Samsung recall: Tech solutions to enhance lithium-ion battery safety | EDN–Some-possible-tech-solutions-to-enhance-lithium-ion-battery-safety-

Exploding lithiun batteries are in headlines every now and then. How they can be made safer?


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Ratkesiko akkujen raaka-aineongelma? Merivedessä on 5000 kertaa enemmän litiumia kuin maalla
    Tutkijat saudiarabialaisesta Kaust-yliopistosta kehittivät keraamisen kalvon, joka erottelee litiumin talteen. Lopputulos on 99,94 % puhdasta.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Testing questionable LiPo Battery Charger Schematics I found on the internet!

    In this episode of testing circuits I found on the internet I will be having a look at LiPo battery charger schematics. I will build up 2 very simple circuits which claim to charge a LiPo battery and test whether they can truly do that. One circuit is based around an LM317 adjustable regulator while the other one is based around an Op-Amp. I will show you the flaws of those simple design and while I am at it also show you my own super simple, very inefficient but safe LiPo charger. Let’s get started!

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Testing LCBs (Lithium Ceramic Batteries) || The Future of Battery Technology?

    In this video we will have a closer look at solid state lithium batteries, in particular LCBs (lithium ceramic batteries). We will determine their volumetric and gravimetric energy density and compare them to Li-Ion and Li-Po batteries. At the end we will conduct a couple of mechanical and electrical stress tests in order to demonstrate the big strength of this battery type, its safety.

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Suomalainen natriumakku voi mullistaa maailman: Jännite 4 V, lataus 5 min, yhtä tehokas kuin Li-ioni mutta halvempi – Voi korvata jopa lyijyakut

    Suomessa kehitetty akku ei tarvitse harvinaisia raaka-aineita, latautuu 5 minuutissa ja on yhtä tehokas kuin litiumioniakku. Pian Broadbit Batteries käynnistää koetehtaan.

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    A Tesla Megapack caught fire at the Victorian Big Battery facility in Australia

    A 13-tonne Tesla Megapack caught fire on Friday morning at a battery storage facility in south-east Australia. The blaze occurred during testing

    Firefighters were using a hazmat appliance designed for hazardous chemical spills and specialist drones to conduct atmospheric monitoring, according to Fire Rescue Victoria.

    As a result of the fire, a warning for toxic smoke has been issued in the nearby Batesford, Bell Post Hill, Lovely Banks and Moorabool areas, reports The Sydney Morning Herald. Residents were warned to move indoors, close windows, vents and fireplace flues and bring their pets inside.

    The Victorian Big Battery site, a 300 MW/450 MWh battery storage facility, is viewed as key to the Victorian government’s 50 percent renewable energy target by 2030. It follows the success of Neoen and Tesla’s 100 MW/129 MWh battery farm in Hornsdale in South Australia, which was completed ahead of schedule and has resulted in multi-million dollar savings for market players and consumers.

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    CATL Unveils First-Generation Sodium-Ion Battery

    It has unique advantages and should be affordable.
    The largest Chinese battery manufacturer – Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Ltd. (CATL) – has announced today the first generation of sodium-ion batteries.

    The sodium-ion batteries are not new. The concept emerged atn a similar time as the lithium-ion batteries, as both types have a similar working principle.

    “Sodium ions also shuttle between the cathode and anode. However, compared with lithium ions, sodium ions have a larger volume and higher requirements regarding structural stability and the kinetic properties of materials. This has become a bottleneck for the industrialization of sodium-ion batteries.”

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Solid state batteries have long been promised to us as the solution to our energy storage needs. Theoretically capable of greater storage densities than existing lithium-ion and lithium-polymer cells, while being far safer to boot, they would offer a huge performance boost in all manner of applications. For those of us dreaming of a 1,000-mile range electric car or a 14-kilowatt power drill, the simple fact remains that the technology just isn’t quite there yet….


  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Kiinalaisyritys ratkaisi natriumakun ongelman

    Kiinalainen CATL eli Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Ltd. tunnetaan suurena litiumioniakkujen valmistajana. Nyt yhtiö on esitellyt ensimmäisen kaupallisen natriumiin perustuvan akku- ja paristotekniikan.

    Yhtiö esitteli innovaationsa omassa Tech Zone -tapahtumassaan. Akkutekniikan kehityksessä on pitkälti kyse materiaalien kehityksestä, mikä näkyy myös CATL:n lanseerauksessa.

