lain, joka tekee sähköautojen ostamisesta vaikeampaa. Taustalla oli perinteisten autokauppojen pelko uusien sähköautovalmistajien tuomasta kilpailun uhasta. Vastaavaa kädenvääntöä käydään myös muissa osavaltioissa.

    Lain takana olleet republikaanit myönsivät suoraan protektionistisen tavoitteensa, siis pyrkimyksen rajoittaa kilpailua, mikä on puolueen perinteistä ideologiaa vastaan.

    Monet uudet tai uudehkot toimijat pyrkivät myymään autojaan nettikauppana tai omista toimipisteistään. Mississippin laissa todetaan nyt, etteivät autovalmistajat voi olla millään tavoin omistajina tai yhteydessä omien autojensa vähittäiskauppaan. Heinäkuun alussa voimaan astuva laki käytännössä estää uusia toimijoita avaamasta fyysisiä myyntipisteitä.

    Lakiin on jätetty yksi poikkeus, joka sallii yhden jo avatun Teslan kaupan pysyä toiminnassa.

    Viime vuosina Mississippi on esimerkiksi todettu USA:n huonoimmaksi osavaltioksi elää, saada vauva, naisille ja tehdä yritystoimintaa.

  23. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Vaali­mainos alkoi ajaa Susannan autoa, kiihdytti yli­nopeuteen

    Ilmiö on olemassa, sanovat asiantuntijat, mutta se ei poliisin mukaan kelpaa lieventäväksi asianhaaraksi ylinopeudelle

    TEKNIIKAN nimi on mukautuva eli adaptiivinen vakionopeuden säädin.

    Auto havainnoi liikennemerkkejä ja sopeuttaa auton nopeutta nopeusrajoituksiin.

    Ja – jos hassusti käy – vaalimainosten numeroihin.

    Laite on – monen muun auton tavoin – Volkswagenin sähköautossa Id.5:ssä, jollaisella Susanna oli maanantaina matkalla töihin.

    Mies ajoi, Susanna istui vieressä. Määränpää oli Pori.

    Nopeusrajoitus valtatie 2:lla Ulvilan kohdalla oli 80 km/t.

    – Äkkiä se [auto, ei aviomies] alkoi kiihdyttää 120:een, Susanna kertoo.

    Susanna ei vielä maanantaina ehtinyt huomata, mistä vaalimainoksesta auto ”nappasi uuden nopeuden”.

    Ilmiö toistui lähempänä Poria.

    Vaalimainosten ehdokasnumeroiden graafinen idea ja sommittelu muistuttavat usein nopeusrajoitusmerkkejä.

    MUTTA onko ylipäätään mahdollista, että vaalimainos alkaisi ajaa autoa?

    Ajatus on selvästi uusi alan ammattilaisillekin.

    Autoalan keskusliiton tekninen johtaja Jouko Sohlberg on aluksi epäileväinen.

    Etenkin aluksi tarjottuun lukuun 124.

    – En oikein usko, että se alkaisi poimia mitään irtonumeroita noiden 80, 100 ja 120 väleistä, Sohlberg sanoo.

    – On se kuulemma mahdollista, Sohlberg soittaa takaisin.

    Autokorjaamopalvelu Diagno Finland Oy:n toimitusjohtaja Juha Seppälä kertoo ajaneensa edellisten vaalien aikaan Tuusulantietä, kun vaalimainoksen ehdokasnumero 50 alkoi vaikuttaa nopeuteen.

    – Niin voi käydä, jos numero on optimaalisessa paikassa. Sen sijainti on looginen sen suhteen, missä kamera olettaa liikennemerkin olevan, Seppälä sanoo.

    Volkswagenia maahantuovan K-Auton teknisestä koulutuksesta vastaava Kimmo Perhoniemi ei ole kohdannut vastaavia tilanteita.

    – Mielenkiintoinen hypoteesi, Perhoniemi sanoo.

    Hän muistuttaa ennakoivassa järjestelmässä olevan rinnakkain kamera ja yhteys navigoinnin tietokantaan.

    – Sekin voi joskus tuottaa ristiriitaista tietoa ja tulee tulkintoja.

  24. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Hardware: The Backbone of Software-Defined Vehicles
    March 6, 2023
    The days of immersive, personalized, truly customizable vehicles are here, and software will drive the advances to meet consumer needs and desires. Still, hardware must be up to the task to make it all happen.|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R

    What you’ll learn:

    The advent of OTA updates.
    Advantages and challenges of software-defined vehicles.
    Why a solid hardware infrastructure is vital to successful software-defined design.

