Landmark UN Climate Change Report: Act Now To Avoid Climate Catastrophe | IFLScience

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has unleashed their Special Report on the impact of global warming reaching 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.
“This IPCC report is set to outline a rescue plan for humanity,”
“1.5°C is the new 2°C,”
If we stick to Paris Climate Agreement commitments, we could still see a global warming of about 3°C by 2100.


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Pahis onkin hyvis? – Roskiin heitetyllä kinkkusiivulla tai leipäpalalla yhtä suuri ilmastovaikutus kuin muovipakkauksella

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Why renewables can’t save the planet | Michael Shellenberger | TEDxDanubia

    Environmentalists have long promoted renewable energy sources like solar panels and wind farms to save the climate. But what about when those technologies destroy the environment? In this provocative talk, Time Magazine “Hero of the Environment” and energy expert, Michael Shellenberger explains why solar and wind farms require so much land for mining and energy production, and an alternative path to saving both the climate and the natural environment.

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:


    But even I was shocked by how the Q&A of our Dan Pena movie premiere went down. Dan get’s questioned about Global warming and why people like him and Donald Trump simply seem to not care about this issue. Dan responds with his own answer to the question and claims that global warming is a fraud.

    Until now only those who attended the exclusive event saw Dan offer to fight anyone in the room…

    …brand climate change complete bullshit…

    …and predict which countries Trump would soon bomb back to the stone age.

    And now our most explosive conversation ever is available in full.


    Dan Peña is an American born businessman, entrepreneur, mentor and creator of QLA, the Quantum Leap Advantage methodology responsible for the creation of over $50 Billion of Wealth since 1993.

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Good News on Climate Change! We’re Safe. We’re Adaptable. Six points for Discussion.

    Is there a climate crisis? Is there a 97% ‘consensus’ on this? We look at the science and offer six points for your consideration and discussion:
    1) Climate cycles between warm and cold
    2) Warming benefits northern countries
    3) CO2 enhances plant growth and crops
    4) Sea levels change due to many factors
    5) Warm climatic periods have more stable weather
    6) Warming has economic benefits; “Climate Action” would cost more than doing nothing


    a consensus is not Science – it’s politics.

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Mikä näistä on ekologisin: muovipussi, paperikassi, kangaskassi vai luomupuuvillakassi?

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Nuclear Power Can Save the World

    Expanding the technology is the fastest way to slash greenhouse gas emissions and decarbonize the economy.

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    180808 Ilmastohuijaus (3), hiilidioksidi

    Ihmisperäisen hiilidioksidin (CO2) väitetään syöksevän maapallon katastrofaaliseen lämpiämiseen (CAGW). Onko hiilidioksidi syyllinen, mistä on kysymys?

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Positive climate feedback

    Positive climate feedback is a process that is one type of climate feedback wherein some initial change in the climate causes some secondary change that in turn increases the effects of the initial change, essentially magnifying the initial effect.[2] Positive climate feedbacks are often discussed in the context of climate change and is one sub-type of positive feedback.

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    13 Misconceptions About Global Warming

    Common misconceptions about climate change.

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    New Satellite Photos Show Climate Change Is Sweeping Europe

    Swedish forest fires, retreating glaciers and arid cropland attest to a new reality.

    Climate change is picking up pace in Europe, thrusting farmers and power generators onto the front lines of a battle with nature that threatens to upend the lives of the half billion people who occupy the world’s biggest trading bloc.

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Lopettaisinko juuston syömisen vai vaihtaisinko sähköautoon? Kokeile Ylen ilmastolaskurilla, mitkä teot sopivat sinulle ja mikä vaikutus niillä on päästöihin

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    ♻️ Pakkauksen tuottamisen ilmastovaikutukset ovat hyvin pienet verrattuna itse tuotteen aiheuttamiin ilmastovaikutuksiin. Pakatulla ruoalla on paremmat mahdollisuudet tulla myydyksi ja syöydyksi. ♻️

    Lajittelu on ratkaisu: pienennetään sekajätevuorta, laitetaan kierrätettävät materiaalit hyötykäyttöön.