    Natriumioniakun toimintaperiaate on samanlainen kuin litiumioniakun. Natriumionit siirtyvät myös katodin ja anodin väliin. Verrattuna litiumioneihin natriumioneilla on kuitenkin suurempi tilavuus ja korkeammat vaatimukset rakenteellisen vakauden ja materiaalien kineettisten ominaisuuksien suhteen. Tästä on tullut pullonkaula natriumioniakkujen teollistumiselle.

    CATL:n ensimmäisen sukupolven natriumioniakkujen etuja ovat muun muassa korkea energiatiheys, pikalataustoiminto, erinomainen lämmönkestävyys, erinomainen suorituskyky alhaisissa lämpötiloissa ja korkea integrointitehokkuus . Natriumioniakun energiatiheys voi saavuttaa jopa 160 Wh/kg. Akun voi ladata 80 prosentin kapasiteettiin 15 minuutissa huoneenlämpötilassa. Lisäksi -20 asteen lämpötilassa akun kapasiteetista säilyy yli 90 prosenttia.

    Ensimmäisen sukupolven natriumioniakkuja voidaan käyttää erilaisissa kuljetussovelluksissa

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    How your phone battery creates striking alien landscapes

    There’s a global hunt for lithium to power our devices and electric vehicles. In the latest of our photographic series Anthropo-Scene, we explore the distinctive terrain where the stuff is mined.

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    CATL’s Sodium-Ion Battery: Better than Lithium?

    Contemporary Amperex Technology or CATL recently unveiled their first generation sodium ion batteries for commercial use. I have been hearing a lot about this technology and thought that it would be worth talking about.

    Scientists started off developing sodium ion batteries right alongside lithium ion batteries. Over time, lithium rose to dominance and sodium fell by the wayside. But now things have changed, and sodium ion batteries have started to see renewed interest.

    In this video, we will briefly review sodium ion batteries, their state of development, and what their commercialization means for the renewable energy market at large.

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Cade Metz / New York Times:
    A look at Sila Nanotechnologies’ new battery model, which ships in the new Whoop wearable, and may fuel a change in energy storage for electric cars and more — This week, a more efficient type of battery arrives in a wristband fitness tracker. It could soon reach smart glasses, cars and even aircraft.

    Your Batteries Are Due for Disruption

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Can Guy blow up an electric car battery? | Guy Martin Proper

    Guy Martin explores the world of electric vehicles. Are they the future? Should you buy one? Can he go fast in an electric vehicle – maybe even set a new world speed record? In this clip, Guy sees how safe electric cars really are.

    The question isn’t “Can Guy blow up an electric battery?” but “Can Guy SAFELY and PURPOSELY blow up an electric battery?” I’m pretty sure he can do it in some rally dangerous ways without meaning too.

  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Saksassa rakennettiin totaalisen ihmeellinen litiumakku – 560 Wh/kg, varaushyötysuhde 99,94 %, 4000 lataussyklin kesto
    Tuomas Kangasniemi10.9.202121:19TIEDEAKKUTEKNOLOGIAENERGIA
    Uusi litiummetalliakku on vasta laboratorioasteella, mutta todella rakennettu – ei pelkkä teoreettinen ennuste.

  14. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Is This the End for Lithium-ion Batteries? “Layer cake” anode could help sodium-ion batteries displace lithium-ion

  15. Tomi Engdahl says:

    A New Conductive Layer — Like Cheese on a Burger — Could Help Prevent Lithium-Ion Battery Fires
    Taking an alternative approach to rivals, NTU’s patent-pending battery protection system lets dendrites grow into an added protective layer.

  16. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Solid-State All-Silicon Anode Batteries Offer Boosted Capacities, Charging Rates

    New breakthrough could bring silicon anode batteries to market as first author Darren H. S. Tan sets up a company to commercialize the tech.

  17. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Its all a Scam! – Before Replacing Your Phone Battery Watch This – Scams Explained

  18. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Study: Recycled Lithium Batteries as Good as Newly Mined Cathodes made with novel direct-recycling beat commercial materials

    Lithium-ion batteries, with their use of riskily mined metals, tarnish the green image of EVs. Recycling to recover those valuable metals would minimize the social and environmental impact of mining, keep millions of tons of batteries from landfills, and cut the energy use and emissions created from making batteries.

