Internet of Exploits (IoE)

I recommend that we start using new term I heard at event: Internet of Exploits (IoE) is to be used to describe the current and future situation of network being filled exploitable Internet of Things (IoT) and other poorly secured networked devices. We were sold the idea of Internet of Everything (IoE) and what

New chips: ESP32 and ATmega328PB

Some of my favorite small micro-controller platforms (as you might have seen if you have been reading this blog) are Arduino and ESP8266. It seems that there is going ot be some upgrades to those platforms this year. ESP32 ESP8266 chip is used to build  WiFi modules for serial-to-WiFi conversion and Internet of Things applications. ESP8266

AWS IoT for home automation

How to use Amazon AWS IoT services for home auomation? Finnish blog posting Valoautomaatiota AWS IoT -alustalla (check English translation by Google) about building home lighting automation with Philips Hue, Z-Wave and AWS IoT. The idea is to build a solution where the lights go on automatically on arrival to home and they can be