‘Li-fi 100 times faster than wi-fi’ – BBC News


Interesting and potentially interesting. Let’s wait when we see this in practical products.

The numbers on the article are a bit sensational comparing today’s lifi to yesterday’s wifi… General idea right.

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  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Estonian vendor sparks Li-Fi hypegasm with gigabit demo
    1Gbps demo was a lovely light bulb moment, but where are the standards?

    We’ve talked about Li-Fi – using modulated LEDs as data channels – before at The Register, but last week’s announcements warrant revisiting the idea.

    Photons make good communications channels: that’s why the Internet’s fattest pipes are optical fibre. Even the idea of using ambient light carry data has been around for nearly three decades.

    What’s different about Li-Fi is its speed. In early demonstrations in 2012 it already showed promise, with talk of 130 Mbps speeds. That was borne out in 2013, when Chinese researchers ran 150 Mbps transmissions to four computers simultaneously.

    Most recently, Estonian company Velmenni created buzz last week by demonstrating a 1 Gbps implementation of the technology.

    The idea behind Li-Fi is seductively simple: we know that LEDs can be modulated at very high speeds, because that’s what line-of-sight infrared communications systems use, and they passed the 2 Gbps mark long ago.

    The biggest constraint of the technology is also part of its advantage: unlike Wi-Fi signals, Li-Fi doesn’t pass through walls. This constrains the reach of the technology – but at the same time, the 150 MHz a light bulb delivers to a user in the office doesn’t interfere with the 150 MHz another user is getting in the lounge-room.

    Being blocked by walls also means you don’t have to worry about a drive-by hacker (although you’d want a deployment model that meant your porch light wasn’t broadcasting your private data).

    The technology is strictly indoors-application-only (since sunlight blocks it), but the Chinese experiments at the Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics in 2013 also demonstrated that the LEDs can be dimmed to near-darkness and still communicate.

    The biggest roadblock to Li-Fi right now is a lack of standards.

    The IEEE had a shot at standardising the PHY and MAC layers for visible light communications in 2009, creating the 802.15.7 working group, but those specifications don’t cover Li-Fi.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Lifi sounds almost scifi: the LEDs flicker could be used to transfer data and even high-speed connections? However, the French developer Lucibel LED lighting solutions for the world’s first planted a data connection to LED lighting.

    Lifi is a technique in which visible light is used to transfer data in small spaces. Led by means of technology has been reached up to 10 Gbps

    Developer lifi technology is Professor Harald Haas, whose team has developed a data transfer based on visible light at Edinburgh University. Lifi-link data is encoded LED to emit light by modulating the LED power output.

    LEDs blink so fast that the human eye to differentiate them. The receiver, however, say, laptops are able to read the signal, and even send data in one direction, that is, the link allows for bi-directional traffic.

    First Lucibel install Harald Haas founded pureLiFi company data connections based on technology Sogeprom company headquarters in Paris’s La Defense

    Commercial use of comprehensive technology is in joining the autumn of 2016.

    Source: http://etn.fi/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3671:ledidata-tulee-toimistokayttoon&catid=13&Itemid=101

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Li-Fi Probably Won’t Be The New Wi-Fi For Most People

    Long restricted to the academic domain, Li-Fi, a light-based data delivery method is suddenly getting all sorts of attention. An Estonian startup Velmenni recently tested an commercial implementation and found it to be superior to Wi-Fi in almost every way – except as something you and I will probably ever use.

    Velmenni’s technology, called Jungru, uses an LED bulb and transmits data at gigabit speed. It has a theoretical speed of 224 gigabytes per second, the BBC reported. While the Jungru product is commercially viable, it is still based on what seems to be a laboratory-grade MATLAB and Simulink setup paired with photodiodes as opposed to a final product which must transmit data in real world environments full of light pollution and other variables.

    University of Edinburgh Professor Harald Hass first demonstrated Li-Fi as a part of the D-light project at the school’s Institute for Digital Communications back in 2010. He gave a 2012 TED Global talk about it but but despite several companies being interested enough to start a Li-Fi consortium, the technology is still not a commercial contender.

    The technology uses protocols similar to the RF-band 802.11 protocols, with additional standards to eliminate the impacts of interference and impacts of ambient lighting. Despite this, however, the technology cannot be deployed in outdoors in sunlight or in other odd conditions.

    LED lightbulbs that use the technology don’t appear visually different – information is encoded in pulses of light that are small and rapid enough perturbations to be undetectable to the naked eye. While it’s attractive to envision a network of connected lightbulbs all being used to transmit data between nodes, it’s not clear if the benefits of faster wireless communication will outweigh the costs of constantly-on LED lights, as well as the cost of optical detectors requiring clear line-of-sight.

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    What Is Li-Fi? Meet The Revolutionary Wireless Technology That Is 100 Times Faster Than Wi-Fi

    An Estonian startup called Velmenni used a Li-Fi-enabled lightbulb to transmit data at speeds as fast as 1 gigabit per second (Gbps), which is about 100 times faster than current Wi-Fi technology, meaning a high-definition film could be downloaded within seconds. The real-world test is the first to be carried out, but laboratory tests have shown theoretical speeds of 224 Gbps.

    So, just what is Li-Fi, how does it work, and will it really revolutionize the way we connect to the Internet?

    Li-Fi refers to visible light communications (VLC) technology, which delivers high-speed, bidirectional, networked mobile communications in a manner similar to Wi-Fi. It promises huge speed advantages, as well as more-secure communications and reduced device interference.

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Who Invented Li-Fi?

    The term was coined by German physicist Harald Haas during a TED Talk when he outlined the idea of using lightbulbs as wireless routers.

    Harald Haas: Wireless data from every light bulb

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Hackaday Explains: Li-Fi & Visible Light Communications

    A new way to transmit data is coming that could radically change the way that devices talk to each other: LiFi. Short for Light Fidelity, LiFi uses visible light to send data, creating the link between router and device with invisible pulses of light. This type of Visible Light Communication (VLC) uses something that is present in pretty much every room: an LED lightbulb.

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    PureLifi is a Scottish company that Edunburghin University Professor Harald Haas under the direction of the development of data transmission using LED lights. Now, the company has completed its first commercial product. Lifi-X is the world’s first led data communication device that plugs to USB port.

    Li-Fi, or Light Fidelity is emerging as a very potential of high-speed Internet connections importer, for example in small office rooms. rapid flickering LED lights based technology data has been transferred gigabit per second to 10 meters range.

    presented in Barcelona at Mobile World Congress lifi-X is connected to the USB port device, which brings LiFlame router system is connected to a laptop 40 mega bits per second data connection in both directions

    Source: http://etn.fi/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=4053:uusi-mokkula-vastaanottaa-ledidataa&catid=13&Itemid=101


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