    But while the EV battery recycling industry is starting to take off, getting carmakers to use recycled materials remains a hard sell. “In general, people’s impression is that recycled material is not as good as virgin material,” says Yan Wang, a professor of mechanical engineering at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. “Battery companies still hesitate to use recycled material in their batteries.”

  19. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Cells Voltage / Cell Formula Nominal Voltage
    1 cell 3.6V or 3.7V 1 cell x 3.6 or 3.7V 3.6V or 3.7V
    2 cells 3.6V or 3.7V 2 cells x 3.6V or 3.7V 7.2V or 7.4V
    3 cells 3.6V or 3.7V 3 cells x 3.6V or 3.7V 10.8V or 11.1V
    4 cells 3.6V or 3.7V 4 cells x 3.6V or 3.7V 14.4V or 14.8

  20. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Kun akku syttyy, sitä on lähes mahdoton sammuttaa – Tässä pelastajien 10 vinkkiä, joilla ehkäiset katastrofin

    Spekin palontorjuntatekniikan asiantuntija L auri Lehto sanoo, että kotona olisi hyvä miettiä jo etukäteen, miten toimitaan, jos esimerkiksi kännykän akku kuumenee voimakkaasti latauksen aikana.

    – Kuinka ja kuka pystyy reagoimaan? Miten laite saadaan pois latauksesta ja löytyykö sille turvallista paikkaa, johon sen voi nopeasti siirtää viilentymään, neuvoo Lehto pohtimaan asioita jo ennakolta.

    Lehdon mukaan vesi olisi tehokkain tapa sammuttamisessa

    – Palavan laitteen kuljettaminen paikkaan, jossa sen saisi upotettua veteen, ei ole ihan yksinkertaista, Lehto jatkaa.

    TURVALLISUUS- ja kemikaalivirasto (Tukes) ja Pelastusopisto testasivat erilaisia litiumioniakkupalon sammutusmenetelmiä aiemmin tänä vuonna. Testeissä kävi ilmi, että akkupalon sammuttaminen on hyvin vaikeaa ja riskialtista.

    Akkupalo tuottaa runsaasti myrkyllisiä kaasuja ja mahdollisia voimakkaita tulisuihkuja tai purkauksia. Liekit, suihkupalot, kipinät ja heitteet voivat sytyttää muita lähellä olevia materiaaleja.

    – Jos akku tai laite toimii latauksessa omituisesti, pitää outoa ääntä, kuumenee tai pullistuu, sen voi yrittää siirtää turvalliseen paikaan jäähtymään. Jos latauksessa oleva laite syttyy tuleen, ensin pitäisi yrittää irrottaa laite latauksesta, jos se vain suinkin on mahdollista,

  21. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Järjestö varoittaa: akkupaloa on lähes mahdoton sammuttaa

    Ylilataaminen, korkea lämpötila tai kolhu voivat aiheuttaa akkupalon. Palavan akun sammuttaminen on äärimmäisen vaikeaa ja usein mahdollista vain upottamalla palava akku veteen. Suomen Pelastusalan Keskusjärjestö antaa 10 vinkkiä turvalliseen akun käyttöön.

    Tärkeintä olisi pyrkiä ehkäisemään akkupaloja ennalta eli käyttää laitteita huolellisesti ja ladata akkuja turvallisesti. – Kotona olisi hyvä miettiä valmiiksi, kuinka ja kuka pystyy reagoimaan, jos esimerkiksi matkapuhelin kuumenee voimakkaasti latauksen tai käytön aikana. Ja pohtia, miten laite saadaan pois latauksesta ja löytyykö sille turvallista paikkaa, johon sen voi nopeasti siirtää viilentymään, sanoo SPEKin palontorjuntatekniikan asiantuntija Lauri Lehto.

    - Vesi olisi tehokkain tapa sammuttamisessa, mutta palavan laitteen kuljettaminen paikkaan, jossa sen saisi upotettua veteen, ei ole ihan yksinkertaista, Lehto jatkaa.

  22. Tomi Engdahl says:

    DIY: How to revive a dead 18650 (or any) Li-ion battery cell

    Follow up video: Will it blow up? Reviving a dead 18650 Li-ion battery cell

    Note: this is not a permanent way to charge an 18650 cell. The point of this method is just to bring up the voltage of the dead cell to a point that is enough for a real 18650 charger to accept it and charge it properly. When a Li-ion battery does not have high enough voltage, the charger would not charge it. I think the reason is safety because if the voltage is too low

    Also: don’t overdischarge a Li-ion cells down to below 3V especially below the threshold recognized by the charger. Otherwise, it will not live long. The “Goldilocks” zone for a long and healthy Li-ion cell life is between 30% and 90% charge. Too much charge or discharge would be bad for the cell.