    You talk to Siri to get directions and check the weather. In your home, Alexa can turn on lights and your favorite music, as well as heating and air conditioning. We have all become so accustomed to this always-on world that we now fully expect to experience these personalized connections in our automobiles.

    Immersive, in-cabin technology has truly transitioned from a nice-to-have to a must-have. In fact, in one study, a vast majority (70%) of millennials consider technology and infotainment as the primary factor when purchasing an automobile.

    Welcome to the Age of the Software-Defined Vehicle

    The concept of the software-defined vehicle—which roughly defined means a vehicle that manages much of its operation through software—targets this shift in consumer expectations. But while software remains at the forefront of this transformation, hardware will continue to serve as the backbone to enable this software-defined future.

  25. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The 2024 Ford Mustang is the next car to lose AM radio
    If you listen to a lot of AM radio, the next Ford Mustang is not the car for you.

    : Ford reached out to Ars with its explanation for dropping AM from the next Mustang. “A majority of U.S. AM stations, as well as a number of countries and automakers globally, are modernizing radio by offering internet streaming through mobile apps, FM, digital and satellite radio options. Ford will continue to offer these alternatives for customers to hear their favorite AM radio music, news and podcasts as we remove amplitude modulation—the definition of AM in this case—from most new and updated models we bring to market,” wrote a Ford spokesperson.

    In its December reply to Sen. Markey, Ford also noted that even without an AM receiver, “with FM, satellite radio, mobile data, and others, vehicles and their drivers have numerous alternative sources to receive [FEMA's Emergency Alert System] alerts.”

    Original story: You have to hand it to AM radio—it has outlasted the 8-track, the cassette, and the compact disc as a way to deliver audio content to a car. This first-generation radio broadcast technology dates back to the dawn of the last century before it was superseded by FM, which has better sound fidelity and is less likely to suffer from interference.

    That will make it the second Ford to lose access to this antique broadcast option. After including it in the first model year 2022 F-150 Lightning electric pickup trucks, Ford dropped AM for MY2023 onward. Other electric vehicles have notably dropped AM radio—Tesla moved away from including it in new cars in 2018, as did BMW with its i3 city car, citing the potential for electromagnetic interference (EMI) from the EV powertrain. (AM radio is a feature on plenty of other EVs, so this explanation is unconvincing.)

    These moves have not been universally well-received. Last year, both the former head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency and US Senator Ed Markey (D Mass.) called on automakers to preserve AM radio. While AM radio plays no role in many of our lives, some still use it to listen to sports or talk radio, and the government continues to rely on it for the National Public Warning System. Last year also saw the FCC commissioner reject calls to reassign AM radio’s spectrum.

  26. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Tesla Cofounder Rails Against Elon Musk’s “Crap” Autopilot Feature
    He’s not pulling any punches, folks.

    As one might imagine, the Tesla cofounder that Elon Musk ousted back in 2007 has some choice words about what the company has been up to lately.

    In an interview with Insider, Tesla cofounder Martin Eberhard sought to set the record straight about the direction the company has taken since Musk pushed him out as CEO.

  27. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Microchip Displays Advanced Automotive Interface
    March 13, 2023
    At CES 2023, the company showcased several power solutions and an advanced automotive interface, complete with a wide aspect ratio touchscreen and touch-sensitive steering wheel.|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R

  28. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Tesla Confirms The Switch To 48 Volt System
    The Tesla Cybertruck will get it first.

    Tesla moves forward with applying improvements to the low-voltage system of its electric vehicles, which so far was operating at roughly 12 volts just like in the vast majority of other cars.

    During the recent 2023 Investor Day, Tesla’s representatives confirmed the intention to introduce a 48V system, which despite many years, is still a rare solution in the automotive industry.

    The first step for Tesla was the switch from 12V lead-acid auxiliary batteries to 12V lithium-ion auxiliary batteries, announced in February 2021, and initially launched in the refreshed Tesla Model S/Model X (starting with the Plaid) – see an in-depth teardown here – and later used also in the Model 3/Model Y (in late 2021).

    According to Tesla, the old lead-acid batteries were a major source of failures in Tesla cars, and they needed a replacement about every four years or so. The new lithium-ion batteries are expected to withstand the lifetime of the car (just like the main traction battery)

    Tesla says that starting with the Cybertruck (this year), the Optiums robot, and all future electric vehicles, the 48V low-voltage system will be used.

    For reference, the automotive industry moved from 6V to 12V in the 1960s (currently smaller vehicles might still use 6V, while larger vehicles use 24V).