  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    New Satellite Photos Show Climate Change Is Sweeping Europe

    Swedish forest fires, retreating glaciers and arid cropland attest to a new reality.

  14. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The Hidden Truth Behind Sweden’s Waste Disposal Infrastructure

    To Burn or Not to Burn: In Sweden, waste incineration plants convert excess and non-recycled rubbish into energy. The Swedish government classifies this process as recycling, but is this form of waste disposal really sustainable?

    At a waste incineration plant in Västerås, Sweden, sixty tonnes of waste are burnt every hour, converting it into energy for electricity and hot water. Sweden has 34 waste-to-energy furnaces and the country makes over $100 million a year importing and burning waste from other countries. “We see it as a kind of recycling”

  15. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Ex-kansanedustaja ja tv-tähti Antero Vartia koukuttaa kuluttajat päästöjen hyvittämiseen – Näin toimii hiljaisuudessa valmisteltu Compensate

  16. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Suomi ollut yksi harvoista hyötyjistä ilmastonmuutoksessa

  17. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The Planet’s Diet Has To Change, But You Might Not Like What’s Coming

    The world might be gripped in a climate crisis and our diets are slowly but surely killing us, but soon we’ll all be able to enjoy a nice maggot hot dog, finished off with a refreshing scoop of insect ice-cream.

    Overpopulation is slowly but surely becoming a reality for our planet, putting further strain on the environment and its resources. One of the key problems with our resource management is the way we obtain the protein in our diet. A huge chunk of the world’s protein comes from livestock

  18. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Nature crisis: Humans ‘threaten 1m species with extinction’

    On land, in the seas, in the sky, the devastating impact of humans on nature is laid bare in a compelling UN report.

    One million animal and plant species are now threatened with extinction.

    Earth has always suffered from the actions of humans through history, over the past 50 years, these scratches have become deep scars.

    The world’s population has doubled since 1970, the global economy has grown four-fold, while international trade has increased 10 times over.

    To feed, clothe and give energy to this burgeoning world, forests have been cleared at astonishing rates, especially in tropical areas.

  19. Tomi Engdahl says:

    David Attenborough – Humans are plague on Earth

    Humans are a plague on the Earth that need to be controlled by limiting population growth, according to Sir David Attenborough.

    The television presenter said that humans are threatening their own existence and that of other species by using up the world’s resources.

    He said the only way to save the planet from famine and species extinction is to limit human population growth.

    “We are a plague on the Earth. It’s coming home to roost over the next 50 years or so. It’s not just climate change; it’s sheer space, places to grow food for this enormous horde. Either we limit our population growth or the natural world will do it for us, and the natural world is doing it for us right now,” he told the Radio Times.

  20. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Odottakaa vain – ilmastonmuutos kieltää saunat

    IoT:n, älyrakennusten ja energiansäästön seurassa heräsi väistämätön ajatus: seuraavaksi yritetään ilmastonmuutosta vastustaa kieltämällä sähkösaunat.

    Schneider Electricin esityksissä kuvattiin, millaisia säästöihin tavallisessa asunnossa voidaan päästä, jos sähkönkulutusta ryhdytään seuraamaan reaaliajassa. Silloin voidaan esimerkiksi pesukoneet ja muut sähköteholtaan raskaat laitteet ajastaa toimimaan öiseen aikaan. Näin moni toki jo tekeekin.

    Lauantai-iltaisin sähkönkulutus piikittää monissa kodeissa, kun 4 ja 6 kilowatin kiuas lyödään pariksi tunniksi tai pidemmäksi aikaa päälle. Kiuas on todellinen pahis, sillä sen hyötysuhdetta on vaikea parantaa.

    Nykyisessä mielipideilmastossa voidaankin ennustaa, että jollakin aikataululla kiuas joutuu inkvisiittoreiden tähtäimeen. Maailman 7,7 miljardista ihmisistä suurin osa tulee toimeen ilman saunaa, joten ainakin sitä pitää verottaa ankarasti luksustuotteena.

