Windows 10 links

Here are links to some links to maybe useful Windows 10 information:


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    FREE Windows Apps You Should be Using (who thought these are ACTUALLY FREE?!)

    These are my 5 favorite Windows Apps & Software that are free of cost. Everything from annotating PDF files, to syncing your backup data, creating separate tabs in windows explorer and even viewing S.M.A.R.T. data of your hard drive. 5 useful Windows apps every Windows 10 user needs.

    Some of these free apps are available in the Microsoft Store. Some can be downloaded from other links. See the links below.

    00:00 FREE Programs that EVERY Windows PC Should Have
    00:15 Drawboard PDF
    01:54 QTTabBar
    03:14 CrystalDiskInfo
    04:32 FreeFileSync
    06:45 VLC Media Player
    07:51 Wrap Up

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Windows-tietokoneen säätämiseen tulossa iso helpotus

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    40 Windows Commands you NEED to know (in 10 Minutes)

    Here are the top 40 Windows Command Prompt commands you need to know!! From using ipconfig to check your IP Address to using the shutdown command to automatically boot to bios, these commands are essential for any Windows user. Also, is your computer running slow? We show a series of commands that will speed up your computer without having to reinstall Windows. All of these commands should work on Windows 10 and Windows 11 and all you need to do is launch your windows command prompt (cmd).

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Microsoft’s PC Manager app submitted to Microsoft Store, though it’s still hidden
    By Sean Endicott published 22 days ago
    Microsoft’s PC Manager app allows users to manage storage, control which apps run at startup, and optimize systems in other ways.

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The latest Windows 10 update can cause a blue screen at startup, but there’s a fix
    Microsoft has acknowledged an issue with the most recent update, but thankfully, there’s a workaround available to resolve it.

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    One of the few features I missed from macOS is Quick Look. It allows users to peek into a file content in lightning speed by just pressing the Space key. Windows, on the other hand, does not have this handy feature … until now!

    I am aware that several alternatives are already available on the Internet (e.g. WinQuickLook and Seer).

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Porkkana ei toiminut, joten seuraavaksi Windows-käyttäjät saavat maistaa keppiä
    Windows 10:n tukiaika tulee päätökseen 25. lokakuuta 2025, ja Microsoftilla on paljon pohdittavaa.

    Microsoft haluaa käyttäjien siirtyvän Windows 11:n pariin, mutta monilta se ei onnistu. Windows 11:n laitevaatimukset ovat kovat, eivätkä niitä täytä edes kaikki uudemmat laitteet.

    Asiaa ei helpota myöskään Windows 10:n jättiläismäinen käyttöosuus, joka huitelee lähes 70 prosentissa. Windows 11:n vastaava osuus on noin 27 prosenttia, IT Pro -sivusto kirjoittaa.

    Microsoft on luvannut, että myös tavalliset kuluttaja-asiakkaat saavat jatkotukea Windows 10:lle. Tavalliselle kuluttajille jatkettu tukiaika tulee mitä todennäköisimmin olemaan maksullista, mutta hinnat saattavat olla hieman edullisempia.

    Yrityksiltä yhtiö aikoo kuitenkin lypsää rahaa melkoisesti, sillä Microsoftin julkaisemien hintojen mukaan jatkettu tuki kustantaa 61 dollaria eli noin 57 euroa per tietokone per vuosi. Kustannuksia lisää reilusti se, että myöhemmin kelkkaan mukaan hyppäävät joutuvat maksamaan myös aiemmat päivitykset.

    Microsoft on toistaiseksi pyrkinyt ohjaamaan Windows 10 -käyttäjiä Windows 11:n pariin lisäämällä käyttöjärjestelmään monia kiinnostavia ominaisuuksia, kuten Copilot-tekoälyn.

    New Windows 10 prices show Microsoft is getting desperate in pushing users to the latest operating system

    The firm has extended support for the operating system, but the hefty price tags show it’s keen to push users to Windows 11

    Microsoft will be doubling the price of its Extended Security Updates (ESU) every year after Windows 10 reaches end-of-support in 2025, signaling a desperate push to prompt upgrades to Windows 11.

    Once support runs out on 14 October 2025, organizations will have to pay $61 for the first year of updates, followed by an increase to $122 for the second year and $244 in the third year.

    This yearly price doubling will run for a maximum of up to three years, Microsoft confirmed, though users who enter the program after 2025 will have to pay for any years’ pricing they missed.

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Still have a Windows 10 PC? You have 5 options before support ends next year
    Microsoft will officially end support for its most popular operating system in a little over a year. Here’s what you should do with your Windows 10 PCs before that day arrives

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Consumers won’t be offered all three years of extended Windows 10 security updates
    Home users can opt in for a single year of updates at $30 per PC—not 3 years.


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