    Tesla will use a 48V system because it will reduce the current by a factor of four, compared to 12V systems. This voltage level is still considered safe.

    The increase in voltage is a necessity as power demand for onboard electrical devices steadily increases and at 12V, the wires are becoming thick, heavy, and costly.

    With a 48V system, there will be noticeable weight and cost savings, while at the same time, efficiency might increase.

  29. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Ka-band Satellites: The Key to Implementing Reliable Vehicle Connectivity
    March 7, 2023
    Cellular comms simply can’t reliably provide vehicle connectivity for mapping, infotainment, and emergencies. This article looks at how satellite comms can be implemented cost-effectively as a failsafe, and discusses the technology’s lingering challenges.|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R

    What you’ll learn:

    Why satellite needs to be used to supply reliable vehicle communications.
    What are the challenges in making it happen.
    How EnSilica tackled the problem to create a cost-effective solution.

    One increasingly important factor in automotive design is the ability for the vehicle to communicate at high data rates. It’s a factor that will drive new business models in automotive as OEMs turn to subscription services and the concept of mobility as a service.

    Connectivity will be vital for safety as advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) lead to greater autonomy for vehicles, with vehicle-to-everything (V2X) used to share information on hazards among road users. And in the short term, connectivity has become a key requirement for cars because occupants expect to be able to make calls, play games, music, and games from the comfort of their seats no matter where they’re situated.

    The initial plans for V2X relied on the use of both inter-vehicle Wi-Fi and 5G cellular. But these two options are insufficient to meet the demands for constant connectivity. Even in Japan, where 4G coverage is nominally nationwide, there remain areas where radio devices can’t access a base station because they’re too remote or blocked by geographic features. The one technology that can offer coverage outdoors practically anywhere in the world is satellite communication.
    The Rise of Satellite Comms

    Satellite communications capacity is increasing rapidly. According to a 2020 study by McKinsey, the number of active satellites will grow to 50,000 by the end of the decade, up from just 3,000 in 2020. Though much of this growth will be for low-Earth-orbit (LEO) payloads, geostationary-Earth-orbit (GEO) satellites will remain important for communication as a way of providing full coverage in the most remote regions of the globe.

    A second development that allows for the scaling of bandwidth to meet automotive demands is multibeam operation. In this mode, an array of antennas under digital control construct and steer multiple narrow RF beams in parallel to serve data at high rates to different users below. Therefore, higher-frequency satellite bands offer a considerable advantage over the S- and Ku-bands used by some existing satellite-communication services.

    Operating in the 26.5- to 40-GHz range, the Ka-band makes it possible to use smaller antennas on both ground equipment and satellites than those used for the S- and Ku-bands. That, in turn, helps keep launch costs down as well as provides the ability to build orbiting equipment that can serve many users with the Ka-band’s higher-bandwidth data connections.

    Though beamforming has advantages in terms of potential per-user data rates, there are challenging requirements when considering the needs of moving vehicles. Typically, the roof of a vehicle provides the best location for an antenna array. It guarantees line-of-sight communication with LEO and GEO satellites whenever the vehicle is on the open road. The curvature of the roof also can improve access to LEO satellites as they near the horizon.

    Electronic Phased-Array Antenna Control is Best

    Some research projects have suggested the use of mechanically steerable antenna elements or metamaterials, such as liquid-crystal arrays, to provide the required level of support for beamforming. These technologies don’t cope well with the requirements of the automotive environment.

    Not only do liquid-crystal arrays not perform well under temperature extremes, but they also lack the responsiveness needed for handling sudden movements. Similarly, steerable antennas react too slowly to provide good performance under vibration.

  30. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Simplify Automotive Networks for Real-Time Driver Assistance
    March 8, 2023
    Sponsored by Texas Instruments: FPD-Link SerDes technology is equipped to readily handle the massive amounts of data transferred in ADAS systems.|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R

    In the automotive industry, technologies that influenceadvanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) are evolving rapidly. Applications range from basic vehicle functions such as lighting, braking, and cruise control to more complex uses like engine and transmission control, traffic warnings, proximity to other cars, and correct lane use.

    Because highly automated and connected cars will rely on more than one type of network architecture, designers are being challenged to employ multiple network technologies simultaneously. The goal is to communicate critical information in real-time and with precision to keep drivers informed about operational data and the status of the vehicle.

    In the automotive industry, technologies that influenceadvanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) are evolving rapidly. Applications range from basic vehicle functions such as lighting, braking, and cruise control to more complex uses like engine and transmission control, traffic warnings, proximity to other cars, and correct lane use.

