
Coputer topics

Computers at the International Space Station

The International Space Station (ISS) isn’t just an orbiting laboratory, spaceship testing-ground and multinational geek-fest — it’s also the world’s highest (250 miles) and fastest (17,500mph) computer network. Tracking and Data Relay Satellites (TDRS) allow constant radio communications in the S- and Ku-band, while UHF signals are used to talk with the Space Shuttle and

Linux for netbooks

Some users believe that Windows is the best netbook OS. You might have read countless Microsoft-funded “studies” trying to persuade that Windows is already dominating the netbook space. Linux is not going anywhere but up in the netbook market. 10 reasons Linux should be your netbook operating system article lists reasons why Linux is a

Power Everything with USB

9 Kick-Ass DIY Projects to Get Your Hack On article on web site starts with instructions how to alter a non-USB gadget so that it can be run off of USB power from your computer. The article shows you how to use USB to power a desk fan and book-light lamp.

Cardboard case for a computer

Grad student at the University of Houston who has designed a cardboard case for a computer. This is not a new concept, but this one is meant to be used in manufacture. The idea is that it will be faster and easier to produce (no fasteners for example) and dramatically easier to recycle. Houston Chronicle

Augmented Reality in a Contact Lens

Researches are developing a new generation of contact lenses built with very small circuits and LEDs. They promises bionic eyesight in the future. Bionanotechnology researcher Babak A Parviz writes about his research toward producing a computer interface in a contact lens at IEEE Spectrum article Augmented Reality in a Contact Lens. The author states that,

See inside PC parts

You may know what the inside of a PC looks like, but what about the parts which make up your PC components? Your Hardware Exposed! 22 PC Parts Bare All article has pictures what is inside hard drives, keyboards, soundcards, and a plethora of other PC hardware. Just to see what makes them tick.

Open Source Licenses

Open Source Licenses document Zack Rusin published at KDE web site gives a good overview of different open source licenses. Here you can find the most important details of the most commonly used open source licenses in a very compact easy to understand format.

Google’s Chiller-less Data Center

Google (GOOG) has begun operating a data center in Belgium that has no chillers to support its cooling systems. Google’s Chiller-less Data Center is an article that describes Google elimination of chillers in its data center in Belgium. The facility relies entirely on free air cooling. The maximum temperature in Brussels during summer is lower