    Viewer comments:

    Be vary though. Cells that have been revived like this might overheat and maybe catch fire later down the road.
    I did this with dead cells I had lying around, and two out of 20 cells started to overheat after around 10-15 charge cycles later. One even exploded.
    There is a reason to why chargers don’t allow recharging of deeply discharged cells. It’s simply too risky.

    You should really have some amount of resistance (like a 3V light bulb) in series between the two batteries to limit charge currently (even though it will take longer), as you likely over currenting the battery for a time with possible damage. Even more so if you try to charge a smaller capacity battery from a bigger charged cell, when it could potentially even cause a fire or battery rupture (in the smaller cell). I have an electronics engineering background and having seen lithium battery fires, I recommend treating lithium batteries with great care!

    You can do this with your turnigy charger as well, just set it to NiMH and keep an eye on the voltage, since all you’re really doing is bringing the voltage back up, the best part is chargers like your turnigy will let you trickle a small amount of charge to give it the best chance of revival without too much heat.

    another easier option is to use the nickle metal hydride setting on your charger and then charger low LIPO. Watch as the voltage will rise to over 3.7 volts. Then stop charge and start a new cycle of LIion charge.

  23. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Can We Recycle Lithium-Ion Batteries?
    from the recharge-then-recycle dept.
    There’s a problem with the lithium (Li) ion batteries used in electric cars and for energy storage. The BBC reports that the most widely-used methods for battery recycling won’t work nearly as well, since Li batteries are “larger, heavier, much more complex and even dangerous if taken apart wrong.”

  24. Tomi Engdahl says:

    New Supercapacitors will replace Batteries? Stress Testing LICs (Lithium-Ion Capacitors)

    In this video we will be having a closer look at a new type of supercapacitor. They are called Lithium-Ion Capacitor or LIC and they have some things in common with the well known Lithium-Ion batteries. But will they replace them? What advantages & disadvantages do they come with? When to use them? Let’s find out.

    0:00 Big Advantage of Supercapacitors
    1:43 Intro
    2:47 Lithium Ion Capacitor Basics
    5:08 Comparison Supercap, LIC, Batteries
    6:09 Stress Testing LICs (Current Limit)
    7:12 LICs Application
    8:40 Final Verdict

  25. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Scavenging rechargeable lithium cells from the roadside

    While I’m not a huge fan of using lithium cells a single time and then discarding them, I’m fine with a free source of rechargeable cells lying on the ground.
    These popular disposable inhaler devices are based around the same circuitry as the fully rechargeable ones, simply because it’s the cheapest way to make them.
    I guess some people just want a quick easy fix and these Chinese made devices cater to that market.

    If you’re willing to finger things that people have had in their mouth (Like coffee shop cups and pub glasses) then popping these devices open usually reveals a very useful rechargeable cell with a rating of between 250mAh to 600mAh. Perfect for replacing spent or faulty cells in many devices, noting that the salvaged cells don’t have the usual protection PCB for overcharge, discharge and current protection. As long as the device they are used in has charge control on the PCB to limit the charge to 4.2V, then it should be fine. You could also stick a cell to one of the many TP4056 charge controller PCBs if you want the full works.

  26. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Rechargeable Battery is One Long Filament—and You Can Cut It as Needed
    Jan. 13, 2022
    This rechargeable battery is fabricated as an arbitrarily long, drawn-out string and can be cut without damage or leakage.

    What you’ll learn:

    The unique concept of a rechargeable battery made as a thin fiber.
    How the battery is fabricated using conventional fiber-drawing techniques.
    Details of the electrical and mechanical performance of this fiber battery.
    Some of the unusual demonstration apps for this battery.

  27. Tomi Engdahl says:


    Katso video ja tutustu miten Stena Nordic Recycling Center -laitoksella kierrätetään sähkölaitteiden pienakkuja. Lajitteluprosessin aikana akuista pystytään erottelemaan raaka-aineita uusien akkujen valmistusta varten.