    Because highly automated and connected cars will rely on more than one type of network architecture, designers are being challenged to employ multiple network technologies simultaneously. The goal is to communicate critical information in real-time and with precision to keep drivers informed about operational data and the status of the vehicle.

    Communication Protocols in
    Modern ADAS Architectures

    The modern vehicle relies on high-speed automotive
    communication technologies that move data faster and
    farther to accelerate vehicle safety and autonomy.

    Ethernet is one of the most common high-speed
    interfaces found in homes and offices, and is becoming a
    predominant communication protocol for vehicles. Some
    vehicles use Ethernet to transport a variety of high-speed
    data; automotive applications such as radar and lidar
    modules use single-pair Ethernet technology. Single-pair
    Ethernet uses the Ethernet standard, but data transmits
    over a single, twisted pair of wires, enabling reduced
    cable weight and cost within the vehicle.
    Ethernet is a packetized system, where packets
    between nodes on various parts of the network
    transfer information. Also like a CAN bus, Ethernet is
    bidirectional, and the speed possible on any individual
    link decreases as the number of nodes on the system
    increases. For single-pair Ethernet, the speed on any
    individual link is limited to one specific speed (10 Mbps,
    100 Mbps, 1 Gbps) and no dynamic speed changes
    on the link may occur. Still, single-pair Ethernet can
    transport data over a link up to 1,000 times faster than
    a CAN bus. Changing to single-pair Ethernet would
    optimize the data transmission speed over a CAN bus,
    but since Ethernet’s cost per node is higher, it probably
    will not replace – but rather will augment – a CAN bus.

    Some cars today use single-pair Ethernet for data-
    intensive requirements such as backup cameras
    and radar. For example, the DP83TC812S-Q1 and
    DP83TG720S-Q1 from Texas Instruments (TI) are single-
    pair Ethernet physical layers (PHYs), screened to
    Automotive Electronics Council-Q100 grades 1 and
    2, and include a loopback test mode for facilitating
    system diagnostics compliant to Institute of Electrical
    and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.3bw and 802.3bp
    automotive standards. To transport video over an
    Ethernet network, even if there is only one video channel
    being transported, the video must be compressed at
    its source and then decompressed at the destination
    to avoid exceeding Ethernet bandwidth limitations unlike
    FPD-Link™ technology, which allows for uncompressed
    transport of video data. For an application such as
    a backup camera, there needs to be a relatively high-
    power processor in the camera to compress the image
    sufficiently to get it into the Ethernet network.
    The need for a high-power processor in turn means
    that the camera will be physically larger and more
    expensive. The camera will have a higher power
    dissipation than an approach that does not require
    much image processing. Another disadvantage of this
    solution is that video compression and decompression
    add latency to the link. If several cameras or other
    video sources are sharing the same Ethernet network,
    there is a trade-off between the amount of compression
    (and corresponding video quality) and the number of
    supported video channels. It is possible to mitigate this
    limitation by setting up multiple networks within the car in
    a hierarchical configuration. There might be one network
    that deals only with engine control and diagnostics, a
    second network that handles backseat entertainment
    and the audio system, and another network that handles
    driver assistance functions such as vision enhancement
    cameras. In the end, single-pair Ethernet provides higher
    capacity than the CAN bus for transmitting data like
    radar and lidar, at the expense of greater complexity,
    but still struggles to handle the highest-bandwidth
    applications such as video.
    FPD-Link technology
    FPD-Link is a proprietary automotive SerDes technology
    developed for real-time, uncompressed transmission
    of high-bandwidth data. Specifically, FPD-Link was
    developed to transport video data within the car,

  31. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Tesla will use a magnetic engine to stop using rare earth elements
    However, Elon Musk did not divulge information about the precise materials used.

  32. Tomi Engdahl says:


    Crash Love
    Bad news for Tesla stans: the Elon Musk-owned company is pausing all new installations of its controversial “Full Self-Driving” software after federal regulators deemed it a “crash risk.”

    As The Verge reports, anyone who has purchased the $15,000 FSD add-on and not yet installed it — even if they just did so — will not be able to use the advanced assisted driving option until the company issues a firmware update.

  33. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Tesla reportedly saw an uptick in crashes and mistakes after Elon Musk removed radar from its cars

    Tesla had more crashes and near accidents after it eliminated radar, The Washington Post reported.
    The NHTSA opened investigations into reports of incidents involving phantom braking and Autopilot.
    In the past, Elon Musk has spoken out against LiDAR, another type of self-driving sensor.

