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Sony PlayStation Teardown

Celebrating the console’s 25th birthday in style, iFixit makes PlayStation teardown,breaks out the DualShock controllers and the screwdrivers reports The detailed tear-down is available now on the iFixit website. For those interested in the inner workings of the original PlayStation the company also has a service guide.

Unix at 50

We are celebrating 50 years of Unix. For very many computer people Unix started it all. Some operating system elicit emotions of love and affection…. And Unix is one of them. Unix  is a family of multitasking, multiuser computer operating systems that derive from the original AT&T Unix. Unix was originally meant to be a

VGA to SCART adapters

Some time ago I saw  The ultimate VGA to SCART adapter project at Hackaday with description: Accurate recreation of vintage arcades is becoming increasingly difficult. CRT monitors are rare nowadays and, even if you find one, it will probably not support the 15.7Khz horizontal frequency used by many old arcades. A good alternative is a

Quantum Supremacy Achieved ?

Quantum computers has been on news a lot lately. Scientists claim to have achieved “quantum supremacy”, a breakthrough that could change computing history. But has that breakthrough really happened or not? Google Confirms Achieving Quantum Supremacy Google scientists confirmed in a blog post that their quantum computer had needed just 200 seconds to solve

Indie Retro News: Internet Archive adds over 2,500 Dos games to play in your Browser! “The Archive” has had for years a massive game list from the 1970′s through to the 1990′s from systems such as the CPC, NES, MSX. They are all emulated in JSMAME in web browser. The list contains hundreds of games. Well they’ve just gone one big step further by listing over 2,500 DOS games.

Stibitz demonstrates remote computing, September 11, 1940

Interesting historical facts according to–September-11–1940: George Stibitz of Bell Telephone Laboratories used his Complex Number Calculator (CNC) to demonstrate remote computing for the first time on September 11, 1940. Stibitz was among a handful of engineers across the globe designing machines that involved using relays to implement binary logic at the time. You can

Big Blue Open Sources Power Chip Instruction Set With a big injection of open source spirit from its acquisition of Red Hat, IBM is finally taking the next step and open sourcing the instruction set architecture of its Power family of processors. IBM announced the release of the POWER instruction set architecture (ISA) as an open standard at the OpenPOWER Summit

Object-Oriented Programming  —  The Trillion Dollar Disaster OOP is considered by many to be the crown jewel of computer science. The ultimate solution to code organization. The end to all our problems. This article argued that in many cases it is far from it. IT was supposed to improve code organization, but the bitter truth according to this article is that