
Static and volatile in C

Do you know when and how properly use “static” and “volatile” keywords in C coding? Are you really sure? It is best to check if you are correct and maybe learn some new tricks by reading those two educative articles: Embed with Elliot: the Static Keyword You Don’t Fully Understand Embed with Elliot: The Volatile

HamShield Arduino Radio

Almost anybody can grab a USB TV tuner card and start monitoring the airwaves. To be able to do radio transmissions legally you’ll need your amateur radio license and suitable equipment. There is wide variety of equipment you can buy and build. On new interesting new radio kit is HamShield I saw mentoned at HamShield


I have already mentioned that there are several visual programming tools for programming Arduino at my Visual programming for Arduino posting. Now I just read about new ArduBLock tool. ArduBlock is a programming environment designed to make “physical computing with Arduino as easy as drag-and-drop.” Ardublock is marketed as a very convenient way to get people

Lock opening robot!

I just saw this interesting article: This Little 3-D Printed Robot Cracks Combination Locks in 30 Seconds article tells that a well-known hacker Samy Kamkar published on his website the blueprint and software code for a 3-D-printable Arduino-based lock-opening robot he calls the “Combo Breaker.” Attach it to any of millions of Master Lock combination

Arduino robot ideas

Here are some ideas for Arduiono based DIY robots building:   HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensor – object avoiding Arduino robot. – ClusterBot     4WD Arduino Sonar and IR Robot Test Run   Arduino Robot Tank – Stage 1 – NAV System