  28. Tomi Engdahl says:

    In the age of smartphones and electric cars, lithium-ion #batteries are used everywhere. Europe will need 60 times more lithium by 2050 and scientists think they have found a cheaper and more accessible alternative in #calcium. Let’s find out more

  29. Tomi Engdahl says:


    Näin Stena Recycling käsittelee sähköajoneuvojen akkuja. Videolla pääset tutustumaan prosessin eri vaiheisiin mm. akkujen analysointiin, latauksen purkamiseen ja akkujen ohjaamiseen joko uudelleenkäyttöön tai kierrätykseen.

  30. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Striving for a Safer Lithium Battery
    March 25, 2022
    Liquid electrolyte, solid electrolyte, or a combination of the two: Which is safest?

    Solid-state batteries, currently used in small electronic devices such as smart watches, could be safer and more powerful than lithium-ion batteries for electric cars, storing energy from solar panels and other applications. However, several technical challenges stand in the way of solid-state batteries becoming more useful.

    A team of researchers at Sandia National Laboratories is tackling one of these challenges—the assumption that adding some liquid electrolyte to improve performance would make solid-state batteries unsafe. After studying the issue, the team found that in many cases solid-state batteries with a little liquid electrolyte are safer than lithium-ion versions. It also discovered that solid-state batteries, once thought to be extremely safe, will put out dangerous amounts of heat if they short-circuit.

    Solid-state batteries are somewhat like lithium-ion batteries. Both have lithium ions moving from one side of the battery to the other while electrons flow through a circuit to power the device. But in lithium-ion batteries, the liquid electrolyte helps the ions move quickly.

  31. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The Great Lithium Lie – How You Are Being Misled About Lithium Batteries (Lithium vs Lead Acid)

    Don’t believe everything you see or read on the internet. In this case, there is a very deceiving statement that is popular on numerous websites that will mislead you if you aren’t careful. In this video, we will briefly touch on this lie about lithium vs lead acid, where it comes from, and what you should believe instead.

  32. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Solid-State Batteries Are Here and They’re Going to Change How We Live
    The new lithium cells can last 25 years, charge an electric vehicle in minutes, and can’t start on fire

  33. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Litiumille löytyi korvaaja

    Litiumioniakut ovat tällä hetkellä suosituin tekniikka sähköajoneuvojen virtalähteenä, mutta ne ovat liian kalliita pitkäkestoisiin verkkomittakaavaisiin energian varastointijärjestelmiin. Houstonin yliopistossa on kehitetty litiumille korvaajaa ja se löytyy natriumin ja rikin yhdistelmästä.

    Vaikka litiumilla on monia etuja kuten korkea energiatiheys ja kapasiteetti, on litiumkarbonaatin hinta nyt kaikkien aikojen korkeimmalla tasolla. Kustannusten nousuun vaikuttavat pandemiaan liittyvät toimitusketjun pullonkaulat, Venäjän ja Ukrainan välinen konflikti sekä yritysten lisääntynyt kysyntä. Lisäksi monet hallitukset epäröivät uusien litiumkaivoksien perustamista.

    Houstonin yliopiston sähkö- ja tietokonetekniikan professori Yan Yao (kuvassa vas.) ja hänen kollegansa kehittivät homogeenisen lasimaisen elektrolyytin, joka mahdollistaa aiempaa suuremman virtatiheyden. – Kiinteiden elektrolyyttien natriumakkujen on samanaikaisesti oltava edullisia, helposti valmistettavia ja mekaanisesti ja kemiallisesti stabiileja, Yao sanoo.

    Tähän mennessä yksikään kiinteä natriumelektrolyytti ei ole kyennyt täyttämään kaikkia näitä neljää vaatimusta samanaikaisesti. Yaon tiimin tutkijat löysivät uudenlaisen oksisulfidilasielektrolyytin, joka täyttää kaikki nämä vaatimukset samanaikaisesti. Elektrolyyttien luomiseen huoneenlämpötilassa käytettiin korkeaenergistä kuulajauhatusprosessia.

    - Oksisulfidilasilla on selkeä mikrorakenne, mikä johtaa täysin homogeeniseen lasirakenteeseen. Natriummetallin ja elektrolyytin välisessä rajapinnassa kiinteä elektrolyytti muodostaa itsestään passivoivan välivaiheen

  34. Tomi Engdahl says:

    University at Buffalo Engineers Create New Material to Monitor Remaining Battery Life
    The lithium-ion battery uses a special material at one end: a compound whose magnetism changes as lithium ions enter or leave it.


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