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Netscape Navigator turned 20

Netscape Navigator – the browser that started it all – turns 20 article tells that it was 20 years ago today, Marc Andreeesen taught the band to play: Netscape Navigator, the browser credited with taking the World Wide Web into the mainstream, was released twenty years ago yesterday, on October 13th 1994. The anniversary celebrated

My PC speaker PWM story

Here is another story from the same era (early 1990′s). It is a continuation to my LPT DAC story. Before PC sound cards became popular, around same time as LPT DAC circuits became popular, PC speaker was also used to play back digital audio. Software (game and other) wanted to have the option to use

My LPT DAC story

Hackaday featured today LPT DAC circuit. Back in the olden days, around 25 years ago, sound cards were rare on PCs. One hack those days was the original Covox Speech Thing, that connected a simple DAC to to PC parallel port. The Covox Speech Thing (also known as Covox plug) was an external audio device


Spintronics is an emerging technology exploiting both the intrinsic spin of the electron and its associated magnetic moment, in addition to its fundamental electronic charge, in solid-state devices. Spintronics differs from the older magnetoelectronics, in that the spins are not only manipulated by magnetic fields, but also by electrical fields. Spintronics emerged from discoveries in

Oculus open-sources original Rift

This is a cool addition to open sourced hardware announcements: Oculus open-sources original Rift developer kit’s firmware, schematics, and mechanics. When Oculus DK2 out, Oculus decided it was time to put out the DK1 virtual reality kit technical details to the community. Kicking off the Oculus Connect conference in Los Angeles this weekend, Oculus’s Nirav Launched Code Studio

There are many initiatives to get people to know basics of programming. The current thinking seems to be that anybody can learn to code if concepts are introduced in the right way.‘s mission is to get coding into curriculums for students. It is known for example on projects like Computer Science Education Week and