
All about electronics and circuit design

Art of Photographing at Olympics and Zero-G

Here are links to some interesting articles on professional photography. The Inside Story of How Olympic Photographers Get Such Stunning Images article tells how the AP and Getty Images, two of the biggest photo agencies on the scene, get their incredible photos from the Olympics to the United States. Digital photography has completely changed the

Cybersecurity framework for critical infrastructure

White House pushes cybersecurity framework for critical infrastructure article tells that U.S. President Barack Obama’s administration has releases a new cybersecurity framework. It aims to help operators of critical infrastructure develop comprehensive cybersecurity programs. It tries to drive changes in the way organizations deal with cybersecurity, which is not always in good shape based constant flow of

Cheap USB microscope on test

When electronics gets smaller and smaller, you first need a magnifier and sometimes a microscope. There are cheap small microscopes like one I used in my DIY fiber optic microscope article. The downside of traditional microscopes and those cheap small pocket microscopes is that you have to stay curved over the target sample to use

Friday Fun: Mobile fish tank

Hackaday told some days ago that a machine vision company Studio diip based in The Netherlands has created  an interesting fish on wheels, a robotic car controlled by a goldfish. The system appears to work pretty well on the video. This is quite funny looking system. A Logitech 9X0 series camera captures overhead images of the

Linux TTY

The TTY subsystem is central to the design of Linux, and UNIX in general. The TTY system in Linux is a throwback to when computers first because interactive in real-time,but is still very much relevant today. Unfortunately, its importance is often overlooked, and it is difficult to find good introductory articles about it. The TTY

My firewall was a security risk

Diffrent DNS vulnerabilities and DNS amplification attacks have been on network security news lately. Yesterday I got e-mail from my ISP Elisa that I had an open DNS server running on my Internet connection, and it should be immediately disabled (someone had reported on problems with this). I was wondering what was happening, because none

HTTP security headers

I just some days ago checked some interesting articles on HTTP security. It really seems that I should look more into those HTTP security headers. 4 HTTP Security headers you should always be using article tells that because HTTP is an extensible protocol browsers have pioneered some useful headers to prevent or increase the difficulty

Shell script testing

Some time ago I had to test several shell scripts how they affect the running environment on Linux. I ended up writing this simple script to help testing. This example script runs testsubject.sh script, and shows changes to enviroment variables the script causes. !/bin/bash # # Script to handle file sending to server # env

Friday fun: If services were built earlier?

Ten years ago this week, on 4 February 2004, Mark Zuckerberg changed the course of western socialisation by putting thefacebook.com on the internet. Mark Zuckerberg’s greatest achievement isn’t financial or technical: Facebook has turned its users into networks of anxious spies. What if Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Angry Birds were built much earlier in the

ePanorama to social media integration steps

I have  done some integration from ePanorama.net to some of the most popular social media services: Twitter and Facebook. You can find ePanorama.net now at Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/epanoramanet and you can find ePanorama.net also on Twitter at https://twitter.com/epanoramanet. I have used Twitter for a long time, but earlier I has to post information new postings