  21. Tomi Engdahl says:

    This Natural Gas Plant Has Achieved Zero Emissions

    Just outside Houston, a company called NET Power has just brought a revolutionary new power plant online. The company says it can burn natural gas while capturing 100% of carbon emissions, with no increase in the cost of electricity. In this episode of “The Spark,” we take you inside the world’s first zero-emissions natural gas plant. We also look at an Icelandic company, CarbFix, that has developed a way of safely storing captured carbon by depositing it deep in volcanic rocks.

  22. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Sitra: Punainen liha pannaan ja omat autot vapaa-ajalla kotiin – ilman ennennäkemättömän kovia tekoja ilmastotavoite karkaa Suomessa

    Laskelmien mukaan suomalaisten päästöjä pitäisi vähentää jo vuoteen 2030 mennessä 75 prosenttia. Tavoitteen haasteellisuudesta kertoo se, että maiden tähän asti tekemät sitoumukset eivät riitä edes Pariisin sopimuksen mukaisen kahden asteen tavoitteen saavuttamiseen. Sitran laskelmissa Pariisin vielä voimassa olevan tavoitteen saavuttamiseen vaaditaan Suomessa vajaan 60 prosentin vähennys.

  23. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Sitran 1,5 asteen elämäntavat -raportin pieni happotesti

    Sitran raportin mukaan suomalaisten hiilijalanjälki vuonna 2017 oli 10,4 hiilidioksidiekvivalenttitonnia (tCO2e) per nenä, vauvasta senioriin.

    Tätä lukua pitäisi ilmastotavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi pienentää seuraavasti:
    Vuoteen 2030 mennessä 2,5 tonniin / nenä
    Vuoteen 2040 mennessä 1,4 tonniin / nenä
    Vuoteen 2050 mennessä 0,7 tonniin / nenä.

    Sitran raportin tavoitelukuihin muunnettuna pelkkä lämmitys aiheutti vuonna 2017 n. 1,9 tonnia (t CO2e) per nenä, vauvasta senioriin.

    Saavutetaanko tavoitteet ohjailemalla ihmisten päätöksiä esim. haittaveroilla niin, että vanha elämäntapa käy mahdottomaksi?

  24. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The Brainwashing of a Nation

    Brainwashing isn’t a secretive event that takes place in hidden rooms. No hypnotists or vials full of chemicals are required. It takes place every day on a massive scale across the United States.

    Brainwashing isn’t magic, but it can look like magic.

    The art and science of brainwashing is well known. We don’t know it because we choose not to.

    Brainwashing happens every day. It doesn’t have to mean a complete transformation of identity. On the simplest level, it means compelling someone to believe something that isn’t true.

    Almost anyone can be compelled to say anything under enough stress. Many can be forced to believe it. The acid test of brainwashing is whether they will retain that belief once fight-or-flight mode passes.

    How do you brainwash a nation?

    Control the national environment, force a crisis on the country, and tap into their fear and guilt. And then you can outlaw planes, cows, skyscrapers, straws, plastic bags and the rest of the Green New Deal.

    The environmental crisis is just one example of how leftist movements can brainwash a Nation.

  25. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Why the Guardian is changing the language it uses about the environment

    From now, house style guide recommends terms such as ‘climate crisis’ and ‘global heating’

    Instead of “climate change” the preferred terms are “climate emergency, crisis or breakdown” and “global heating” is favoured over “global warming”, although the original terms are not banned.

  26. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Exposing Australia’s recycling lie | 60 Minutes Australia

    There is no doubt Australia is one of the most wasteful nations in the world, so the practice of recycling helps to lessen our guilt. As we drag our bins out for collection each week, we feel like we’re helping the environment. But the reality is that we’re all being conned. Right now, Australia is stuck in an unsightly and worsening recycling crisis. What is being done with plastic waste, the material most people think would be easy to salvage and re-use, is of the greatest concern. As Liam Bartlett discovers, most of it ends up either being buried or worse – exported to countries like Malaysia, a place we are now treating like a garbage bin.

  27. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Recycling plastics – Resource efficiency with an optimized sorting method

    In Germany alone, two and a half million tons of plastic packaging land in the yellow trash can. German households pre-sort their garbage into four separate trash cans; yellow for plastics, brown for compost; blue for paper and black for non-recyclables. Since the various plastics are very difficult to separate from one another, most of the material is utilized for energy.

