Microphone videos

Here is a collection of interesting videos on microphones and microphone technologies:

Audio 101: Microphones

Dynamic vs Condenser Microphones, What’s the Difference?

Audio recording tutorial: The different microphone types | lynda.com

XLR vs USB Microphones, Which Should You Buy?

$22 MICROPHONE VS $3600 MICROPHONE | Andrew Huang

Voice-over Microphone || DIY or Buy

How a Neumann U87 microphone is manufactured

How to Make Your Own DIY U87 Vintage Condenser Mic

Soyuz Video #3 Capsules

The Soyuz SU-019 FET Microphone

MKH-416 counterfeit mic teardown


Disassembly – Taking apart the BM-100FX Microphone.

BEST Budget USB Microphone!? | FIFINE Honest Review

Why the Blue Yeti Sucks

Why the Blue Yeti Su cks | Pro Audio Engineer Responds

Do XLR to USB Cables Work?

Samson USB GO Mic Teardown

BM-800 Microphone Review / Teardown

Teardown of the Blue Yeti Microphone

Samson c01u usb microphone test + look inside

A quick teardown on the Samson Go Mic USB studio microphone for laptops and tablets

Samson C01U USB Mic Teardown (part of the article)

Random Teardown #001: Blue Snowball Ice Microphone


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The Best USB Microphones for 2023
    Don’t rely on the wimpy microphone built into your phone or laptop. Here’s how to find the top USB mic for gaming, podcasting, or recording music along with our top picks.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Checking out a USB microphone

    I’ve been covering microphones and their accessories a fair bit lately, so I thought it’d be fun to take one apart and see what’s inside. Not just any old mic with an XLR, TRS or other analog output, mind you; I also wanted my dissection to circuitry-comprehend the ADC (analog to digital) stage, too. Though, at the mainstream (translation: low price) point I was focusing on, I fully expected that not all of the electronics bits:

    Phantom power
    would end up wrapped up in a single chip.

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Mini Shotgun Mic
    Building a Shotgun Microphone from scratch. From Modifing an electret capsule to building an interference tube.

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Ääniteknikko laittoi mikin Bessin rintojen väliin – laulajalta raivokas ulostulo: ”Miten v*tus nää jotku äijät on niin v*tun moukkia”!

    Laulaja Bess (oik. Essi Launimo) on julkaissut Instagram-tilillään tulenkatkuisen päivityksen, jossa hän väittää joutuneensa seksuaalisen ahdistelun uhriksi.

    Hän kertoo tilanteen tapahtuneen tv-kuvausten kulisseissa.

    – Oli jo aivan liian mones kerta, et tv-kuvauksis miesoletettu ääniteknikko laittaa pokkana sormensa ja sen klipsimikin tarpeettomasti suoraa mun rintojen väliin, Bess aloittaa.

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The transformer is there for a reason. Without the transformer, the output level will drop about 10dB, (ie about 0.6mV/Pa) which is desperately low. The source impedance will also drop considerably, and that will have an affect on the perceived tonal balance — in much the same way as using a high input-impedance mic preamp on a standard SM58.
    The alternative, is to replace the stock transformer with a ‘better’ one.
    Source: https://www.soundonsound.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=9867

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    SM58 and SM57

    The transformer is there for a reason. Without the transformer, the output level will drop about 10dB, (ie about 0.6mV/Pa) which is desperately low. The source impedance will also drop considerably, and that will have an affect on the perceived tonal balance — in much the same way as using a high input-impedance mic preamp on a standard SM58.
    The alternative, is to replace the stock transformer with a ‘better’ one.
    Source: https://www.soundonsound.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=9867

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    This Is What’s Actually Playing In Singers’ Earpieces – And We’re Horrified

    Yep! According to singer Alex Porat, some musicians hear what’s known as a “click track,” which is sometimes overlain on their song ― and sometimes heard as-is.

  8. Tomi Engdahl7 says:

    You could use a headphone as a microphone.
    You can use a speaker element as a microphone also.

    Instead of explaining, here’s a link.

    Building a DIY subkick

  9. Tomi Engdahl7 says:

    How to Build a Sub Kick // Low Frequency Speaker Microphone | LearnAudioEngineering.com

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:



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