World Emoji Day

For World Emoji Day, the Unicode Consortium redesigns its site to be more user-friendly | TechCrunch

The World Emoji Day is on Wednesday, July 17.

For it Apple and Google had announced plans to bring an expanded set of emoji to their respective platforms.

The Unicode Consortium, the nonprofit organization responsible for determining which emoji get the green light, is relaunching an updated website design at


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Gen Z Declares the Thumbs-Up Emoji Too ‘Passive Aggressive’
    Each generation comes with its quirks, and Gen Z is no exception. While we might not understand all their preferences and behaviors, learning about them can help bridge the gap and keep us in the loop.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The unbearable rudeness of the thumbs up emoji
    It tells me you can’t be bothered

    For those of us who panic at blankness, the thumb is psychological botulism

    Her advice was clever. The thumbs up was clearly cold, oozing with disdain and passive aggression, but was unassailable – you can’t tell someone to calm down, or accuse them of being over the top, or emotionally incontinent if they send a thumbs up. It says: ‘I don’t care because you’re beneath caring’. I


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