Virtual reality

Animals drive and play for science

There’s an amusing joke about some fish in a tank, idly wondering how they drive it. this can be tested by building them an FOV (fish-operated vehicle). Fish Discover How To Drive Raspberry Pi Powered Tank and These fish can drive their tank to get treats tell how scientists have taught fish to drive their

Virtual taste and smell

You can now add a virtual taste anf smell to a tasteless snack! Meiji University in Japan has developed a taste display that can artificially recreate any flavor by triggering the five different tastes on a user’s tongue. Researchers can also create virtual smells by electrocuting your nose. Electric Chopsticks Add Salty Flavor Where None

Smartglasses shoot lasers directly into the retina

Cyberpunk 2020! Omg lasers directly into the retina! Lol! Whew. I think I’ll skip this one, but it is super rad. Check out this article: Bosch Gets Smartglasses Right With Tiny Eyeball Lasers A tiny laser array paints images directly onto your retina “Lightweight and slim, with a completely transparent display that’s brightly visible

Bright spots in the VR market | TechCrunch Virtual reality is in a public relations slump. Two years ago the public’s expectations for virtual reality’s potential was at its peak. But still today the holistic VR experience is still a non-starter for most people. Can we extrapolate beyond the current state of affairs to a magnificent future where the utility of virtual

VR/AR/MR, what’s the difference? Since the beginning of time, most new and emerging technology has nurtured an unhealthy attachment to acronyms, and virtual reality is no different. This article tells the basics of VR, AR and MR.

Virtual reality with smells and taste will meet synthetic food

The 6 Creepiest Lies the Food Industry is Feeding You article claims that the food industry is based almost entirely on a series of lies that most of us just prefer to believe. Everything we love to eat is a scam article tells that pretty much on the same line. So how easy is to

Finnish startup developing ‘human-eye resolution’ VR and XR writes: “Varjo Technologies, the Finnish startup that made a splash earlier this year with news it had developed a virtual reality headset capable of “human-eye resolution,” has raised $31 million in Series B funding.” Varjo (shadow) aims to bring to market “the world’s first” human-eye resolution virtual reality (VR) and mixed reality (XR) product.

Google publicly launches ARCore 1.0 on 13 phones, will begin expanding Lens preview | TechCrunch With ARCore’s launch, developers are now able to put their own augmented reality (AR) creations into the Play Store and users able to take a first shot at phone. Just a small subset of all of the Android phones out there today. Google has already been working with companies like Snap, Sony, Wayfare, Porsche

Arduino and Unity3D Interactive Experience – Arduino Project Hub This looks like an interesting project to connect any Arduino interface to Unity3D.  In transmitting data from Arduino to Unity3D, usually the main issue is INSANE LATENCY. With wmrhl you should be able to connect any Arduino interface to Unity3D, and it’s completely open source at

5 Google ARCore Experiments That Inject Magic into Everyday Life – Road to VR Google just released a preview version of ARCore for Android as the company’s answer to Apple’s ARKit. Since ARKit was released a few months ago, we’ve seen a bevy of really cool experiments and potential apps to come from developers from all over the world, but now it’s ARCore’s turn to shine.