    The new film from VDI Resource Efficiency Center, Recycling plastics – Resource efficiency with an optimized sorting method depicts an improved sorting and processing method for valuable plastics, bringing the plastics life cycle full circle.

  28. Tomi Engdahl says:

    How Are Aluminium Cans Recycled? | How Do They Do It?

    The world consumes a mind blowing 4 billion cans of soft drinks made of recycled aluminium every week. DCODE how they are recycled.

  29. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The fight to rethink (and reinvent) nuclear power

    New nuclear energy technology has come a long way – but can we get over our fears?

    This is the fifth episode of Climate Lab, a six-part series produced by the University of California in partnership with Vox. Hosted by Emmy-nominated conservation scientist Dr. M. Sanjayan, the videos explore the surprising elements of our lives that contribute to climate change and the groundbreaking work being done to fight back.

    A nuclear waste dump for eternity

    France has found a €25 billion solution to the unanswerable question of what to do with its high-level nuclear waste – bury it deep underground.
    While nuclear energy has a small carbon footprint, its waste still produces a puzzling problem for the industry. For the moment, it is treated and held in temporary sites but the plan is to store it 500 metres below the Earth’s surface.

  30. Tomi Engdahl says:

    6 Roof and Pavement Tiles from Plastic Waste

    Plastic waste is becoming a scourge of the earth. Lack of recycling has led to massive islands being created in the ocean made of plastic. New eco friendly plastic & sand tiled houses are starting to be a common sight in Africa. Containers, bags, soda holders and all other types of plastic get wrapped around sea life or ingested leading to their demise. A few individuals though have taking it upon themselves to create machines and processes to create something useful from waste plastic. On this episode we’ll how to to recycle waste plastic into paving tiles from 6 different sources. Pavement tiles made from plastic waste only benefit everyone and have no downside to them. Whether it’s roof tiles or pavements made from plastic waste these processes will remove plastic from the environment.

  31. Tomi Engdahl says:

    This Environmentalist Says Only Nuclear Power Can Save Us Now

    Michael Shellenberger believes The Green New Deal’s focus on wind and solar is a waste of time and money.

    Calling climate change an existential threat to humanity, congressional Democrats introduced a policy proposal in February called the Green New Deal, which would mandate that 100 percent of U.S. energy production come from “clean, renewable and zero-emission energy sources” like wind and solar by the year 2050.

    But some environmentalists say Green New Dealers are neglecting one obvious source of abundant clean energy already available: Nuclear power, which an accompanying Green New Deal FAQ explicitly states should be phased out alongside fossil fuels like oil, gas, and coal.

    “If you want to save the natural environment, you just use nuclear. You grow more food on less land, and people live in cities. It’s not rocket science,” says Shellenberger.

  32. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Tilasto: Parista tehtaasta pahemmat päästöt, kuin koko Suomen yksityisautoilusta – sementillä yllättäviä ilmastovaikutuksia

  33. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Metsäntutkijat: Ilmastonmuutoksella luonnolliset syyt

    Ilmastonmuutos noudattaa edelleen auringosta johtuvaa maapallon historiallista sykliä, arvioivat eri puolilta maailmaa Rovaniemelle kokoontuneet metsäntutkijat.

  34. Tomi Engdahl says:

    ‘Young scientists share protesters’ sense of urgency on climate’

    Young scientists have the ambition, disruptive thinking and sense of urgency to drive clean energy forward at the radical pace that is needed, says Luciana Miu, a PhD student in chemical engineering who is focusing on energy efficiency at Imperial College London, UK.

    She is vice chair of the 2019 International Student Energy Summit, the flagship programme of Student Energy, a Canada-based global charity that aims to build the next generation of energy leaders, and is keen to forge intergenerational partnerships with today’s energy decision-makers.

  35. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Nuori ilmastoaktivisti Greta Thunberg saa Amnestyn korkeimman kunniamerkin

    Ilmastonmuutoksen vastainen työ on myös toimintaa ihmisoikeuksien puolesta


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