  34. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Ka-band Satellites: The Key to Implementing Reliable Vehicle Connectivity
    March 7, 2023|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R

    Cellular comms simply can’t reliably provide vehicle connectivity for mapping, infotainment, and emergencies. This article looks at how satellite comms can be implemented cost-effectively as a failsafe, and discusses the technology’s lingering challenges.

    Connectivity will be vital for safety as advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) lead to greater autonomy for vehicles, with vehicle-to-everything (V2X) used to share information on hazards among road users. And in the short term, connectivity has become a key requirement for cars because occupants expect to be able to make calls, play games, music, and games from the comfort of their seats no matter where they’re situated.

  35. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Hardware: The Backbone of Software-Defined Vehicles
    March 6, 2023
    The days of immersive, personalized, truly customizable vehicles are here, and software will drive the advances to meet consumer needs and desires. Still, hardware must be up to the task to make it all happen.|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R

  36. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Raising the Bar for Connected-Car Tech at MWC 2023
    March 15, 2023
    Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 Mobile platform includes 50% more processing power, 40% power-efficiency gains, greater throughput with an integrated quad-core CPU, and up to 200 MHz of aggregated network bandwidth.|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R

  37. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Teslan vetovoima sulaa – käytetyn Model 3:n hinnoissa yli 20 prosentin pudotus, samaa odotetaan Model Y:lle*eofs8s*_ga*MjA4MjY5NTk3MC4xNjE4ODM5NTQ3*_ga_3L539PMN3X*MTY3OTk4NjA0My4xNzguMS4xNjc5OTg2Mjc1LjAuMC4w

    Käytettyjen sähköautojen markkina sukeltaa Yhdysvalloissa Tesla 3:n vetämänä. Samaa kohtaloa odotetaan pian Y-mallille.

    J.D. Powerin ja iSeeCarsin datan, sekä Green Car Reportsin uutisen mukaan suhteellisen vähän käytetyn Tesla 3:n keskimääräiset pyyntihinnat ovat pudonneet syyskuusta 2022 jopa 21,5 prosenttia. Se on enemmän kuin millään muulla automallilla.

    Samalla ajanjaksolla kaikkien käytettyjen hinnoissa on nähty 4,7 prosentin, ja vuoden ajanjaksolla 8,7 prosentin pudotus. Kaikkien käytettyjen Teslojen hinnat ovat puolestaan tippuneet vuoden aikana peräti 19 prosenttia, ja kaikkien sähköautojen 13,9 prosenttia.

  38. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The Compounding Cost of EMI in Today’s Connected Vehicle
    March 14, 2023
    Automakers need to rein in electromagnetic interference before it pumps the brakes on in-vehicle connectivity innovations.|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R

  39. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Lehti: Elon Musk käveli insinööriensä yli – Härkäpäinen päätös poisti Tesloista elintärkeän osan

    Raportti: Tutkasensorin poistaminen kasvatti kolareiden, läheltä-piti-tilanteiden ja kiusallisten kömmähdysten määrää.

    Pääjohtaja Elon Musk käveli härkäpäisesti omien insinööriensä yli tehdessään kiisteltyä, Teslan tutkateknologiaa koskevaa päätöstään toukokuussa 2021.

    Musk päätti tuolloin poistaa tutkasensorit Teslan ajoneuvoista – insinööriensä vastustuksesta huolimatta. Tutkasensorit korvattiin Tesla Vision-teknologialla, joka perustuu liikenneympäristöä valvovaan kameraan ja ihmisaivojen toimintaa jäljittelevään teknologiaan.

    Asiaan vihkiytyneet insinöörit pelkäsivät päätöksen johtavan vakaviin seurauksiin. Heidän mukaansa onnettomuusriskit kasvaisivat etenkin tilanteissa, joissa esimerkiksi sadepisarat tai auringonvalo ehkäisevät kameran toimintaa.

    Musk ei kuitenkaan vakuuttunut vaan ”käveli insinööriensä yli”. Toukokuussa 2021 Tesla ilmoitti poistavansa kiistellyn tutkajärjestelmän autojensa varustelusta.

    Pian tämän jälkeen niin ikään jo liikenteessä olevien Teslojen tutkajärjestelmiä ryhdyttiin kääntämään pimeäksi.

    Raporttia varten haastatellut työntekijät ja testikuljettajat ovat kertoneet päätöksen kohtalokkaista seurauksista.

    ”Keskeisen tärkeän sensorin poistamisen kasvatti kolareiden, läheltä-piti-tilanteiden ja kiusallisten kömmähdysten määrää”, raportissa todetaan.


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